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.\" $Id: tmux.1,v 1.83 2009-02-10 00:09:44 nicm Exp $
.\" Copyright (c) 2007 Nicholas Marriott <>
.\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
.\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
.\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
.Dd June 30, 2008
.Dt TMUX 1
.Nm tmux
.Nd "terminal multiplexer"
.Nm tmux
.Bk -words
.Op Fl 2dqUuVv
.Op Fl f Ar file
.Op Fl S Ar socket-path
.Op Ar command Op Ar flags
is a terminal multiplexer; it enables a number of terminals (or windows) to be
accessed and controlled from a single terminal.
runs as a server-client system.
A server is created automatically when necessary and holds a number of
.Em sessions ,
each of which may have a number of
.Em windows
linked to it.
Any number of
.Em clients
may connect to a session, or the server
may be controlled by issuing commands with
.Nm .
Communication takes place through a socket, by default placed in
.Pa /tmp .
The options are as follows:
.Bl -tag -width "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
.It Fl 2
to assume the terminal supports 256 colours.
.It Fl d
to assume the terminal supports default colours.
.It Fl f Ar file
Specify an alternative configuration file.
By default,
will look for a config file at
.Pa ~/.tmux.conf .
The configuration file is a set of
commands which are executed in sequence when the server is first started.
.It Fl q
Prevent the server sending various information messages, for example when
window flags are altered.
.It Fl S Ar socket-path
Specify an alternative path to the server socket.
The default is
.Pa /tmp/tmux-UID ,
is the uid of the user who invoked
.Nm .
.It Fl U
Unlock the server.
.It Fl u
that the terminal support UTF-8.
.It Fl V
Print program version.
.It Fl v
Request verbose logging.
This option may be specified multiple times for increasing verbosity.
Log messages will be saved into
.Pa tmux-client-PID.log
.Pa tmux-server-PID.log
files in the current directory, where
is the pid of the server or client process.
.It Ar command Op Ar flags
This specifies one of a set of commands used to control
.Nm ,
and described in the following sections.
If no command and flags is specified, the
.Ic new-session
command is assumed.
To create a new tmux session running
.Xr vi 1 :
.Dl $ tmux new-session vi
Most commands have a shorter form, known as an alias.
For new-session, this is
.Ic new :
.Dl $ tmux new vi
Alternatively, the shortest unambiguous form of a command is accepted.
If there are several options, they are listed:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
$ tmux n
ambiguous command: n, could be: new-session, new-window, next-window
Within an active session, a new window may be created by typing
.Ql C-b
(ctrl-b, known as the prefix key)
followed by the
.Ql c
Windows may be navigated with:
.Ql C-b 0
(to select window 0),
.Ql C-b 1
(to select window 1), and so on;
.Ql C-b n
to select the next window; and
.Ql C-b p
to select the previous window.
A session may be detached using
.Ql C-b d
and reattached with:
.Dl $ tmux attach-session
.Ql C-b \&?
lists the current key bindings in the current window; up and down may be used
to navigate the list or
.Ql Q
to exit from it.
may be controlled from an attached client by using a key combination of a
prefix key,
.Ql C-b
(ctrl-b) by default, followed by a command key.
Some of the default key bindings include:
.Bl -tag -width Ds -compact
.It Ql d
Detach current client.
.It Ql c
Create new window.
.It Ql n
Change to next window in the current session.
.It Ql p
Change to previous window in the current session.
.It Ql l
Move to last (previously selected) window in the current session.
.It Ql t
Display a large clock.
.It Ql \&?
List current key bindings.
A complete list may be obtained with the
.Ic list-keys
command (bound to
.Ql \&?
by default).
Key bindings may be changed with the
.Ic bind-key
.Ic unbind-key
maintains a configurable history buffer for each window.
By default, up to 2000 lines are kept, this can be altered with the
.Ic history-limit
option (see the
.Ic set-option
command below).
window may be in one of several modes.
The default permits direct access to the terminal attached to the window.
The others are:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Em output mode
This is entered when a command which produces output, such as
.Ic list-keys ,
is executed from a key binding.
.It Em scroll mode
This is entered with the
.Ic scroll-mode
command (bound to
.Ql =
by default) and permits the window history buffer to be inspected.
.It Em copy mode
This permits a section of a window or its history to be copied to a
.Em paste buffer
for later insertion into another window.
This mode is entered with the
.Ic copy-mode
command, bound to
.Ql [
by default.
