| set -g prefix C-g |
| # needed for e.g. mutt |
| bind C-g send-prefix |
| |
| set -g set-titles on |
| set -g status-position top |
| set -g status-keys vi |
| set -g mode-keys vi |
| set -g base-index 1 |
| set -g pane-base-index 1 |
| set -g focus-events on |
| |
| set history-file ~/.tmux_SSH_history |
| set focus-events on |
| set -g history-limit 100000 |
| set -s set-clipboard on |
| set -g display-time 3000 |
| set -g display-panes-time 3000 |
| |
| set -g pane-border-status top |
| |
| setw -g window-status-current-style bg=colour240,fg=colour250 |
| setw -g window-status-separator "|" |
| set -g status-bg colour235 |
| set -g status-fg colour245 |
| |
| set -g window-status-format " #I #{=+15:pane_title} #{=-2:?window_flags, #{window_flags}, }" |
| set -g window-status-current-format " #I #{=+15:pane_title} #{=-2:?window_flags, #{window_flags}, }" |
| set -g pane-border-format " #P: #{s/ //:pane_title} " |
| |
| set -g renumber-windows on |
| set -g status-right-length 0 |
| ############################################################## |
| |
| # I prefer not to have a status for my tabbed term |
| set -g status-right "" |
| set -g status-right-length 0 |
| set -g status-left-length 0 |
| set -g status-left "" |
| |
| # some settings for "navigation" |
| bind -n C-PageUp copy-mode -u |
| unbind -n C-Left |
| unbind -n C-Right |
| bind -n C-Left select-window -t :- |
| bind -n C-Right select-window -t :+ |
| |
| # I prefer a tiled layout and easy joining of current active pane via windows' |
| # index |
| bind F1 join-pane -s 1.\; select-layout tiled |
| bind F2 join-pane -s 2.\; select-layout tiled |
| bind F3 join-pane -s 3.\; select-layout tiled |
| bind F4 join-pane -s 4.\; select-layout tiled |
| bind F5 join-pane -s 5.\; select-layout tiled |
| bind F6 join-pane -s 6.\; select-layout tiled |
| bind F7 join-pane -s 7.\; select-layout tiled |
| bind F8 join-pane -s 8.\; select-layout tiled |
| bind F9 join-pane -s 9.\; select-layout tiled |