blob: ca375e81fa6138f0d3c204f27445952e8540ebc8 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#include "Audio.h"
#include "Tedmem.h"
#include "Filter.h"
#include <math.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <cstdio>
#define PRECISION 0
unsigned int TED::masterVolume;
static int Volume;
static int Snd1Status;
static int Snd2Status;
static int SndNoiseStatus;
static int DAStatus;
static unsigned short Freq1;
static unsigned short Freq2;
static int NoiseCounter;
static int FlipFlop[2];
static int dcOutput[2];
static int oscCount[2];
static int OscReload[2];
static int oscStep;
static unsigned char noise[256]; // 0-8
inline void TED::setFreq(unsigned int channel, int freq)
dcOutput[channel] = (freq == 0x3FE) ? 1 : 0;
OscReload[channel] = ((freq + 1)&0x3FF) << PRECISION;
void TED::oscillatorReset()
FlipFlop[0] = dcOutput[0] = 0;
FlipFlop[1] = dcOutput[1] = 0;
oscCount[0] = 0;
oscCount[1] = 0;
NoiseCounter = 0;
Freq1 = Freq2 = 0;
DAStatus = Snd1Status = Snd2Status = 0;
// call only once!
void TED::oscillatorInit()
/* initialise im with 0xa8 */
int im = 0xa8;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<256; i++) {
noise[i] = im & 1;
im = (im<<1)+(1^((im>>7)&1)^((im>>5)&1)^((im>>4)&1)^((im>>1)&1));
oscStep = (1 << PRECISION) << 0;
// set player specific parameters
waveForm[0] = waveForm[1] = 1;
masterVolume = 8;
enableChannel(0, true);
enableChannel(1, true);
enableChannel(2, true);
void TED::writeSoundReg(unsigned int reg, unsigned char value)
#if defined(_DEBUG) && 1
static FILE *f = std::fopen("freqlog.txt", "a");
if (f)
std::fprintf(f, "%04X <- %02X in cycle %llu", 0xff0e + reg, value, CycleCounter);
fprintf(f, "\n");
switch (reg) {
case 0:
Freq1 = (Freq1 & 0x300) | value;
setFreq(0, Freq1);
case 1:
Freq2 = (Freq2 & 0x300) | value;
setFreq(1, Freq2);
case 2:
Freq2 = (Freq2 & 0xFF) | (value << 8);
setFreq(1, Freq2);
case 3:
if (DAStatus = value & 0x80) {
FlipFlop[0] = 1;
FlipFlop[1] = 1;
oscCount[0] = OscReload[0];
oscCount[1] = OscReload[1];
NoiseCounter = 0xFF;
Volume = value & 0x0F;
if (Volume > 8) Volume = 8;
Volume = (Volume << 8) * masterVolume / 10;
Snd1Status = value & 0x10;
Snd2Status = value & 0x20;
SndNoiseStatus = value & 0x40;
case 4:
Freq1 = (Freq1 & 0xFF) | (value << 8);
setFreq(0, Freq1);
void TED::storeToBuffer(short *buffer, unsigned int count)
static double lp_accu = 0;
static double hp_accu = 0;
const double hptc=4000.0/1000000; // 6000us (est) maybe 7000 ?
const double hpc=1.0/(hptc * sampleRate * 2.0); // 2*pi*fc=1/tau..
// TODO: a proper windowed lowpass FIR filter
#if 0
const double lpc = 1.0 - exp( - double(sampleRate) / 2.0 / double(TED_SOUND_CLOCK));
do {
double accu = (double) *buffer;
// apply low pass filter -> lp_accu = lpc*accu + (1-lpc)*lp_accu
lp_accu += lpc * (accu - lp_accu);
accu = lp_accu - hp_accu;
// update hp filter pole
hp_accu += hpc * accu;
// fill the buffer
*buffer++ = ((short)accu);
} while(--count);
do {
double accu = (double) filter->lowPass(*buffer);
accu = accu - hp_accu;
// update hp filter pole
hp_accu += hpc * accu;
// fill the buffer
*buffer++ = (short)accu;
} while(--count);
inline unsigned int TED::waveSquare(unsigned int channel)
return Volume;
inline unsigned int TED::waveSawTooth(unsigned int channel)
unsigned int mod;
#if 0
int msb = OSCRELOADVAL + 1 - OscReload[channel];
int diff = 2 * msb - int(FlipFlop[channel]) * msb - int(oscCount[channel]) + int(OscReload[channel]);
//if (diff < 0) diff = 0;
//if (oscCount[channel] >= 0x3fa) diff = 0;
mod = (Volume * diff) / (2 * msb);
int diff = int(oscCount[channel]) - int(OscReload[channel]);
if (diff < 0) diff = 0;
