| // MainFrm.cpp : implmentation of the CMainFrame class |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| #include "stdafx.h" |
| #include "resource.h" |
| |
| #include <string> |
| #include <sstream> |
| #include "Aboutdlg.h" |
| #include "MainFrm.h" |
| #include "PlayList.h" |
| #include "CFileOpenDialog.h" |
| #include "PropertiesDlg.h" |
| #include "PropSheet.h" |
| |
| #include "Audio.h" |
| #include "Psid.h" |
| #include "TedPlay.h" |
| |
| #include "registry.h" |
| #ifdef _DEBUG |
| #include <assert.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| #define APPNAME _T("WinTedPlay") |
| #define UPDATE_FREQ_MS 40 |
| |
| //Get EXE directory. |
| void CMainFrame::MakePathName(LPTSTR lpFileName) |
| { |
| int length; |
| |
| length = ::GetModuleFileName( NULL, lpFileName, MAX_PATH); |
| while (length > 0) { |
| if (lpFileName[length] == TEXT('\\')) |
| break; |
| |
| lpFileName[length] = TEXT('\0'); |
| length--; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CMainFrame::getDefaultPlayListPath(_TCHAR *sFullPath) |
| { |
| _TCHAR dir[MAX_PATH]; |
| |
| MakePathName(dir); |
| ::PathCombine(sFullPath, dir, _T("default.pls")); |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnInitDialog(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| //Bind keys... |
| m_haccelerator = AtlLoadAccelerators(IDR_ACCELERATORS); |
| // |
| SetWindowText(APPNAME); |
| CenterWindow(); |
| // |
| HINSTANCE inst = _Module.GetResourceInstance(); |
| // load application icons |
| IMAGE_ICON, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); |
| SetIcon(hIcon, TRUE); |
| IMAGE_ICON, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); |
| SetIcon(hIconSmall, FALSE); |
| // load menu |
| HMENU hmenu = ::LoadMenu(inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU)); |
| menu.Attach(hmenu); |
| SetMenu(menu); |
| |
| // set icons |
| //HICON hicon = (HICON) ::LoadImage(inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON_PLAY), |
| //btnTemp.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_TEST)); |
| //btnTemp.SetIcon(hicon); |
| |
| // Edit controls |
| stTitle.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_MODULE)); |
| stAuthor.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_AUTHOR3)); |
| stCopyright.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_COPYRIGHT)); |
| stSubsong.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_SUBSONG)); |
| stTime.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_TIME)); |
| // Buttons |
| btnPrev.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_PREV)); |
| btnNext.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_NEXT)); |
| btnPlay.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_PLAY)); |
| btnPause.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_PAUSE)); |
| btnStop.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_STOP)); |
| // Trackbars/sliders |
| trackBars[TB_VOLUME].Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER_VOLUME)); |
| trackBars[TB_VOLUME].SetRange(0, 10, TRUE); |
| trackBars[TB_VOLUME].SetTic(8); |
| //trackBars[TB_VOLUME].SetTicFreq(1); |
| trackBars[TB_VOLUME].SetPos(8); |
| trackBars[TB_SPEED].Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_SLIDER_SPEED)); |
| trackBars[TB_SPEED].SetRange(1, 5, TRUE); |
| trackBars[TB_SPEED].SetTic(1); |
| trackBars[TB_SPEED].SetPos(3); |
| DoDataExchange(); |
| // checkboxes |
| cbChannels[0].Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK1)); |
| cbChannels[1].Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK2)); |
| cbChannels[2].Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECK3)); |
| cbChannels[0].SetCheck(1); |
