blob: f8b61a129a200c79d99f9b69a42e933a5682b1fc [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
"asm": [
"text": "main:",
"source": null
"text": " lea edx, [0+rdi*8]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 6
"text": " test edx, edx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 6
"text": " je .L8",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 6
"text": " add edx, edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 9
"text": " je .L13",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 9
"text": " imul eax, edi, 223",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 12
"text": " cmp eax, 1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 12
"text": " je .L14",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 12
"text": " xor eax, eax",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 18
"text": ".L1:",
"source": null
"text": " rep ret",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 19
"text": ".L14:",
"source": null
"text": " test edi, edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " jle .L1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " lea edx, [rdi-1]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " mov esi, edx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " shr esi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " add esi, 1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " cmp edx, 11",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " jbe .L10",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " mov DWORD PTR [rsp-12], edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " pxor xmm3, xmm3",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " movd xmm7, DWORD PTR [rsp-12]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " mov ecx, esi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " xor edx, edx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " movdqa xmm2, XMMWORD PTR .LC0[rip]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " shr ecx, 2",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " pshufd xmm4, xmm7, 0",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " movdqa xmm6, XMMWORD PTR .LC1[rip]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " movdqa xmm5, xmm4",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " psrlq xmm5, 32",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": ".L5:",
"source": null
"text": " movdqa xmm0, xmm2",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " add edx, 1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " movdqa xmm1, xmm2",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " cmp ecx, edx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " paddd xmm2, xmm6",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " pmuludq xmm0, xmm4",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " pshufd xmm0, xmm0, 8",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " psrlq xmm1, 32",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " pmuludq xmm1, xmm5",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " pshufd xmm1, xmm1, 8",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " punpckldq xmm0, xmm1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " paddd xmm3, xmm0",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " ja .L5",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " movdqa xmm0, xmm3",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " mov r8d, esi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " and r8d, -4",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " psrldq xmm0, 8",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " paddd xmm3, xmm0",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " movdqa xmm0, xmm3",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " psrldq xmm0, 4",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " paddd xmm3, xmm0",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " movd edx, xmm3",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " add eax, edx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " lea edx, [r8+r8]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " cmp esi, r8d",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " lea ecx, [rdx+1]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " je .L15",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": ".L4:",
"source": null
"text": " imul ecx, edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " add eax, ecx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " lea ecx, [rdx+3]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " cmp edi, ecx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " jl .L1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " imul ecx, edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " add eax, ecx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " lea ecx, [rdx+5]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " cmp edi, ecx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " jl .L1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " imul ecx, edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " add eax, ecx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " lea ecx, [rdx+7]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " cmp edi, ecx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " jl .L1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " imul ecx, edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " add eax, ecx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " lea ecx, [rdx+9]",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " cmp edi, ecx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " jl .L1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " imul ecx, edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " add edx, 11",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " add eax, ecx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " cmp edi, edx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " jl .L1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " imul edi, edx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " add eax, edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": " ret",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 14
"text": ".L13:",
"source": null
"text": " imul edx, edi",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 10
"text": " imul eax, edx, 78",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 10
"text": " ret",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 10
"text": ".L8:",
"source": null
"text": " mov eax, 78",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 7
"text": " ret",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 7
"text": ".L15:",
"source": null
"text": " ret",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 7
"text": ".L10:",
"source": null
"text": " mov ecx, 1",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " xor edx, edx",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": " jmp .L4",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 13
"text": "_GLOBAL__sub_I_main:",
"source": null
