blob: e75afee40bf23e606922f173ff7184c502a538b0 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
* User interface routines of DOSMid
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Mateusz Viste
#include <dos.h> /* REGS */
#include <stdlib.h> /* ultoa() */
#include <stdio.h> /* sprintf() */
#include <string.h> /* strlen() */
#include "mem.h" /* MEM_XMS */
#include "ui.h" /* include self for control */
#include "version.h"
/* color scheme 0xBF00 (Background/Foreground/0/0): mono, color */
const unsigned short COLOR_TUI[2] = {0x0700u, 0x1700u};
const unsigned short COLOR_NOTES[2] = {0x0700u, 0x1E00u};
const unsigned short COLOR_NOTES_HI[2] = {0x0000u, 0x8000u}; /* a bit mask for highlighten columns */
const unsigned short COLOR_TEXT[2] = {0x0700u, 0x1700u};
const unsigned short COLOR_TEMPO[2] = {0x0700u, 0x1300u};
const unsigned short COLOR_CHANS[2] = {0x0700u, 0x1200u};
const unsigned short COLOR_CHANS_DIS[2] = {0x0000u, 0x1800u};
const unsigned short COLOR_PROGRESS1[2] = {0x7000u, 0x2000u}; /* elapsed time */
const unsigned short COLOR_PROGRESS2[2] = {0x0700u, 0x8000u}; /* not yet elapsed */
const unsigned short COLOR_ERRMSG[2] = {0x7000u, 0x4700u};
unsigned short far *screenptr = NULL;
static int oldmode = 0;
static int colorflag = 0;
extern unsigned long MEM_TOTALLOC; /* total allocated memory from MEM.C */
extern unsigned short MEM_MODE; /* memory mode (MEM_XMS or MEM_MALLOC) */
/* prints a character on screen, at position [x,y]. charbyte is a 16bit
value where higher 8 bits contain the attributes (colors) and lower
8bits contain the actual character to draw. */
static void ui_printchar(int y, int x, unsigned short charbyte) {
screenptr[(y << 6) + (y << 4) + x] = charbyte;
static void ui_printstr(int y, int x, char *string, int staticlen, unsigned short attrib) {
int xs;
/* print out the string first */
for (xs = 0; string[xs] != 0; xs++) ui_printchar(y, x++, string[xs] | attrib);
/* if staticlen is provided, fill the rest with spaces */
for (; xs < staticlen; xs++) ui_printchar(y, x++, ' ' | attrib);
void ui_init(void) {
union REGS regs;
/* remember the current mode */
regs.h.ah = 0x0F; /* get current video mode */
int86(0x10, &regs, &regs);
oldmode =;
/* set text mode 80x25 */
regs.h.ah = 0x00; /* set video mode */
screenptr = MK_FP(0xB800, 0);
colorflag = 0;
switch (oldmode) {
case 0: /* 40x25 BW */
case 2: /* 80x25 BW */ = 0x02; /* 80x25 BW */
case 7: /* 80x25 BW HGC */ = 0x07; /* 80x25 BW HGC */
screenptr = MK_FP(0xB000, 0);
colorflag = 1; = 0x03; /* 80x25, 16 colors */
int86(0x10, &regs, &regs);
/* disable blinking effect (enables the use of high-intensity backgrounds).