| cbChannels[1].SetCheck(1); |
| cbChannels[2].SetCheck(1); |
| |
| // fire up the playlist |
| EnableMenuItem(GetMenu(), IDM_VIEW_PLAYLIST, MF_ENABLED); |
| playListViewDialog.Create(m_hWnd); //, rc, 0); |
| // I needed this because GetParent wouldn't work... |
| playListViewDialog.setParent(m_hWnd); |
| |
| // get the playlist |
| _TCHAR plPath[MAX_PATH]; |
| getDefaultPlayListPath(plPath); |
| playListViewDialog.loadPlaylist(plPath); |
| // the control buttons |
| enableButtons(0); |
| // set focus to the volume control so no caret is shown |
| trackBars[TB_VOLUME].SetFocus(); |
| |
| // register object for message filtering and idle updates |
| CMessageLoop* pLoop = _Module.GetMessageLoop(); |
| ATLASSERT(pLoop != NULL); |
| pLoop->AddMessageFilter(this); |
| pLoop->AddIdleHandler(this); |
| // |
| |
| // Read settings |
| unsigned int regVal = 0; |
| if (getRegistryValue(_T("ShowPlayList"), regVal) && regVal) { |
| playListViewDialog.ShowWindow(SW_NORMAL); |
| ::CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), IDM_VIEW_PLAYLIST, MF_CHECKED); |
| } |
| if (getRegistryValue(_T("ShowWavePlotter"), regVal) && !regVal) { |
| ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_WAVEOUT), SW_HIDE); |
| } |
| else |
| regVal = vAutoSkipInterval = 0; |
| if (getRegistryValue(_T("AutoSkipInterval"), regVal) && regVal) { |
| vAutoSkipInterval = regVal; |
| SetTimer(0, regVal * 1000); |
| } |
| |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnDestroy(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| // finish recording if applicable |
| if (::GetMenuState(GetMenu(), IDM_FILE_CREATEWAV, MF_BYCOMMAND) == MF_CHECKED) |
| tedPlayCloseWav(); |
| // save waveforms |
| setRegistryValue(_T("TedChannel1WaveForm"), tedPlayGetWaveform(0)); |
| setRegistryValue(_T("TedChannel2WaveForm"), tedPlayGetWaveform(1)); |
| setRegistryValue(_T("AutoSkipInterval"), vAutoSkipInterval); |
| // stop playing |
| tedplayStop(); |
| // save the playlist |
| _TCHAR plPath[MAX_PATH]; |
| getDefaultPlayListPath(plPath); |
| playListViewDialog.savePlaylist(plPath); |
| // unregister message filtering and idle updates |
| CMessageLoop* pLoop = _Module.GetMessageLoop(); |
| ATLASSERT(pLoop != NULL); |
| pLoop->RemoveMessageFilter(this); |
| pLoop->RemoveIdleHandler(this); |
| // save settings |
| LONG regVal = playListViewDialog.IsWindowVisible(); |
| setRegistryValue(_T("ShowPlayList"), regVal); |
| regVal = ::IsWindowVisible(GetDlgItem(IDC_WAVEOUT)); |
| setRegistryValue(_T("ShowWavePlotter"), regVal); |
| regVal = GetMenuState(GetMenu(), ID_TOOLS_DISABLESID, MF_BYCOMMAND) == MF_CHECKED; |
| setRegistryValue(_T("DisableSID"), regVal); |
| // |
| bHandled = FALSE; |
| DestroyWindow(); |
| ::PostQuitMessage(0); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnMoving(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| LPRECT newRect = (LPRECT) lParam; |
| // Move along playlist window |
| //if (playListViewDialog.IsWindowVisible()) |
| { |
| RECT rc; |
| GetWindowRect(&rc); |
| // get how much we moved |
| int newXdelta = newRect->left - rc.left; |
| int newYdelta = newRect->top - rc.top; |
| // now get the playlist window's metrics |
| ::GetWindowRect(playListViewDialog.m_hWnd, &rc); |
| int width = rc.right - rc.left; |
| int height = rc.bottom - rc.top; |
| // Move along with the main window |
| ::MoveWindow(playListViewDialog.m_hWnd, |
| rc.left + newXdelta, rc.top + newYdelta, width, height, TRUE); |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnTrackBar(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| int value; |
| |
| bHandled = FALSE; |
| for(int i = 0; i < TB_COUNT; i++) { |
| if ((HWND) lParam == trackBars[i].m_hWnd) { |
