1. 846b99e Portable does not need sys/queue.h. by Nicholas Marriott · 4 years, 11 months ago
  2. 479d411 Remove imsg.h. by Nicholas Marriott · 5 years ago
  3. 1bdd482 If /dev/fd/X is a symlink and realpath() expands symlinks, /dev/fd/X by nicm · 5 years ago
  4. b4520aa Need to include message size in the maximum buffer calculation. by nicm · 5 years ago
  5. eaa58d2 Instead of using large buffers in imsgs, add the data or path onto the end. by nicm · 5 years ago
  6. 268f2b0 Do not check if client is dead if it is NULL. by nicm · 5 years ago
  7. c284ebe Rewrite the code for reading and writing files. Now, if the client is by nicm · 5 years ago