The keys available depend on whether
.Xr emacs 1
.Xr vi 1
mode is selected (see the
.Ic mode-keys
The following keys are supported as appropriate for the mode:
.Bl -column "FunctionXXXXXXXXXXXX" "viXXXXXX" "emacs" -offset indent
.It Sy "Function" Ta Sy "vi" Ta Sy "emacs"
.It Li "Start of line" Ta "0 or ^" Ta "C-a"
.It Li "Clear selection" Ta "Escape" Ta "C-g"
.It Li "Copy selection" Ta "Enter" Ta "M-w"
.It Li "Cursor down" Ta "j" Ta "Down"
.It Li "End of line" Ta "$" Ta "C-e"
.It Li "Cursor left" Ta "h" Ta "Left"
.It Li "Next page" Ta "C-f" Ta "Page down"
.It Li "Next word" Ta "w" Ta "M-f"
.It Li "Previous page" Ta "C-u" Ta "Page up"
.It Li "Previous word" Ta "b" Ta "M-b"
.It Li "Quit mode" Ta "q" Ta "Escape"
.It Li "Cursor right" Ta "l" Ta "Right"
.It Li "Start selection" Ta "Space" Ta "C-Space"
.It Li "Cursor up" Ta "k" Ta "Up"
maintains a stack of
.Em paste buffers
for each session.
Up to the value of the
.Ic buffer-limit
option are kept; when a new buffer is added, the buffer at the bottom of the
stack is removed.
Buffers may be added using
.Ic copy-mode
or the
.Ic set-buffer
command, and pasted into a window using the
.Ic paste-buffer
This section contains a list of the commands supported by
.Nm .
Most commands accept the optional
.Fl t
argument with one of
.Ar target-client ,
.Ar target-session
.Ar target-window .
These specify the client, session or window which a command should affect.
.Ar target-client
is the name of the
.Xr pty 4
file to which the client is connected, for example
.Pa /dev/ttyp1 .
Clients may be listed with the
.Ic list-clients
.Ar target-session
is either the name of a session (as listed by the
.Ic list-sessions
command); or the name of a client as for
.Ar target-client ,
in this case, the session attached to the client is used.
.Xr fnmatch 3
pattern may be used to match the session name.
If a session is omitted when required,
.Nm tmux
attempts to use the current session; if no current session is available, the
most recently created is chosen.
If no client is specified, the current client is chosen, if possible, or an
error is reported.
.Ar target-window
specifies a window in the form
.Em session Ns \&: Ns Em index ,
for example mysession:1.
The session is in the same form as for
.Ar target-session .
.Em session ,
.Em index
or both may be omitted.
.Em session
is omitted, the same rules as for
.Ar target-session
are followed; if
.Em index
is not present, the current window for the given session is used.
When the argument does not contain a colon (:),
first attempts to parse it as window index; if that fails, an attempt is made
to match a session or client name.
Multiple commands may be specified together as part of a
.Em command sequence .
Each command should be separated by spaces and a semicolon
.Eo ( Ql \& \&; \& Ec ) ;
commands are executed sequentially from left to right.
A literal semicolon may be included by escaping it with a backslash (for
example, when specifying a command sequence to
.Ic bind-key ) .
Examples include:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
refresh-client -t/dev/ttyp2
rename-session -tfirst newname
set-window-option -t:0 monitor-activity on
new-window ; split-window -d
bind-key D detach-client \e\; lock-server
The following commands are available:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Xo Ic attach-session
.Op Fl d
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic attach )
Create a new client in the current terminal and attach it to a session.
.Fl d
is specified, any other clients attached to the session are detached.
If no server is started,
.Ic attach-session
will attempt to start it; this will fail unless sessions are created in the
configuration file.
.It Xo Ic bind-key
.Ar key Ar command Op Ar arguments
.D1 (alias: Ic bind )
Bind key
.Ar key
.Ar command .
Keys may be specified prefixed with
.Ql C-
.Ql ^
for ctrl keys, or
.Ql M-
for alt (meta) keys.
.It Xo Ic choose-session
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
Put a window into session choice mode, where the session for the current
client may be selected interactively from a list.
This command works only from inside
.Nm .
.It Xo Ic choose-window
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
Put a window into window choice mode, where the window for the session
attached to the current client may be selected interactively from a list.
This command works only from inside
.Nm .
.It Xo Ic clock-mode
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
Display a large clock.
.It Xo Ic command-prompt
.Op Fl t Ar target-client
.Op Ar template
Open the command prompt in a client.