| |
| switch ((int)LOWORD(wParam)) { |
| value = (short)HIWORD(wParam); |
| bHandled = TRUE; |
| break; |
| case SB_ENDSCROLL: |
| case SB_LINELEFT: |
| case SB_LINERIGHT: |
| case SB_PAGELEFT: |
| case SB_PAGERIGHT: |
| value = trackBars[i].GetPos(); |
| bHandled = TRUE; |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } // end switch |
| switch (i) { |
| case 0: |
| if (tedPlayGetState()) { |
| tedplayPause(); |
| tedPlaySetVolume(value); |
| tedplayPlay(); |
| } else { |
| tedPlaySetVolume(value); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 1: |
| if (tedPlayGetState()) { |
| tedplayPause(); |
| tedPlaySetSpeed(value); |
| tedplayPlay(); |
| } else { |
| tedPlaySetSpeed(value); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: ; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (bHandled) { |
| } // end if |
| return bHandled; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnTimer(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| switch (wParam) { |
| case 0: |
| if (tedPlayGetState() == 1) |
| playListViewDialog.OnBnClickedBtnNextModule(0, 0, 0, bHandled); |
| break; |
| case 1: |
| { |
| static unsigned int prevSecs = -1; |
| unsigned int secs = tedplayGetSecondsPlayed(); |
| if (prevSecs != secs) { |
| prevSecs = secs; |
| unsigned int hour = secs / 3600; |
| unsigned int minute = (secs - hour * 60) / 60; |
| unsigned int sec = secs - hour * 3600 - minute * 60; |
| _TCHAR txt[64]; |
| _stprintf(txt, _T("%02u:%02u:%02u"), hour, minute, sec); |
| stTime.SetWindowText(txt); |
| } |
| if (::IsWindowVisible(GetDlgItem(IDC_WAVEOUT))) |
| updateWaveOutWindow(true); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnPaint(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| HDC hdc; |
| |
| hdc = BeginPaint(&ps); |
| //::FillRect(hdc, &rc, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); |
| updateWaveOutWindow(false); |
| EndPaint(&ps); |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| void CMainFrame::updateWaveOutWindow(bool updatePosition) |
| { |
| RECT rc; |
| static unsigned int sampPos = 0; |
| static unsigned int wWidth = -1; |
| static unsigned int wHeight = -1; |
| static short *sampHist = NULL; |
| HWND uwHwnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_WAVEOUT); |
| HDC hdc = ::GetDC(uwHwnd); |
| |
| // get window metrics |
| ::GetClientRect(uwHwnd, &rc); |
| wWidth = rc.right - rc.left; |
| wHeight = rc.bottom - rc.top; |
| // fill with black |
| int r = ::FillRect(hdc, &rc, (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH)); |
| // update sample history, convert to coordinate |
| if (updatePosition && tedPlayGetState()) { |
| #if 0 |
| unsigned int i; |
| int sample = ((tedPlayGetLastSample() + 8192) * wHeight) / 16384; |
| sample = sample <= 0 ? 1 : (sample >= (int)wHeight ? wHeight - 2 : sample); |
| |
| sampHist[sampPos] = (short) sample; |
| sampPos = (sampPos + 1) % wWidth; |
| // create pen |
| COLORREF qLineColor = RGB(0, 255, 0); |
| HPEN hLinePen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, qLineColor); |
| ::SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(COLOR_WINDOW + 1)); |
| // draw wave |
| unsigned int plotPos = sampPos; |
| ::MoveToEx(hdc, 0, sampHist[plotPos], NULL); |
| for(i = 0; i < wWidth; i++) { |
| short s = sampHist[plotPos]; |
| plotPos = (plotPos + 1) % wWidth; |
| ::LineTo(hdc, i, s); |
| } |
| // last plot |
| //HPEN hPenOld = (HPEN) ::SelectObject(hdc, hLinePen); |
| LineTo(hdc, wWidth, sampHist[plotPos]); |
| //::SetPixel(hdc, wWidth, sampHist[plotPos], RGB(0, 255, 0)); |
| //::SelectObject(hdc, hPenOld); |
| // |
| ::DeleteObject(hLinePen); |
| #else |
| unsigned int i; |
