Copy mode search improvements:
- Add styles for the search marking styles (copy-mode-match-style and
- Show the current match (the one with the cursor on it) in a different style.
- Copying without a selection will copy the current match if there is one.
diff --git a/options-table.c b/options-table.c
index 5c36858..a89758c 100644
--- a/options-table.c
+++ b/options-table.c
@@ -656,6 +656,22 @@
.default_num = 1
+ { .name = "copy-mode-match-style",
+ .default_str = "bg=cyan,fg=black",
+ .separator = ","
+ },
+ { .name = "copy-mode-current-match-style",
+ .default_str = "bg=magenta,fg=black",
+ .separator = ","
+ },
{ .name = "main-pane-height",
diff --git a/screen-write.c b/screen-write.c
index afa1e96..e3e5102 100644
--- a/screen-write.c
+++ b/screen-write.c
@@ -344,44 +344,9 @@
-/* Copy from another screen. Assumes target region is big enough. */
-screen_write_copy(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct screen *src, u_int px,
- u_int py, u_int nx, u_int ny, bitstr_t *mbs, const struct grid_cell *mgc)
- struct screen *s = ctx->s;
- struct grid *gd = src->grid;
- struct grid_cell gc;
- u_int xx, yy, cx, cy, b;
- if (nx == 0 || ny == 0)
- return;
- cx = s->cx;
- cy = s->cy;
- for (yy = py; yy < py + ny; yy++) {
- for (xx = px; xx < px + nx; xx++) {
- grid_get_cell(gd, xx, yy, &gc);
- if (mbs != NULL) {
- b = (yy * screen_size_x(src)) + xx;
- if (bit_test(mbs, b)) {
- gc.attr = mgc->attr;
- gc.fg = mgc->fg;
- = mgc->bg;
- }
- }
- if (xx + <= px + nx)
- screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc);
- }
- cy++;
- screen_write_set_cursor(ctx, cx, cy);
- }
- * Copy from another screen but without the selection stuff. Also assumes the
- * target region is already big enough.
+ * Copy from another screen but without the selection stuff. Assumes the target
+ * region is already big enough.
screen_write_fast_copy(struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, struct screen *src,
diff --git a/tmux.1 b/tmux.1
index 7918c78..5c873fd 100644
--- a/tmux.1
+++ b/tmux.1
@@ -3717,6 +3717,22 @@
.Ql % ,
this is a percentage of the window size.
+.It Ic copy-mode-match-style Ar style
+Set the style of search matches in copy mode.
+For how to specify
+.Ar style ,
+see the
+.It Ic copy-mode-current-match-style Ar style
+Set the style of the current search match in copy mode.
+For how to specify
+.Ar style ,
+see the
.It Xo Ic mode-keys
.Op Ic vi | emacs
diff --git a/tmux.h b/tmux.h
index 486b8b4..e244366 100644
--- a/tmux.h
+++ b/tmux.h
@@ -2434,8 +2434,6 @@
const struct grid_cell *, const char *, va_list);
void screen_write_putc(struct screen_write_ctx *, const struct grid_cell *,
-void screen_write_copy(struct screen_write_ctx *, struct screen *, u_int,
- u_int, u_int, u_int, bitstr_t *, const struct grid_cell *);
void screen_write_fast_copy(struct screen_write_ctx *, struct screen *,
u_int, u_int, u_int, u_int);
void screen_write_hline(struct screen_write_ctx *, u_int, int, int);
diff --git a/window-copy.c b/window-copy.c
index 2c50a1c..f5a07a1 100644
--- a/window-copy.c
+++ b/window-copy.c
@@ -257,12 +257,13 @@
int searchtype;
int searchregex;
char *searchstr;
- bitstr_t *searchmark;
+ u_char *searchmark;
u_int searchcount;
int searchthis;
int searchx;
int searchy;
int searcho;
+ u_char searchgen;
int timeout; /* search has timed out */
@@ -362,10 +363,7 @@
data->searchregex = 0;
data->searchstr = NULL;
- data->searchmark = NULL;
data->searchx = data->searchy = data->searcho = -1;
- data->timeout = 0;
- data->viewmode = 0;
data->jumptype = WINDOW_COPY_OFF;
data->jumpchar = '\0';
@@ -2860,7 +2858,7 @@
const struct grid_line *gl;
int found, cis, which = -1;
int cflags = REG_EXTENDED;
- u_int px, py, b, nfound = 0, width;
+ u_int px, py, i, b, nfound = 0, width;
u_int ssize = 1;
char *sbuf;
regex_t reg;
@@ -2880,7 +2878,8 @@
cis = window_copy_is_lowercase(data->searchstr);
- data->searchmark = bit_alloc((gd->hsize + gd->sy) * gd->sx);
+ data->searchmark = xcalloc(gd->hsize + gd->sy, gd->sx);
+ data->searchgen = 1;
if (regex) {
sbuf = xmalloc(ssize);
@@ -2921,7 +2920,12 @@
which = nfound;
b = (py * gd->sx) + px;
- bit_nset(data->searchmark, b, b + width - 1);
+ for (i = b; i < b + width; i++)
+ data->searchmark[i] = data->searchgen;
+ if (data->searchgen == UCHAR_MAX)
+ data->searchgen = 1;
+ else
+ data->searchgen++;
@@ -2992,6 +2996,114 @@
static void
+window_copy_match_start_end(struct window_copy_mode_data *data, u_int at,
+ u_int *start, u_int *end)
+ struct grid *gd = data->backing->grid;
+ u_int last = (gd->hsize + gd->sy) * gd->sx - 1;
+ u_char mark = data->searchmark[at];
+ *start = *end = at;
+ while (*start != 0 && data->searchmark[*start] == mark)
+ (*start)--;
+ if (data->searchmark[*start] != mark)
+ (*start)++;
+ while (*end != last && data->searchmark[*end] == mark)
+ (*end)++;
+ if (data->searchmark[*end] != mark)
+ (*end)--;
+static char *
+window_copy_match_at_cursor(struct window_copy_mode_data *data)
+ struct grid *gd = data->backing->grid;
+ struct grid_cell gc;
+ u_int at, start, end, cy, px, py;
+ u_int sx = screen_size_x(data->backing);
+ char *buf = NULL;
+ size_t len = 0;
+ if (data->searchmark == NULL)
+ return (NULL);
+ cy = screen_hsize(data->backing) - data->oy + data->cy;
+ at = (cy * sx) + data->cx;
+ if (data->searchmark[at] == 0)
+ return (NULL);
+ window_copy_match_start_end(data, at, &start, &end);
+ /*
+ * Cells will not be set in the marked array unless they are valid text
+ * and wrapping will be taken care of, so we can just copy.
