Rework modification of container's /etc/hosts
There are actually multiple problems with the original (as shipped with
vzctl-3.0.22) awk script. I consider the most severe to be:
- discarding all user changes/additions after the "special comment line". This
is a serious problem for me, and probably to anyone using such automation
software as puppet. Puppet (and almost certainly other things as well) are
limited to just appending a line to the config file. This behaviour destroys
the changes.
- adding duplicate entries in some cases (multiple lines with the same IP
address, but different contents). This is in violation with the documented
format of hosts(5) and can cause subtle problems with third-party software.
- discarding localhost aliases (the original report for this bug)
There are others, which show up in some situations:
- not including the "localhost" from the entry for
- not fixing the ip address when the special comment is missing (possibly a
I have created a (rather heavily modified) version of the script which fixes
all the problems which I've found. I also assembled a simple shell-script-based
test suite which can serve as a specification and a regression test. Both are
attached. The instructions on how to operate the test suite are in the README
file in the tarball.
To sum up, the results are:
SUMMARY: orig: 133/162 tests passed, 29 failed
SUMMARY: att-606: 142/162 tests passed, 20 failed
SUMMARY: sl: 162/162 tests passed, 0 failed
I think the biggest problem is that there is no clear specification of what the
script should be doing in each situation. There are literally dozens of corner
cases (my test suite runs 162 tests!) and since the script being kind of "grown
organically", the results are sometimes surprising and inconsistent. As a
result I might have changed some behaviour which was in fact a requirement!
1 file changed