* This doesn't change anything on DOSemu nor VBox, but DOSbox is unable to
* display high intensity backgrounds otherwise. */ = 0x1003; /* toggle intensity/blinking */ = 0; /* enable intensive colors (1 would enable blinking) */ = 0; /* to avoid problems on some adapters */
int86(0x10, &regs, &regs);
void ui_close(void) {
union REGS regs;
regs.h.ah = 0x00; /* set video mode */ = oldmode;
int86(0x10, &regs, &regs);
void ui_hidecursor(void) {
union REGS regs;
regs.h.ah = 0x01; = 0x2000;
int86(0x10, &regs, &regs);
/* outputs an error message onscreen (title can be NULL) */
void ui_puterrmsg(char *title, char *errmsg) {
int x, y;
int msglen, titlelen, maxlen;
int xstart;
msglen = strlen(errmsg);
maxlen = msglen;
if (title != NULL) {
titlelen = strlen(title);
if (titlelen > msglen) maxlen = titlelen;
xstart = 40 - (maxlen >> 1);
/* draw a red 'box' first */
for (y = 8; y < 13; y++) {
for (x = maxlen + 3; x >= 0; x--) {
ui_printchar(y, xstart + x - 2, ' ' | COLOR_ERRMSG[colorflag]);
/* print out the title (if any), and the actual error string */
if (title != NULL) ui_printstr(8, 40 - (titlelen >> 1), title, titlelen, COLOR_ERRMSG[colorflag]);
ui_printstr(10, 40 - (msglen >> 1), errmsg, msglen, COLOR_ERRMSG[colorflag]);
/* draws the UI screen */
void ui_draw(struct trackinfodata *trackinfo, unsigned short *refreshflags, unsigned short *refreshchans, char *devname, unsigned int mpuport, int volume) {
#include "gm.h" /* GM instruments names */
int x, y;
/* draw ascii graphic frames, etc */
if (*refreshflags & UI_REFRESH_TUI) {
char tempstr[32];
for (x = 0; x < 80; x++) {
ui_printchar(0, x, 205 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printchar(17, x, 205 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printchar(24, x, 205 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
for (y = 1; y < 17; y++) ui_printchar(y, 15, 179 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
for (y = 18; y < 24; y++) {
ui_printchar(y, 0, 186 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printchar(y, 79, 186 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printchar(0, 15, 209 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printchar(17, 15, 207 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printchar(17, 0, 201 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printchar(17, 79, 187 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printchar(24, 0, 200 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printchar(24, 79, 188 | COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
ui_printstr(24, 78 - strlen("[ DOSMid v" PVER " ]"), "[ DOSMid v" PVER " ]", -1, COLOR_TUI[colorflag]);
/* clear out the background on the 'messages' part of the screen */
for (y = 18; y < 23; y++) {
ui_printstr(y, 1, "", 78, COLOR_TEXT[colorflag]);
/* print static strings */
sprintf(tempstr, "%s port: %03Xh", devname, mpuport);
ui_printstr(18, 79 - strlen(tempstr), tempstr, -1, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
ui_printstr(19, 67, "Volume:", 7, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
ui_printstr(20, 67, "Format:", 7, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
ui_printstr(21, 67, "Tracks:", 7, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
ui_printstr(22, 68, "Tempo:", 6, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
if (MEM_MODE == MEM_XMS) {
ui_printstr(22, 50, "XMS", 4, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
} else {
ui_printstr(22, 50, "MEM", 4, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
ui_printstr(22, 54, "used:", 9, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
/* print notes states on every channel */
if (*refreshflags & UI_REFRESH_NOTES) {
for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
if ((*refreshchans & (1 << y)) == 0) continue; /* skip channels that haven't changed */
for (x = 0; x < 64; x++) {
int noteflag = 0;
if (trackinfo->notestates[x << 1] & (1 << y)) noteflag = 2;
if (trackinfo->notestates[1 + (x << 1)] & (1 << y)) noteflag |= 1;
switch (noteflag) {
case 0:
ui_printchar(1 + y, 16 + x, ' ' | COLOR_NOTES[colorflag] | ((~x << 13) & COLOR_NOTES_HI[colorflag]));
case 1:
ui_printchar(1 + y, 16 + x, 0xde | COLOR_NOTES[colorflag] | ((~x << 13) & COLOR_NOTES_HI[colorflag]));
case 2:
ui_printchar(1 + y, 16 + x, 0xdd | COLOR_NOTES[colorflag] | ((~x << 13) & COLOR_NOTES_HI[colorflag]));
case 3:
ui_printchar(1 + y, 16 + x, 0xdb | COLOR_NOTES[colorflag] | ((~x << 13) & COLOR_NOTES_HI[colorflag]));