mod = (Volume * diff) / (OSCRELOADVAL + 1 - OscReload[channel]);
return mod;
inline unsigned int TED::waveTriangle(unsigned int channel)
unsigned int mod;
int msb;
#if 0
msb = OSCRELOADVAL + 1 - OscReload[channel];
int diff = FlipFlop[channel] ? int(oscCount[channel]) - int(OscReload[channel])
: int(OSCRELOADVAL) - int(oscCount[channel]);
//if (diff < 0) diff = 0;
//if (oscCount[channel] >= 0x3fa) diff = 0;
mod = (3 * Volume * diff / msb / 2);
msb = (OscReload[channel] + OSCRELOADVAL) / 2;
int diff = oscCount[channel] < msb ? oscCount[channel] - OscReload[channel] : OSCRELOADVAL - oscCount[channel];
mod = (2 * diff * Volume / (OSCRELOADVAL - OscReload[channel] + 1));
if (mod > Volume) mod = Volume;
msb = (OscReload[channel] + OSCRELOADVAL) / 2;
mod = oscCount[channel] < msb ? oscCount[channel] : (oscCount[channel] - msb);
mod = (mod * Volume / msb);
return mod;
inline unsigned int TED::getWaveSample(unsigned int channel, unsigned int wave)
unsigned int sm;
switch (wave) {
case 1: // square
return waveSquare(channel);
case 2: // sawtooth
return waveSawTooth(channel);
case 4: // triangle
return waveTriangle(channel);
// combined waveforms รก la SID
case 3: // square + sawtooth
sm = waveSawTooth(channel) + waveSquare(channel);
return sm /= 2;
case 5: // square + triangle
sm = waveTriangle(channel) + waveSquare(channel);
return sm /= 2;
case 6: // sawtooth + triangle
sm = waveTriangle(channel) + waveSawTooth(channel);
return sm /= 2;
case 7: // square + sawtooth + triangle
sm = waveTriangle(channel) + waveSawTooth(channel) + waveSquare(channel);
return sm /= 3;
void TED::renderSound(unsigned int nrsamples, short *buffer)
// Calculate the buffer...
if (DAStatus) {// digi?
short sample = 0;//audiohwspec->silence;
if (Snd1Status) sample = Volume;
if (Snd2Status) sample += Volume;
for (;nrsamples--;) {
*buffer++ = sample & channelMask[2];
} else {
unsigned int result;
for (;nrsamples--;) {
// Channel 1
if (dcOutput[0]) {
FlipFlop[0] = 1;
} else if ((oscCount[0] += oscStep) >= OSCRELOADVAL) {
FlipFlop[0] ^= 1;
oscCount[0] = OscReload[0] + (oscCount[0] - OSCRELOADVAL);
// Channel 2
if (dcOutput[1]) {
FlipFlop[1] = 1;
} else if ((oscCount[1] += oscStep) >= OSCRELOADVAL) {
NoiseCounter = (NoiseCounter + 1) & 0xFF;
FlipFlop[1] ^= 1;
oscCount[1] = OscReload[1] + (oscCount[1] - OSCRELOADVAL);
result = (Snd1Status && FlipFlop[0]) ? (getWaveSample(0, waveForm[0]) & channelMask[0]) : 0;
if (Snd2Status && FlipFlop[1] & channelMask[1]) {
result += getWaveSample(1, waveForm[1]);
} else if (SndNoiseStatus && noise[NoiseCounter] & channelMask[2]) {
result += Volume;
*buffer++ = result;
} // for
void TED::setMasterVolume(unsigned int shift)
unsigned int vol = Ram[0xFF11] & 0x0f;
if (vol > 8) vol = 8;
Volume = (vol << 8) * shift / 10;
masterVolume = shift;
void TED::selectWaveForm(unsigned int channel, unsigned int wave)
waveForm[channel] = wave;
void TED::setplaybackSpeed(unsigned int speed)
unsigned int speeds[] = { 16, 8, 4, 3, 2 };
playbackSpeed = speeds[(speed - 1) % sizeof(speeds)];
unsigned int TED::getTimeSinceLastReset()
ClockCycle elapsedCycles = CycleCounter - lastResetCycle;
unsigned int secondsPlayed = (unsigned int)(double(elapsedCycles) / double(TED_SOUND_CLOCK * 4) + 0.5);
return secondsPlayed;
void TED::setSampleRate(unsigned int value)
initFilter(value, filterOrder);
void TED::setFilterOrder(unsigned int value)
initFilter(sampleRate, value);
void TED::initFilter(unsigned int sampleRate_, unsigned int filterOrder_)
if (filter)
delete filter;
filter = new Filter(sampleRate_ / 2, TED_SOUND_CLOCK, filterOrder_);
filterOrder = filterOrder_;
sampleRate = sampleRate_;