This may be used from inside
to execute commands interactively.
.Ar template
is specified, it is used as the command; any %% in the template will be
replaced by what is entered at the prompt.
.It Xo Ic copy-buffer
.Op Fl a Ar src-index
.Op Fl b Ar dst-index
.Op Fl s Ar src-session
.Op Fl t Ar dst-session
.D1 (alias: Ic copyb)
Copy a session paste buffer to another session.
If no sessions are specified, the current one is used instead.
.It Xo Ic copy-mode
.Op Fl u
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
Enter copy mode.
.Fl u
option scrolls one page up.
.It Xo Ic delete-buffer
.Op Fl b Ar buffer-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic deleteb )
Delete the buffer at
.Ar buffer-index ,
or the top buffer if not specified.
.It Xo Ic detach-client
.Op Fl t Ar target-client
.D1 (alias: Ic detach )
Detach the current client if bound to a key, or the specified client with
.Fl t .
.It Xo Ic down-pane
.Op Fl p Ar pane-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.D1 (alias: Ic downp )
Move down a pane.
.It Xo Ic find-window
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Ar match-string
.D1 (alias: Ic findw )
Search for
.Ar match-string
in window names, titles, and visible content (but not history).
If only one window is matched, it'll be automatically selected, otherwise a
choice list is shown.
This command only works from inside
.Nm .
.It Xo Ic has-session
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic has )
Report an error and exit with 1 if the specified session does not exist.
If it does exist, exit with 0.
.It Xo Ic kill-pane
.Op Fl p Ar pane-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.D1 (alias: Ic killp )
Destroy the given pane.
.It Xo Ic kill-server
Kill the
server and clients and destroy all sessions.
.It Xo Ic kill-session
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
Destroy the given session, closing any windows linked to it and no other
sessions, and detaching all clients attached to it.
.It Xo Ic kill-window
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.D1 (alias: Ic killw )
Kill the current window or the window at
.Ar target-window ,
removing it from any sessions to which it is linked.
.It Xo Ic last-window
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic last )
Select the last (previously selected) window.
If no
.Ar target-session
is specified, select the last window of the current session.
.It Xo Ic link-window
.Op Fl dk
.Op Fl s Ar src-window
.Op Fl t Ar dst-window
.D1 (alias: Ic linkw )
Link the window at
.Ar src-window
to the specified
.Ar dst-window .
.Ar dst-window
is specified and no such window exists, the
.Ar src-window
is linked there.
.Fl k
is given and
.Ar dst-window
exists, it is killed, otherwise an error is generated.
.Fl d
is given, the newly linked window is not selected.
.It Xo Ic list-buffers
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic lsb )
List the buffers in the given session.
.It Xo Ic list-clients
.D1 (alias: Ic lsc )
List all clients attached to the server.
.It Xo Ic list-commands
.D1 (alias: Ic lscm )
List the syntax of all commands supported by
.Nm .
.It Xo Ic list-keys
.D1 (alias: Ic lsk )
List all key bindings.
.It Xo Ic list-sessions
.D1 (alias: Ic ls )
List all sessions managed by the server.
.It Xo Ic list-windows
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic lsw )
List windows in the current session or in
.Ar target-session .
.It Xo Ic load-buffer
.Op Fl b Ar buffer-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.Ar path
.D1 (alias: Ic loadb )
Load the contents of the specified paste buffer from
.Ar path .
.It Xo Ic lock-server
.D1 (alias: Ic lock )
Lock the server until a password is entered.
.It Xo Ic move-window
.Op Fl d
.Op Fl s Ar src-window
.Op Fl t Ar dst-window
.D1 (alias: Ic movew )
This is similar to
.Ic link-window ,
except the window at
.Ar src-window
is moved to
.Ar dst-window .
.It Xo Ic new-session
.Op Fl d
.Op Fl n Ar window-name
.Op Fl s Ar session-name
.Op Ar command
.D1 (alias: Ic new )
Create a new session with name
.Ar session-name .
The new session is attached to the current terminal unless
.Fl d
is given.
.Ar window-name
.Ar command
are the name of and command to execute in the initial window.
.It Xo Ic new-window
.Op Fl d
.Op Fl n Ar window-name
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Op Ar command
.D1 (alias: Ic neww )
Create a new window.
.Fl d
is given, the session does not make the new window the current window.
.Ar target-window
represents the window to be created.
.Ar command
is the command to execute.
.Ar command
is not specified, the default command is used.
environment variable must be set to
.Dq screen
for all programs running
.Em inside
.Nm .