| size_t size; |
| unsigned int lastNegative = 0; |
| unsigned int waveStart = 0; |
| short delta = 0; |
| short prevSample = 0; |
| short minSample = 0; |
| short maxSample = 0; |
| |
| bool firstWaveFound = false; |
| unsigned int waveFound = 0; |
| const int ZEROTHRESHOLD = 0; |
| short* buf = tedPlayGetLastBuffer(size); |
| i = 0; |
| do { |
| delta = buf[i] - prevSample; |
| if (buf[i] < -ZEROTHRESHOLD) { |
| if (!waveStart) |
| lastNegative = i; |
| if (waveStart == 2 && delta < 0) |
| waveStart = 3; |
| } else if (buf[i] >= ZEROTHRESHOLD) { |
| if (!waveStart && delta > 0) { |
| waveStart = 1; |
| firstWaveFound = true; |
| } |
| if (waveStart == 1 && delta < 0) |
| waveStart = 2; |
| else if (waveStart == 3 && delta >= 0) { |
| waveStart = 0; |
| waveFound++; |
| } |
| } |
| if (firstWaveFound) { |
| if (buf[i] < minSample) |
| minSample = buf[i]; |
| if (buf[i] > maxSample) |
| maxSample = buf[i]; |
| } |
| prevSample = buf[i]; |
| } while (!(++i == size || waveFound >= 5)); |
| int samples = i - lastNegative - 1; |
| int absMin = (minSample < 0 ? -minSample : minSample); |
| int absMax = (maxSample < 0 ? -maxSample : maxSample); |
| int dynRange = (absMax > absMin ? absMax : absMin) * 2; |
| |
| // create pen |
| ::SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(COLOR_WINDOW + 1)); |
| // draw wave |
| ::MoveToEx(hdc, -1, wHeight / 2, NULL); |
| for (i = 0; i <= wWidth; i++) { |
| sampPos = lastNegative + 1 + (samples * i) / wWidth; |
| const int w = (dynRange ? (int(buf[sampPos]) * int(wHeight)) / (dynRange) : 0); |
| const int s = int(wHeight / 2) - w; |
| ::LineTo(hdc, i, s); |
| } |
| tedPlayStopUsingLastBuffer(); |
| // last plot |
| #endif |
| } |
| // clean up |
| ::ReleaseDC(uwHwnd, hdc); |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnResetAutoSkipTimerFromChildWnd(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| if (vAutoSkipInterval) { |
| KillTimer(0); |
| SetTimer(0, vAutoSkipInterval * 1000); |
| // reset the time |
| stTime.SetWindowText(_T("00:00:00")); |
| tedPlayResetCycleCounter(); |
| } |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnFileExit(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| DestroyWindow(); |
| ::PostQuitMessage(0); |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnFileNew(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| static unsigned int selFilter = 0; |
| _TCHAR szFilter[] = _T("All suported formats (*.tmf;*.c8m;*.prg;*.sid)\0" |
| "*.tmf;*.c8m;*.prg;*.sid\0" |
| "TED tunes (*.tmf;*.c8m;*.prg)\0" |
| "*.tmf;*.c8m;*.prg\0" |
| "SID tunes (*.sid)\0*.sid\0" |
| "All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0"); |
| WTL::CFileDialog wndFileDialog ( TRUE, NULL, NULL, |
| szFilter, m_hWnd ); |
| |
| wndFileDialog.m_ofn.nFilterIndex = selFilter; |
| if (IDOK == wndFileDialog.DoModal() ) { |
| _TCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH]; |
| |
| _tcscpy(tmp, wndFileDialog.m_szFileName); |
| selFilter = wndFileDialog.m_ofn.nFilterIndex; |
| stTime.SetWindowText(_T("00:00:00")); |
| tedplayMain(tmp, NULL); |
| UpdateSubsong(); |
| } |
| |
| //CFileOpenDialog dialog; |
| //if (IDOK == dialog.DoModal()) { |
| // CString filePath; |
| // COM_VERIFY(dialog.GetFilePath(filePath)); |
| // // Use file here... |
| //} |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnFileSaveToWav(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| _TCHAR szFilter[] = _T("WAV files (*.wav)\0" |
| "*.wav\0" |
| "All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0\0"); |
| WTL::CFileDialog wndFileDialog( FALSE, NULL, NULL, |
| szFilter, m_hWnd); |
| bool isChecked = ::GetMenuState(GetMenu(), |
| if (!isChecked) { |
