| mixin newPaneButton(classId, text, title, icon) |
| button(class="dropdown-item btn btn-sm btn-light " + classId title=title data-cy="new-" + classId + "-btn") |
| span(class="dropdown-icon " + icon) |
| | #{text} |
| |
| #compiler |
| .top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") |
| .btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group" aria-label="Compiler picker") |
| .input-group |
| .input-group-prepend |
| .input-group |
| select.compiler-picker |
| .input-group-append |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.input-group-text.prepend-options(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button" title="All compilation options") |
| span.status-icon |
| input.options.form-control(type="text" placeholder="Compiler options..." size="256" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false") |
| .input-group-append.populararguments(title="Popular arguments") |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.btn-outline-secondary.dropdown-toggle.dropdown-toggle-split.popular-arguments-btn(type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false") |
| span.sr-only Popular arguments |
| div.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right |
| button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-light.btn-sm |
| .argmenuitem |
| span.argtitle Detailed Compiler Flags |
| span.argdescription Open a new window to edit verbose compiler flags |
| include ../../font-size |
| .btn-group.btn-group-sm.filters(role="group") |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle(type="button" title="Compiler output options" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Change how the compiler's output is generated") |
| span.fas.fa-cog |
| span.hideable Output... |
| .dropdown-menu |
| include ../../options-output |
| .btn-group.btn-group-sm.filters(role="group") |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle(type="button" title="Compiler output filters" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Change how the compiler output is filtered") |
| span.fas.fa-filter |
| span.hideable Filter... |
| .dropdown-menu |
| include ../../options-filters |
| .btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group" aria-label="Compiler additions") |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.show-libs(title="Include libs" aria-label="Toggle libraries dropdown") |
| span.fas.fa-book |
| span.dp-text.hideable Libraries |
| .btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group") |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle.add-pane(type="button" title="Add a new pane" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Add new element for this compiler" data-cy="new-compiler-dropdown-btn") |
| span.fas.fa-plus |
| span.hideable Add new... |
| .dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right.new-pane-dropdown(data-cy="new-compiler-pane-dropdown") |
| +newPaneButton("add-compiler", "Clone Compiler", "Clone this compiler window (click or drag)", "far fa-clone") |
| +newPaneButton("create-executor", "Executor From This", "Create executor from this compiler", "fas fa-microchip") |
| +newPaneButton("view-optimization", "Optimization", "Show optimization output", "fas fa-weight") |
| +newPaneButton("view-pp", "Preprocessor", "Show preprocessor output", "fas fa-hashtag") |
| +newPaneButton("view-ast", "AST", "Show AST output", "fas fa-leaf") |
| +newPaneButton("view-ir", "LLVM IR", "Show LLVM Intermediate Representation", "fas fa-align-center") |
| +newPaneButton("view-llvm-opt-pipeline", "LLVM Opt Pipeline", "Show LLVM optimization pipeline output", "fas fa-compass") |
| +newPaneButton("view-device", "Device", "Show device output", "fas fa-tv") |
| +newPaneButton("view-rustmir", "Rust MIR", "Show Rust Mid-level Intermediate Representation", "fas fa-water") |
| +newPaneButton("view-rusthir", "Rust HIR", "Show Rust High-level Intermediate Representation", "fas fa-arrows-alt") |
| +newPaneButton("view-rustmacroexp", "Rust Macro Expansion", "Show Rust macro expansion", "fas fa-arrows-alt") |
| +newPaneButton("view-haskellCore", "GHC Core", "Show GHC Core Intermediate Representation", "fas fa-water") |
| +newPaneButton("view-haskellStg", "GHC STG", "Show GHC STG Intermediate Representation", "fas fa-water") |
| +newPaneButton("view-haskellCmm", "GHC Cmm", "Show GHC Cmm Intermediate Representation", "fas fa-water") |
| +newPaneButton("view-gccdump", "GCC Tree/RTL", "Show GCC Tree/RTL dump", "fas fa-tree") |
| +newPaneButton("view-gnatdebugtree", "GNAT Debug Tree", "Show GNAT debug tree", "fas fa-tree") |
| +newPaneButton("view-gnatdebug", "GNAT Debug Expanded Code", "Show GNAT debug expanded code", "fas fa-tree") |
| +newPaneButton("view-cfg", "Control Flow Graph", "Show assembly control flow graphs", "fas fa-exchange-alt") |
| .btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group") |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle.add-tool(type="button" title="Add tool" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Add tooling to this editor and compiler") |
| span.fas.fa-screwdriver |
| span.hideable Add tool... |
| .dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right.new-tool-dropdown |
| .monaco-placeholder |
| .bottom-bar.bg-light |
| if !embedded |
| .btn-group.btn-group-sm |
| .input-group |
| .input-group-prepend |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.clear-cache(title="Clear cache & recompile") |
| span.fas.fa-redo |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.output-btn(data-cy="new-output-pane-btn") |
| span.fas.fa-receipt.status-text |
| | Output |
| span.output-count |
| | ( |
| span.text-count |
| | 0 |
| | / |
| span.err-count |
| | 0 |
| | ) |
| span.short-compiler-name.mr-1 |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.full-compiler-name(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button") |
| span.fas.fa-info |
| span.compile-info.mr-1(title="Compilation info") |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.full-timing-info(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button") |
| span.fas.fa-chart-bar |
| button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.compiler-license(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button") |
| span Compiler License |