New windows will automatically have
.Dq TERM=screen
added to their environment, but care must be taken not to reset this in shell
start-up files.
.It Xo Ic next-window
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic next )
Move to the next window in the session.
.It Xo Ic paste-buffer
.Op Fl d
.Op Fl b Ar buffer-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.D1 (alias: Ic pasteb )
Insert the contents of a paste buffer into the current window.
.It Xo Ic previous-window
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic prev )
Move to the previous window in the session.
.It Xo Ic refresh-client
.Op Fl t Ar target-client
.D1 (alias: Ic refresh )
Refresh the current client if bound to a key, or a single client if one is given
.Fl t .
.It Xo Ic rename-session
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.Ar new-name
.D1 (alias: Ic rename )
Rename the session to
.Ar new-name .
.It Xo Ic rename-window
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Ar new-name
.D1 (alias: Ic renamew )
Rename the current window, or the window at
.Ar target-window
if specified, to
.Ar new-name .
.It Xo Ic resize-pane-down
.Op Fl p Ar pane-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Op Ar adjustment
.D1 (alias: Ic resizep-down )
.It Xo Ic resize-pane-up
.Op Fl p Ar pane-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Op Ar adjustment
.D1 (alias: Ic resizep-up)
Resize a pane.
.Ar adjustment
is given in lines (the default is 1).
.It Xo Ic respawn-window
.Op Fl k
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Op command
.D1 (alias: Ic respawnw )
Reactive a window in which the command has exited (see the
.Ic remain-on-exit
window option).
.Ar command
is not given, the command used when the window was created is executed.
The window must be already inactive, unless
.Fl k
is given, in which case any existing command is killed.
.It Xo Ic save-buffer
.Op Fl a
.Op Fl b Ar buffer-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.Ar path
.D1 (alias: Ic saveb )
Save the contents of the specified paste buffer to
.Ar path .
.Fl a
option appends to rather than overwriting the file.
.It Xo Ic scroll-mode
.Op Fl u
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
Enter scroll mode.
.Fl u
has the same meaning as in the
.Ic copy-mode
.It Xo Ic select-pane
.Op Fl p Ar pane-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.D1 (alias: Ic selectp )
Make pane
.Ar pane-index
the active pane in window
.Ar target-window .
.It Xo Ic select-prompt
.Op Fl t Ar target-client
Open a prompt inside
.Ar target-client
allowing a window index to be entered interactively.
.It Xo Ic select-window
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.D1 (alias: Ic selectw )
Select the window at
.Ar target-window .
.It Xo Ic send-keys
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Ar key Ar ...
.D1 (alias: Ic send )
Send a key or keys to a window.
Each argument
.Ar key
is the name of the key (such as
.Ql C-a
.Ql npage
) to send; if the string is not recognised as a key, it is sent as a series of
All arguments are sent sequentially from first to last.
.It Xo Ic send-prefix
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
Send the prefix key to a window as if it was pressed.
.It Xo Ic server-info
.D1 (alias: Ic info )
Show server information and terminal details.
.It Xo Ic set-buffer
.Op Fl b Ar buffer-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.Ar data
.D1 (alias: Ic setb )
Set the contents of the specified buffer to
.Ar data .
.It Xo Ic set-option
.Op Fl gu
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.Ar option Ar value
.D1 (alias: Ic set )
Set an option.
.Fl g
is specified, the option is set as a global option.
Global options apply to all sessions which don't have the option explicitly
.Fl g
is not used, the option applies only to
.Ar target-session .
.Fl u
flag unsets an option, so a session inherits the option from the global
options - it is not possible to unset a global option.
Possible options are:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Xo Ic bell-action
.Op Ic any | Ic none | Ic current
Set action on window bell.
.Ic any
means a bell in any window linked to a session causes a bell in the current
window of that session,
.Ic none
means all bells are ignored and
.Ic current
means only bell in windows other than the current window are ignored.
.It Ic buffer-limit Ar number
Set the number of buffers kept for each session; as new buffers are added to
the top of the stack, old ones are removed from the bottom if necessary to
maintain this maximum length.
.It Ic default-command Ar command
Set the command used for new windows (if not specified when the window is
created) to
.Ar command .
The default is
.Dq exec $SHELL .
.It Ic default-path Ar path
Set the default working directory for processes created from keys, or
interactively from the prompt.
The default is the current working directory when the server is started.
.It Ic history-limit Ar lines
Set the maximum number of lines held in window history.