| bool wasPlaying = tedPlayGetState() == 1; |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPause(); |
| if (IDOK == wndFileDialog.DoModal() ) { |
| std::string filename = wndFileDialog.m_szFileName; |
| PTSTR ext = ::PathFindExtension(filename.c_str()); |
| if (!*ext) |
| filename += _T(".wav"); |
| if (tedPlayCreateWav(filename.c_str())) |
| CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), IDM_FILE_CREATEWAV, MF_CHECKED); |
| } |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPlay(); |
| } else { |
| tedPlayCloseWav(); |
| } |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnFileProperties(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| CPropertiesDlg dlg; |
| dlg.DoModal(); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnViewPlaylist(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| if (!playListViewDialog.IsWindowVisible()) { |
| playListViewDialog.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); |
| ::CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), IDM_VIEW_PLAYLIST, MF_CHECKED); |
| } else { |
| playListViewDialog.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); |
| ::CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), IDM_VIEW_PLAYLIST, MF_UNCHECKED); |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnDropFiles(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| HDROP hDrop = (HDROP) wParam; |
| _TCHAR namebuffer[MAX_PATH]; |
| |
| ::DragQueryFile(hDrop, 0, namebuffer, MAX_PATH); |
| if (tedplayMain(namebuffer, NULL)) |
| return 1; |
| UpdateSubsong(); |
| ::DragFinish(hDrop); |
| ::SetForegroundWindow(m_hWnd); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnUpdateSongFromChildWnd(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| UpdateSubsong(); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnAppAbout(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| CAboutDlg dlg; |
| dlg.DoModal(); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| void CMainFrame::enableButtons(unsigned int mask) |
| { |
| btnPrev.EnableWindow(mask & 1); |
| btnNext.EnableWindow(mask & 2); |
| btnPlay.EnableWindow(mask & 4); |
| btnPause.EnableWindow(mask & 8); |
| btnStop.EnableWindow(mask & 0x10); |
| } |
| |
| unsigned int CMainFrame::getButtonStates() |
| { |
| unsigned int state; |
| state = btnPrev.IsWindowEnabled() & 1; |
| state |= (btnNext.IsWindowEnabled() << 1) & 2; |
| state |= (btnPlay.IsWindowEnabled() << 2) & 4; |
| state |= (btnPause.IsWindowEnabled() << 3) & 8; |
| state |= (btnStop.IsWindowEnabled() << 4) & 0x10; |
| return state; |
| } |
| |
| void CMainFrame::UpdateSubsong() |
| { |
| unsigned int c, t; |
| _TCHAR txt[512]; |
| |
| PsidHeader psid = getPsidHeader(); |
| |
| _tcscpy(txt, psid.fileName.c_str()); |
| // strip path from file name |
| PathStripPath(txt); |
| // prepare window title |
| std::string title(APPNAME); |
| title += " - "; |
| title += txt; |
| SetWindowText(title.c_str()); |
| |
| stAuthor.SetWindowText(psid.author); |
| stTitle.SetWindowText(psid.title); |
| stCopyright.SetWindowText(psid.copyright); |
| |
| tedPlayGetSongs(c, t); |
| if (t) { |
| _stprintf(txt, _T("%u of %u"), c, t); |
| stSubsong.SetWindowText(txt); |
| SetTimer(1, UPDATE_FREQ_MS); |
| } else { |
| stSubsong.SetWindowText(_T("")); |
| stTime.SetWindowText(_T("")); |
| KillTimer(1); |
| } |
| if (getPsidHeader().tracks > 1) |
| enableButtons(0x1f - 4); |
| else |
| enableButtons(0x1c - 4); |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnClickedPrev(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| tedplayPause(); |
| if (psidChangeTrack(-1)) { |
| UpdateSubsong(); |
| OnResetAutoSkipTimerFromChildWnd(0, 0, 0, bHandled); |