*refreshchans = 0;
/* filename and props (format, tracks) */
if (*refreshflags & UI_REFRESH_FNAME) {
char tempstr[4], *sptr;
/* print filename (unless NULL - might happen early at playlist load) */
if (trackinfo->filename != NULL) {
ui_printstr(18, 50, trackinfo->filename, 12, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
} else {
ui_printstr(18, 50, "", 12, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
/* total allocated memory */
sprintf(tempstr, "%luK", MEM_TOTALLOC >> 10);
ui_printstr(22, 60, tempstr, 7, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
/* print format */
switch ((trackinfo->fileformat << 1) | trackinfo->midiformat) {
case FORMAT_MIDI << 1:
sptr = "MID0";
case (FORMAT_MIDI << 1) | 1:
sptr = "MID1";
case FORMAT_RMID << 1:
sptr = "RMI0";
case (FORMAT_RMID << 1) | 1:
sptr = "RMI1";
case FORMAT_MUS << 1:
sptr = "MUS";
sptr = "-";
ui_printstr(20, 75, sptr, 4, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
/* print number of tracks */
utoa(trackinfo->trackscount, tempstr, 10);
ui_printstr(21, 75, tempstr, 4, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
/* tempo */
if (*refreshflags & UI_REFRESH_TEMPO) {
char tempstr[16];
unsigned long miditempo;
/* print tempo */
if (trackinfo->tempo > 0) {
miditempo = 60000000lu / trackinfo->tempo;
} else {
miditempo = 0;
ultoa(miditempo, tempstr, 10);
/*strcat(tempstr, "bpm");*/
ui_printstr(22, 75, tempstr, 4, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
/* volume */
if (*refreshflags & UI_REFRESH_VOLUME) {
char tempstr[8];
sprintf(tempstr, "%d%%", volume);
ui_printstr(19, 75, tempstr, 4, COLOR_TEMPO[colorflag]);
/* elapsed/total time */
if (*refreshflags & UI_REFRESH_TIME) {
char tempstr1[24];
char tempstr2[16];
unsigned long perc;
unsigned int curcol;
int rpos;
if (trackinfo->totlen > 0) {
perc = (trackinfo->elapsedsec * 100) / trackinfo->totlen;
} else {
perc = 0;
sprintf(tempstr1, " %lu:%02lu (%lu%%) ", trackinfo->elapsedsec / 60, trackinfo->elapsedsec % 60, perc);
rpos = 78 - sprintf(tempstr2, "%lu:%02lu ", trackinfo->totlen / 60, trackinfo->totlen % 60);
/* draw the progress bar */
if (trackinfo->totlen > 0) {
perc = (trackinfo->elapsedsec * 78) / trackinfo->totlen;
} else {
perc = 0;
for (x = 0; x < 78; x++) {
if (x < perc) {
curcol = COLOR_PROGRESS1[colorflag];
} else {
curcol = COLOR_PROGRESS2[colorflag];
if (x < 15) {
ui_printchar(23, 1 + x, tempstr1[x] | curcol);
} else if (x >= rpos) {
ui_printchar(23, 1 + x, tempstr2[x - rpos] | curcol);
} else {
ui_printchar(23, 1 + x, ' ' | curcol);
/* if we have more title nodes than fits on screen, scroll them down now */
if (trackinfo->titlescount > 5) *refreshflags |= UI_REFRESH_TITLECOPYR;
/* title and copyright notice */
if (*refreshflags & UI_REFRESH_TITLECOPYR) {
int scrolloffset = 0, i;
if ((trackinfo->titlescount <= 5) || (trackinfo->elapsedsec < 8)) {
/* simple case */
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
ui_printstr(18 + i, 1, trackinfo->title[i], UI_TITLEMAXLEN, COLOR_TEXT[colorflag]);
} else { /* else scroll down one line every 2s */
scrolloffset = (trackinfo->elapsedsec >> 1) % (trackinfo->titlescount + 4);
scrolloffset -= 4;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if ((i + scrolloffset >= 0) && (i + scrolloffset < trackinfo->titlescount)) {
ui_printstr(18 + i, 1, trackinfo->title[i + scrolloffset], UI_TITLEMAXLEN, COLOR_TEXT[colorflag]);
} else {
ui_printstr(18 + i, 1, "", UI_TITLEMAXLEN, COLOR_TEXT[colorflag]);
/* programs (patches) names */
if (*refreshflags & UI_REFRESH_PROGS) {
unsigned int color;
for (y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
color = COLOR_CHANS_DIS[colorflag];
if (trackinfo->channelsusage & (1 << y)) color = COLOR_CHANS[colorflag];
if (y == 9) {
ui_printstr(y + 1, 0, "Percussion", 15, color);
} else {
ui_printstr(y + 1, 0, gmset[trackinfo->chanprogs[y]], 15, color);
/* all refreshed now */
*refreshflags = 0;
/* waits for a keypress and return it. Returns 0 for extended keystroke, then
function must be called again to return scan code. */
int getkey(void) {
union REGS regs;
int res;
regs.h.ah = 0x08;
int86(0x21, &regs, &regs);
res =;
if (res == 0) { /* extended key - poll again */
regs.h.ah = 0x08;
int86(0x21, &regs, &regs);
res = | 0x100;
/* poll the keyboard, and return the next input key if any, or -1 */
int getkey_ifany(void) {
union REGS regs;
regs.h.ah = 0x0B;
int86(0x21, &regs, &regs);
if ( == 0xFF) {
} else {