"text": " sub rsp, 8",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 19
"text": " mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:std::__ioinit",
"source": {
"file": "/usr/include/c++/7/iostream",
"line": 74
"text": " call std::ios_base::Init::Init()",
"source": {
"file": "/usr/include/c++/7/iostream",
"line": 74
"text": " mov edx, OFFSET FLAT:__dso_handle",
"source": {
"file": "/usr/include/c++/7/iostream",
"line": 74
"text": " mov esi, OFFSET FLAT:std::__ioinit",
"source": {
"file": "/usr/include/c++/7/iostream",
"line": 74
"text": " mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:std::ios_base::Init::~Init()",
"source": {
"file": "/usr/include/c++/7/iostream",
"line": 74
"text": " add rsp, 8",
"source": {
"file": null,
"line": 19
"text": " jmp __cxa_atexit",
"source": {
"file": "/usr/include/c++/7/iostream",
"line": 74
"text": ".LC0:",
"source": null
"text": " .long 1",
"source": null
"text": " .long 3",
"source": null
"text": " .long 5",
"source": null
"text": " .long 7",
"source": null
"text": ".LC1:",
"source": null
"text": " .long 8",
"source": null
"text": " .long 8",
"source": null
"text": " .long 8",
"source": null
"text": " .long 8",
"source": null
"text": "",
"source": null
"cfg": {
"main:": {
"nodes": [
"id": "main:",
"label": "main:\n lea edx, [0+rdi*8]\n test edx, edx\n je .L8",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": "main:@4",
"label": "main:@4\n add edx, edi\n je .L13",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": "main:@6",
"label": "main:@6\n imul eax, edi, 223\n cmp eax, 1\n je .L14",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": "main:@9",
"label": "main:@9\n xor eax, eax",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L1:",
"label": ".L1:\n rep ret",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L14:",
"label": ".L14:\n test edi, edi\n jle .L1",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L14:@15",
"label": ".L14:@15\n lea edx, [rdi-1]\n mov esi, edx\n shr esi\n add esi, 1\n cmp edx, 11\n jbe .L10",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L14:@21",
"label": ".L14:@21\n mov DWORD PTR [rsp-12], edi\n pxor xmm3, xmm3\n movd xmm7, DWORD PTR [rsp-12]\n mov ecx, esi\n xor edx, edx\n movdqa xmm2, XMMWORD PTR .LC0[rip]\n shr ecx, 2\n pshufd xmm4, xmm7, 0\n movdqa xmm6, XMMWORD PTR .LC1[rip]\n movdqa xmm5, xmm4\n psrlq xmm5, 32",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L5:",
"label": ".L5:\n movdqa xmm0, xmm2\n add edx, 1\n movdqa xmm1, xmm2\n cmp ecx, edx\n paddd xmm2, xmm6\n pmuludq xmm0, xmm4\n pshufd xmm0, xmm0, 8\n psrlq xmm1, 32\n pmuludq xmm1, xmm5\n pshufd xmm1, xmm1, 8\n punpckldq xmm0, xmm1\n paddd xmm3, xmm0\n ja .L5",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L5:@46",
"label": ".L5:@46\n movdqa xmm0, xmm3\n mov r8d, esi\n and r8d, -4\n psrldq xmm0, 8\n paddd xmm3, xmm0\n movdqa xmm0, xmm3\n psrldq xmm0, 4\n paddd xmm3, xmm0\n movd edx, xmm3\n add eax, edx\n lea edx, [r8+r8]\n cmp esi, r8d\n lea ecx, [rdx+1]\n je .L15",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L4:",
"label": ".L4:\n imul ecx, edi\n add eax, ecx\n lea ecx, [rdx+3]\n cmp edi, ecx\n jl .L1",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L4:@66",
"label": ".L4:@66\n imul ecx, edi\n add eax, ecx\n lea ecx, [rdx+5]\n cmp edi, ecx\n jl .L1",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L4:@71",
"label": ".L4:@71\n imul ecx, edi\n add eax, ecx\n lea ecx, [rdx+7]\n cmp edi, ecx\n jl .L1",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L4:@76",
"label": ".L4:@76\n imul ecx, edi\n add eax, ecx\n lea ecx, [rdx+9]\n cmp edi, ecx\n jl .L1",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L4:@81",
"label": ".L4:@81\n imul ecx, edi\n add edx, 11\n add eax, ecx\n cmp edi, edx\n jl .L1",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L4:@86",
"label": ".L4:@86\n imul edi, edx\n add eax, edi\n ret",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L13:",
"label": ".L13:\n imul edx, edi\n imul eax, edx, 78\n ret",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L8:",
"label": ".L8:\n mov eax, 78\n ret",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L15:",
"label": ".L15:\n ret",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"id": ".L10:",
"label": ".L10:\n mov ecx, 1\n xor edx, edx\n jmp .L4",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"edges": [
"from": "main:",
"to": ".L8:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": "main:",
"to": "main:@4",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": "main:@4",
"to": ".L13:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": "main:@4",
"to": "main:@6",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": "main:@6",
"to": ".L14:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": "main:@6",
"to": "main:@9",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": "main:@9",
"to": ".L1:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "grey"
"from": ".L14:",
"to": ".L1:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": ".L14:",
"to": ".L14:@15",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": ".L14:@15",
"to": ".L10:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": ".L14:@15",
"to": ".L14:@21",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": ".L14:@21",
"to": ".L5:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "grey"
"from": ".L5:",
"to": ".L5:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": ".L5:",
"to": ".L5:@46",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": ".L5:@46",
"to": ".L15:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": ".L5:@46",
"to": ".L4:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": ".L4:",
"to": ".L1:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": ".L4:",
"to": ".L4:@66",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": ".L4:@66",
"to": ".L1:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": ".L4:@66",
"to": ".L4:@71",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": ".L4:@71",
"to": ".L1:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": ".L4:@71",
"to": ".L4:@76",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": ".L4:@76",
"to": ".L1:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": ".L4:@76",
"to": ".L4:@81",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": ".L4:@81",
"to": ".L1:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "green"
"from": ".L4:@81",
"to": ".L4:@86",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "red"
"from": ".L10:",
"to": ".L4:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "blue"
"_GLOBAL__sub_I_main:": {
"nodes": [
"id": "_GLOBAL__sub_I_main:",
"label": "_GLOBAL__sub_I_main:\n sub rsp, 8\n mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:std::__ioinit\n call std::ios_base::Init::Init()\n mov edx, OFFSET FLAT:__dso_handle\n mov esi, OFFSET FLAT:std::__ioinit\n mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:std::ios_base::Init::~Init(\n add rsp, 8\n jmp __cxa_atexit",
"color": "#99ccff",
"shape": "box"
"edges": [
"from": "_GLOBAL__sub_I_main:",
"to": "null:",
"arrows": "to",
"color": "blue"