+ */
+ for (at = start; at <= end; at++) {
+ py = at / sx;
+ px = at % (py * sx);
+ grid_get_cell(gd, px, py, &gc);
+ buf = xrealloc(buf, len + + 1);
+ memcpy(buf + len,,;
+ len +=;
+ }
+ if (len != 0)
+ buf[len] = '\0';
+ return (buf);
+static void
+window_copy_update_style(struct window_mode_entry *wme, u_int fx, u_int fy,
+ struct grid_cell *gc, const struct grid_cell *mgc,
+ const struct grid_cell *cgc)
+ struct window_copy_mode_data *data = wme->data;
+ u_int mark, at, start, end, cy;
+ u_int sx = screen_size_x(data->backing);
+ if (data->searchmark == NULL)
+ return;
+ mark = data->searchmark[(fy * sx) + fx];
+ if (mark == 0)
+ return;
+ cy = screen_hsize(data->backing) - data->oy + data->cy;
+ at = (cy * sx) + data->cx;
+ if (data->searchmark[at] == mark) {
+ window_copy_match_start_end(data, at, &start, &end);
+ if (at >= start && at <= end) {
+ gc->attr = cgc->attr;
+ gc->fg = cgc->fg;
+ gc->bg = cgc->bg;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ gc->attr = mgc->attr;
+ gc->fg = mgc->fg;
+ gc->bg = mgc->bg;
+static void
+window_copy_write_one(struct window_mode_entry *wme,
+ struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int py, u_int fy, u_int nx,
+ const struct grid_cell *mgc, const struct grid_cell *cgc)
+ struct window_copy_mode_data *data = wme->data;
+ struct grid *gd = data->backing->grid;
+ struct grid_cell gc;
+ u_int fx;
+ screen_write_cursormove(ctx, 0, py, 0);
+ for (fx = 0; fx < nx; fx++) {
+ grid_get_cell(gd, fx, fy, &gc);
+ if (fx + <= nx) {
+ window_copy_update_style(wme, fx, fy, &gc, mgc, cgc);
+ screen_write_cell(ctx, &gc);
+ }
+ }
+static void
window_copy_write_line(struct window_mode_entry *wme,
struct screen_write_ctx *ctx, u_int py)
@@ -2999,13 +3111,17 @@
struct window_copy_mode_data *data = wme->data;
struct screen *s = &data->screen;
struct options *oo = wp->window->options;
- struct grid_cell gc;
+ struct grid_cell gc, mgc, cgc;
char hdr[512];
size_t size = 0;
u_int hsize = screen_hsize(data->backing);
style_apply(&gc, oo, "mode-style", NULL);
+ style_apply(&mgc, oo, "copy-mode-match-style", NULL);
+ mgc.flags |= GRID_FLAG_NOPALETTE;
+ style_apply(&cgc, oo, "copy-mode-current-match-style", NULL);
+ cgc.flags |= GRID_FLAG_NOPALETTE;
if (py == 0 && s->rupper < s->rlower && !data->hide_position) {
if (data->searchmark == NULL) {
@@ -3035,15 +3151,13 @@
size = 0;
if (size < screen_size_x(s)) {
- screen_write_cursormove(ctx, 0, py, 0);
- screen_write_copy(ctx, data->backing, 0, hsize - data->oy + py,
- screen_size_x(s) - size, 1, data->searchmark, &gc);
+ window_copy_write_one(wme, ctx, py, hsize - data->oy + py,
+ screen_size_x(s) - size, &mgc, &cgc);
if (py == data->cy && data->cx == screen_size_x(s)) {
- memcpy(&gc, &grid_default_cell, sizeof gc);
screen_write_cursormove(ctx, screen_size_x(s) - 1, py, 0);
- screen_write_putc(ctx, &gc, '$');
+ screen_write_putc(ctx, &grid_default_cell, '$');
@@ -3354,8 +3468,12 @@
u_int firstsx, lastex, restex, restsx, selx;
int keys;
- if (data->screen.sel == NULL && data->lineflag == LINE_SEL_NONE)
- return (NULL);
+ if (data->screen.sel == NULL && data->lineflag == LINE_SEL_NONE) {
+ buf = window_copy_match_at_cursor(data);
+ if (buf != NULL)
+ *len = strlen(buf);
+ return (buf);
+ }
buf = xmalloc(1);
off = 0;