vzubc(8) Containers vzubc(8) NAME vzubc - show User Beancounters in a human-readable format SYNOPSIS vzubc [option ...] [CTID ...] DESCRIPTION This utility aims to show current values for User Beancounter in a human-readable format. Values that are in pages are converted into bytes, then long values are converted into kilo-, mega- gigabytes etc. For held and maxheld, it shows how close the values are to the barrier and to the limit. Zero and unlimited values are shown as -. One or several CTIDs can be specified to limit the output to the given containers. Each CTID can be either a name or a numeric ID. Note that names can only be used if there is a container on the system with that name (vzlist -o ctid name command is used for name to ID conversion). Unknown CTIDs are ignored. The utility can also be used from inside the container, in this case it only shows the values for that container (and it doesn't make sense to specify CTID argument). OPTIONS -w, --watch Watch mode: run itself under watch(1), redisplaying the output every 2 seconds (by default) until interrupted by Ctrl-C. -wd Make watch(1) highlight the differences between current and previous output (corresponds to watch -d option). -wn time Refresh interval for watch(1), in seconds (corresponds to watch -n time). -q, --quiet Quiet mode. In this mode, vzubc only shows beancounters with fails and those with held/maxheld values close to limits. -qh ratio Quiet threshold for held to limit ratio. Default is 0.5 (50%). -qm ratio Quiet threshold for maxheld to limit ratio. Default is 0.8 (80%). -r, --relative Relative mode: for fail counters, instead of showing the absolute value, calculate the difference from the previous run. This mode is denoted by a + sign before the FAIL column header. -rd dir Set a directory for saving fail counters to dir (default is /tmp/vzubc.store). -rc Clear all saved fail counter data. -i, --incremental Incremental mode. Shows an additional column with a difference in held value from the previous run. This option also affects quiet mode: all lines with changed held values are shown. Held data is saved to the same directory as fail counter data. -id dir A synonym for -rd. -ic Clear all saved held data. -c, --color Enable color highlighting. Not compatible with --watch. Same thresholds as for quiet mode are used to highlight "more important" lines, plus the lines with non-zero fail counters are highlighted. -f | --file filename Read User Beancounters from filename. By default this is /proc/bc/resources or, if that one is not available, /proc/user_beancounters. Use - to read from standard input. EXAMPLES vzubc 101 web dns Show all beancounters for CTID 101 and for CTs named web and dns. vzubc -w -wd -wn 10 101 Display beancounters for CT 101 every 10 seconds, highlighting the changes. Interrupt with Control-C. vzubc -q -c Show beancounters with held or maxheld close to limits, plus those with non-zero fail counters, with colors. vzubc -q -qh 0.8 -qm 1 Show beancounters with held value equal to or more than 80% of a limit, and/or with maxheld value equal or more than a limit, plus those with non-zero fail counters. vzubc -w -q -r Display beancounters with held and maxheld close to limits, plus those with increasing fail counters. vzubc -r -q -qh 2 -qm 2 Only show beancounters with increased (since the last run) fail counters. vzubc -rc -ic Show all beancounters, and clear all saved data for relative and incremental mode (i.e. saved values for fail counter and held). FILES /proc/bc/resources /proc/user_beancounters /tmp/vzubc.store/ubc.* EXIT STATUS Returns 0 upon successful execution, 1 otherwise. SEE ALSO watch(1), vzlist(8), vzmemcheck(8), vzcfgvalidate(8), http://wiki.openvz.org/UBC. LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011, Parallels, Inc. Licensed under GNU GPL. OpenVZ 3 Jun 2011 vzubc(8)