This setting applies only to new windows - existing window histories are not
resized and retain the limit at the point they were created.
.It Ic lock-after-time Ar number
Lock the server after
.Ar number
seconds of inactivity.
The default is off (set to 0).
This has no effect as a session option; it must be set as a global option using
.Fl g .
.It Ic message-attr Ar attributes
Set status line message attributes, where
.Ar attributes
is either
.Ic default
or a comma-delimited list of one or more of:
.Ic bright
.Ic bold ) ,
.Ic dim ,
.Ic underscore ,
.Ic blink ,
.Ic reverse ,
.Ic hidden ,
.Ic italics .
.It Ic message-bg Ar colour
Set status line message background colour, where
.Ar colour
is one of:
.Ic black ,
.Ic red ,
.Ic green ,
.Ic yellow ,
.Ic blue ,
.Ic magenta ,
.Ic cyan ,
.Ic white
.Ic default .
.It Ic message-fg Ar colour
Set status line message foreground colour.
.It Ic prefix Ar key
Set the current prefix key.
.It Ic repeat-time Ar number
Allow multiple commands to be entered without pressing the prefix-key again
in the specified
.Ar number
milliseconds (the default is 500).
It only applies to
.Ic up-pane ,
.Ic down-pane ,
.Ic next-window ,
.Ic previous-window ,
.Ic resize-pane-up ,
.Ic resize-pane-down .
.It Xo Ic set-titles
.Op Ic on | Ic off
Attempt to set the window title using the \ee]2;...\e007 xterm code and
the terminal appears to be an xterm.
This option is enabled by default.
Note that
.Xr elinks 1
will only attempt to set the window title if the STY environment
variable is set.
.It Xo Ic status
.Op Ic on | Ic off
Show or hide the status line.
.It Ic status-attr Ar attributes
Set status line attributes.
.It Ic status-bg Ar colour
Set status line background colour.
.It Ic status-fg Ar colour
Set status line foreground colour.
.It Ic status-interval Ar interval
Update the status bar every
.Ar interval
By default, updates will occur every 15 seconds.
A setting of zero disables redrawing at interval.
.It Ic status-left Ar string
.Ar string
to the left of the status bar.
.Ar string
will be passed through
.Xr strftime 3
before being used.
By default, the session name is shown.
.Ar string
may contain any of the following special character pairs:
.Bl -column "Character pair" "Replaced with" -offset indent
.It Sy "Character pair" Ta Sy "Replaced with"
.It Li "#(command)" Ta "First line of command's output"
.It Li "#H" Ta "Hostname of local host"
.It Li "#S" Ta "Session name"
.It Li "#T" Ta "Current window title"
.It Li "##" Ta "A literal" Ql #
Where appropriate, these may be prefixed with a number to specify the maximum
length, for example
.Ql #24T .
.It Ic status-left-length Ar length
Set the maximum
.Ar length
of the left component of the status bar.
The default is 10.
.It Ic status-right Ar string
.Ar string
to the right of the status bar.
By default, the date and time will be shown.
As with
.Ic status-left ,
.Ar string
will be passed to
.Xr strftime 3
and character pairs are replaced.
.It Ic status-right-length Ar length
Set the maximum
.Ar length
of the right component of the status bar.
The default is 40.
.It Xo Ic set-password
.Op Fl c
.Ar password
.D1 (alias: Ic pass )
Set the server password.
If the
.Fl c
option is given, a pre-encrypted password may be specified.
By default, the password is blank, thus any entered password will be accepted
when unlocking the server (see the
.Ic lock-server
To prevent variable expansion when an encrypted password is read from a
configuration file, enclose it in single quotes (').
.It Xo Ic set-window-option
.Op Fl gu
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Ar option Ar value
.D1 (alias: Ic setw )
Set a window-specific option.
.Fl g
.Fl u
flags work similarly to the
.Ic set-option
Supported options are:
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Xo Ic aggressive-resize
.Op Ic on | Ic off
Aggressively resize the chosen window.
This means that
will resize the window to the size of the smallest session for which it is the
current window, rather than the smallest session to which it is attached.
The window may resize when the current window is changed on another sessions;
this option is good for full-screen programs which support SIGWINCH and poor for
interactive programs such as shells.
.It Xo Ic automatic-rename
.Op Ic on | Ic off
Control automatic window renaming.
When this setting is enabled,
will attempt - on supported platforms - to rename the window to reflect the
command currently running in it.
