| NODE_DIR?=/opt/compiler-explorer/node |
| NPM:=$(shell env PATH=$(NODE_DIR)/bin:$(PATH) which npm) |
| NODE:=$(shell env PATH=$(NODE_DIR)/bin:$(PATH) which node || env PATH=$(NODE_DIR)/bin:$(PATH) which nodejs) |
| default: run |
| |
| NODE_VERSION:=$(shell $(NODE) --version) |
| NODE_MAJOR_VERSION:=$(shell echo $(NODE_VERSION) | cut -f1 -d. | sed 's/^v//g') |
| NODE_VERSION_TEST:=$(shell [ $(NODE_MAJOR_VERSION) -eq $(NODE_VERSION_USED) ] && echo true) |
| NODE_VERSION_TEST_FAIL:=$(shell [ $(NODE_MAJOR_VERSION) -lt $(NODE_VERSION_USED) ] && echo true) |
| |
| ifneq ($(NODE_VERSION_TEST), true) |
| ifeq ($(NODE_VERSION_TEST_FAIL), true) |
| $(error Compiler Explorer needs node v$(NODE_VERSION_USED).x, but $(NODE_VERSION) was found. \ |
| Visit https://nodejs.org/ for installation instructions \ |
| To configure where we look for node, set NODE_DIR to its installation base) |
| else |
| $(warning Compiler Explorer needs node v$(NODE_VERSION_USED).x, but $(NODE_VERSION) was found. \ |
| The higher node version might work but it has not been tested.) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| .PHONY: clean run test run-amazon c-preload optional-haskell-support optional-d-support optional-rust-support |
| .PHONY: dist lint prereqs node_modules bower_modules travis-dist |
| prereqs: optional-haskell-support optional-d-support optional-rust-support node_modules c-preload bower_modules |
| |
| GDC?=gdc |
| DMD?=dmd |
| LDC?=ldc2 |
| ifneq "" "$(shell which $(GDC) 2>/dev/null || which $(DMD) 2>/dev/null || which $(LDC) 2>/dev/null)" |
| optional-d-support: |
| $(MAKE) -C d |
| else |
| optional-d-support: |
| @echo "D language support disabled" |
| endif |
| |
| GHC?=ghc |
| ifneq "" "$(shell which $(GHC))" |
| optional-haskell-support: |
| $(MAKE) -C haskell |
| else |
| optional-haskell-support: |
| @echo "Haskell language support disabled" |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq "" "$(shell which cargo)" |
| rust/bin/rustfilt: rust/src/main.rs rust/Cargo.lock rust/Cargo.toml |
| cd rust && cargo build --release && cargo install --root . --force && cargo clean |
| optional-rust-support: rust/bin/rustfilt |
| else |
| optional-rust-support: |
| @echo "Rust language support disabled" |
| endif |
| |
| |
| NODE_MODULES=.npm-updated |
| $(NODE_MODULES): package.json |
| $(NPM) install |
| @touch $@ |
| |
| BOWER_MODULES=.bower-updated |
| $(BOWER_MODULES): bower.json $(NODE_MODULES) |
| if ! test -f "${BOWER_MODULES}"; then rm -rf static/ext; fi |
| $(NODE) ./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install |
| @touch $@ |
| # Workaround for lack of versioned monaco-editor in bower |
| rm -rf static/ext/monaco-editor |
| cp -r node_modules/monaco-editor static/ext/ |
| |
| lint: $(NODE_MODULES) |
| $(NODE) ./node_modules/.bin/jshint --config etc/jshintrc.server app.js $(shell find lib -name '*.js') |
| $(NODE) ./node_modules/.bin/jshint --config etc/jshintrc.client $(shell find static -name '*.js' -not -path 'static/ext/*' -not -path static/analytics.js) |
| |
| LANG:=C++ |
| |
| node_modules: $(NODE_MODULES) |
| bower_modules: $(BOWER_MODULES) |
| |
| test: $(NODE_MODULES) lint |
| $(MAKE) -C c-preload test |
| @echo Tests pass |
| |
| clean: |
| rm -rf bower_modules node_modules .npm-updated .bower-updated out static/ext |
| $(MAKE) -C d clean |
| $(MAKE) -C c-preload clean |
| |
| run: prereqs |
| $(NODE) ./node_modules/.bin/supervisor -w app.js,lib,etc/config -e 'js|node|properties' --exec $(NODE) $(NODE_ARGS) -- ./app.js --language $(LANG) $(EXTRA_ARGS) |
| |
| HASH := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) |
| dist: prereqs |
| rm -rf out/dist |
| $(NODE) ./node_modules/requirejs/bin/r.js -o app.build.js |
| # Move all assets to a versioned directory |
| echo $(HASH) > out/dist/git_hash |
| mkdir -p out/dist/v/$(HASH) |
| mv out/dist/main.js* out/dist/v/$(HASH)/ |
| mv out/dist/explorer.css out/dist/v/$(HASH)/ |
| mv out/dist/assets/ out/dist/v/$(HASH)/ |
| mv out/dist/themes/ out/dist/v/$(HASH)/ |
| # copy any external references into the directory too |
| cp -r $(shell pwd)/out/dist/ext out/dist/v/$(HASH)/ext |
| # uglify requirejs itself |
| $(NODE) ./node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs out/dist/v/$(HASH)/ext/requirejs/require.js \ |
| -c \ |
| --output out/dist/v/$(HASH)/ext/requirejs/require.js \ |
| --source-map out/dist/v/$(HASH)/ext/requirejs/require.js.map \ |
| --source-map-url require.js.map \ |
| --source-map-root //v/$(HASH)/ext/requirejs \ |
| --prefix 6 |
| |
| travis-dist: dist |
| tar --exclude './out/compilers' --exclude './.git' --exclude './static' --exclude './out/dist/ext' -Jcf /tmp/ce-build.tar.xz . |
| rm -rf out/dist-bin |
| mkdir -p out/dist-bin |
| mv /tmp/ce-build.tar.xz out/dist-bin/${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}.tar.xz |
| echo ${HASH} > out/dist-bin/${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}.txt |
| |
| c-preload: |
| $(MAKE) -C c-preload |