| } |
| tedplayPlay(); |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnClickedNext(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| tedplayPause(); |
| if (psidChangeTrack(+1)) { |
| UpdateSubsong(); |
| OnResetAutoSkipTimerFromChildWnd(0, 0, 0, bHandled); |
| } |
| tedplayPlay(); |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnClickedPlay(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| tedplayPlay(); |
| UpdateSubsong(); |
| unsigned int bmask = getButtonStates() & ~(4 + 8); |
| enableButtons(bmask | 8); |
| |
| // restart auto-skip timer |
| KillTimer(0); |
| if (vAutoSkipInterval) |
| SetTimer(0, vAutoSkipInterval * 1000); |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnClickedPause(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| tedplayPause(); |
| unsigned int bmask = getButtonStates() & ~(4 + 8); |
| enableButtons(bmask | 4); |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnClickedStop(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| tedplayStop(); |
| unsigned int bmask = getButtonStates() & ~(4 + 8 + 0x10); |
| enableButtons(bmask | 4); |
| // reset the time |
| stTime.SetWindowText(_T("00:00:00")); |
| tedPlayResetCycleCounter(); |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnCheckBox1Clicked(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| unsigned int enabled = cbChannels[0].GetCheck(); |
| bool wasPlaying = tedPlayGetState() == 1; |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPause(); |
| tedPlayChannelEnable(0, !!enabled); |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPlay(); |
| bHandled = TRUE; |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnCheckBox2Clicked(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD /*wID*/, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| unsigned int enabled = cbChannels[1].GetCheck(); |
| bool wasPlaying = tedPlayGetState() == 1; |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPause(); |
| tedPlayChannelEnable(1, !!enabled); |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPlay(); |
| bHandled = TRUE; |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnBnClickedCheck3(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| unsigned int enabled = cbChannels[2].GetCheck(); |
| bool wasPlaying = tedPlayGetState() == 1; |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPause(); |
| tedPlayChannelEnable(2, !!enabled); |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPlay(); |
| bHandled = TRUE; |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnFileMemDump(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| static unsigned int s = 0; |
| _TCHAR name[256]; |
| _stprintf(name, _T("dump%04X.bin"), s++); |
| dumpMem(name); |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnToolsResetplayer(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& bHandled) |
| { |
| tedplayPlay(); |
| machineReset(); |
| machineDoSomeFrames(25); |
| OnClickedStop(0, 0, 0, bHandled); |
| UpdateSubsong(); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnToolsDisablesid(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| bool wasPlaying = tedPlayGetState() == 1; |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPause(); |
| if (!GetMenuState(GetMenu(), ID_TOOLS_DISABLESID, MF_BYCOMMAND)) { |
| tedPlaySidEnable(false, 0); |
| ::CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), ID_TOOLS_DISABLESID, MF_CHECKED); |
| } else { |
| unsigned int enabled = cbChannels[0].GetCheck(); |
| enabled = enabled|(cbChannels[1].GetCheck() << 1); |
| enabled = enabled|(cbChannels[2].GetCheck() << 2); |
| tedPlaySidEnable(true, ~enabled); |