This flag is automatically disabled for an individual window when a name
is specified at creation with
.Ic new-window or
.Ic new-session ,
or later with
.Ic rename-window .
It may be switched off globally with:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
set-window-option -g automatic-rename off
.It Ic clock-mode-colour Ar colour
Set clock colour.
.It Xo Ic clock-mode-style
.Op Ic 12 | Ic 24
Set clock hour format.
.It Ic force-height Ar height
.It Ic force-width Ar width
from resizing a window to greater than
.Ar width
.Ar height .
A value of zero restores the default unlimited setting.
.It Ic mode-attr Ar attributes
Set window modes attributes.
.It Ic mode-bg Ar colour
Set window modes background colour.
.It Ic mode-fg Ar colour
Set window modes foreground colour.
.It Xo Ic mode-keys
.Op Ic vi | Ic emacs
.Xr vi 1 -
.Xr emacs 1 -
style key bindings in scroll and copy modes.
Key bindings default to emacs.
.It Xo Ic monitor-activity
.Op Ic on | Ic off
Monitor for activity in the window.
Windows with activity are highlighted in the status line.
.It Xo Ic remain-on-exit
.Op Ic on | Ic off
A window with this flag set is not destroyed when the program running in it
The window may be reactivated with the
.Ic respawn-window
.It Xo Ic utf8
.Op Ic on | Ic off
to expect UTF-8 sequences to appear in this window.
.It Ic window-status-attr Ar attributes
Set status line attributes for a single window.
.It Ic window-status-bg Ar colour
Set status line background colour for a single window.
.It Ic window-status-fg Ar colour
Set status line foreground colour for a single window.
.It Xo xterm-keys
.Op Ic on | Ic off
If this option is set,
will generate
.Xr xterm 1 -style
function key sequences; these have a number included to indicate modifiers such
as shift, meta or ctrl.
.It Xo Ic show-buffer
.Op Fl b Ar buffer-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic showb )
Display the contents of the specified buffer.
.It Xo Ic show-options
.Op Fl t Ar target-session
.Ar option Ar value
.D1 (alias: Ic show )
Show the currently set options.
If a
.Ar target-session
is specified, the options for that session are shown; otherwise, the global
options are listed.
.It Xo Ic show-window-options
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Ar option Ar value
.D1 (alias: Ic showw )
List the current options for the given window.
.It Xo Ic source-file
.Ar path
.D1 (alias: Ic source )
Execute commands from
.Ar path .
.It Xo Ic split-window
.Op Fl d
.Oo Fl l
.Ar lines |
.Fl p Ar percentage Oc
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.Op Ar command
.D1 (alias: splitw )
Creates a new window by splitting it vertically.
.Fl l
.Fl p
options specify the size of the new window in lines, or as a percentage,
All other options have the same meaning as in the
.Ic new-window
A few notes with regard to panes:
.Bl -enum -compact
If attempting to split a window with less than eight lines, an error will be
If the window is resized, as many panes are shown as can fit without reducing
them below four lines.
The minimum pane size is four lines (including the separator line).
The panes are indexed from top (0) to bottom, with no numbers skipped.
.It Xo Ic start-server
.D1 (alias: Ic start )
Start the
server, if not already running, without creating any sessions.
.It Xo Ic suspend-client
.Op Fl c target-client
.D1 (alias: Ic suspendc )
Suspend a client by sending SIGTSTP (tty stop).
.It Xo Ic swap-window
.Op Fl d
.Op Fl s Ar src-window
.Op Fl t Ar dst-window
.D1 (alias: Ic swapw )
This is similar to
.Ic link-window ,
except the source and destination windows are swapped.
It is an error if no window exists at
.Ar src-window .
.It Xo Ic switch-client
.Op Fl c Ar target-client Fl t Ar target-session
.D1 (alias: Ic switchc )
Switch the current session for client
.Ar target-client
.Ar target-session .
.It Xo Ic unbind-key
.Ar key
.D1 (alias: Ic unbind )
Unbind the key bound to
.Ar key .
.It Xo Ic unlink-window
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.D1 (alias: Ic unlinkw )
.Ar target-window .
A window may be unlinked only if it is linked to multiple sessions - windows may
not be linked to no sessions.
.It Xo Ic up-pane
.Op Fl p Ar pane-index
.Op Fl t Ar target-window
.D1 (alias: Ic upp )
Move up a pane.
.Bl -tag -width Ds -compact
.It Pa ~/.tmux.conf
configuration file
.Xr pty 4
.An Nicholas Marriott Aq