| ::CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), ID_TOOLS_DISABLESID, MF_UNCHECKED); |
| } |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPlay(); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnToolsOptions(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| static unsigned int lastPage = 0; |
| CPropSheet cos(_T("Options"), lastPage); |
| |
| unsigned int audioLatency = cos.propPageAudio.vLatency; |
| unsigned int audioSamplingRate = cos.propPageAudio.vSamplingRate; |
| unsigned int audioFilterOrder = cos.propPageAudio.vFilterOrder; |
| |
| bool wasPlaying = tedPlayGetState() == 1; |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPause(); |
| |
| cos.propPageAudio.vAutoSkipInterval = vAutoSkipInterval; |
| if (IDOK == cos.DoModal()) { |
| bool restartReqd = (audioLatency != cos.propPageAudio.vLatency) |
| || (audioSamplingRate != cos.propPageAudio.vSamplingRate); |
| // filter order changed, update registry, reinit filter kernel |
| if (audioFilterOrder != cos.propPageAudio.vFilterOrder) { |
| audioFilterOrder = cos.propPageAudio.vFilterOrder; |
| setRegistryValue(_T("FilterOrder"), audioFilterOrder); |
| tedPlaySetFilterOrder(audioFilterOrder); |
| } |
| if (audioSamplingRate != cos.propPageAudio.vSamplingRate) { |
| audioSamplingRate = cos.propPageAudio.vSamplingRate; |
| setRegistryValue(_T("SampleRate"), audioSamplingRate); |
| } |
| if (audioLatency != cos.propPageAudio.vLatency) { |
| audioLatency = cos.propPageAudio.vLatency; |
| setRegistryValue(_T("BufferLengthInMsec"), audioLatency); |
| } |
| if (vAutoSkipInterval != cos.propPageAudio.vAutoSkipInterval) { |
| vAutoSkipInterval = cos.propPageAudio.vAutoSkipInterval; |
| KillTimer(0); |
| if (vAutoSkipInterval) |
| SetTimer(0, vAutoSkipInterval * 1000); |
| } |
| if (restartReqd) { |
| MessageBox(_T("For the changes to take effect you have restart the application!"), _T("Warning!"), |
| } else { |
| // |
| } |
| } |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPlay(); |
| return 0L; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnTedchannel1waveformSquarewave(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD wID, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), ID_TEDCHANNEL1_SQUAREWAVE + tedPlayGetWaveform(0) - 1, MF_UNCHECKED); |
| bool wasPlaying = tedPlayGetState() == 1; |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPause(); |
| tedPlaySetWaveform(0, wID - ID_TEDCHANNEL1_SQUAREWAVE + 1); |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPlay(); |
| CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), wID, MF_CHECKED); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnTedchannel2Squarewave(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD wID, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), ID_TEDCHANNEL2_SQUAREWAVE + tedPlayGetWaveform(1) - 1, MF_UNCHECKED); |
| bool wasPlaying = tedPlayGetState() == 1; |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPause(); |
| tedPlaySetWaveform(1, wID - ID_TEDCHANNEL2_SQUAREWAVE + 1); |
| if (wasPlaying) tedplayPlay(); |
| CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), wID, MF_CHECKED); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| LRESULT CMainFrame::OnViewShowwaveplotter(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) |
| { |
| HWND wpHwnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_WAVEOUT); |
| BOOL wasVisible = ::IsWindowVisible(wpHwnd); |
| // TODO: Add your command handler code here |
| if (wasVisible) { |
| ::ShowWindow(wpHwnd, SW_HIDE); |
| } else { |
| ::ShowWindow(wpHwnd, SW_SHOWNA); |
| } |
| ::CheckMenuItem(GetMenu(), ID_VIEW_SHOWWAVEPLOTTER, wasVisible ? MF_UNCHECKED : MF_CHECKED); |
| return 0; |
| } |