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Server Tools for C

After years in Ruby land I decided to learn Rust, only to re-discover that I actually quite enjoy writing in C and that C‘s reputation as “unsafe” or “hard” is undeserved and hides C’s power.

So I decided to brush up my C programming skills... like an old man tinkering with his childhood tube box (radio), I tend to come back to the question of the server reactor design.

Anyway, Along the way I wrote:

libasync - A native POSIX (pthread) thread pool.

libasync is a simple thread pool that uses POSIX threads (and could be easily ported).

It uses a combination of a pipe (for wakeup signals) and mutexes (for managing the task queue). I found it more performant then using conditional variables and more portable then using signals (which required more control over the process then an external library should require).

libasync threads can be guarded by “sentinel” threads (it‘s a simple flag to be set in the prior to compiling the code), so that segmentation faults and errors in any given task won’t break the system apart.

This was meant to give a basic layer of protection to any server implementation, but I would recommend that it be removed for any other uses (it's a matter or changing one line of code).

Using libasync is super simple and would look something like this:

#include "libasync.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

// an example task
void say_hi(void* arg) {
printf("Hi from thread %p!\n", pthread_self());

// an example usage
int main(void) {
// create the thread pool with 8 threads.
async_p async =;
// send a task, say_hi, NULL);
// wait for all tasks to finish, closing the threads, clearing the memory.

libreact - KQueue/EPoll abstraction.

It‘s true, some server programs still use select and poll... but they really shouldn’t be (don't get me started).

When using libevent or libev you could end up falling back on select if you‘re not careful. libreact, on the other hand, will simply refuse to compile if neither kqueue nor epoll are available (windows Overlapping IO support would be interesting to write, I guess, but I don’t have Windows).

Since I mentioned libevent or libev, I should point out that even a simple inspection shows that these are amazing and well tested libraries (how did they make those nice benchmark graphs?!)... but I hated their API (or documentation).

It seems to me, that since both libevent and libev are so all-encompassing, they end up having too many options and functions... I, on the other hand, am a fan of well designed abstractions, even at the price of control. I mean, you're writing a server that should handle 100K concurrent connections - do you really need to manage the socket polling timeouts (“ticks”)?! Are you really expecting more than a second to pass with no events?

To use this library you only need the libreact.h and libreact.c files.


What I would love to write, but I need to learn more before I do so, is a signal based reactor that will be work with all POSIX compilers, using sigaction and message pipes... but I want to improve on my site-reading skills first (I'm a musician at heart).

lib-server - a server building library.

Writing server code is fun... but in limited and controlled amounts... after all, much of it simple code being repeated endlessly, connecting one piece of code with a different piece of code.

lib-server is aimed at writing unix based (linux/BSD) servers. It uses libreact as the reactor, libasync to handle some tasks (the on_data callback will be performed asynchronously) and libbuffer for easily writing data asynchronously.

lib-server might not be optimized to your liking, but it‘s all working great for me. Besides, it’s code is heavily commented code, easy to edit and tweak. To offer some comparison, ev.c from libev has ~5000 lines (and there's no server just yet, while libreact is less then 400 lines)...

Using lib-server is super simple to use. It‘s based on Protocol structure and callbacks, so that we can dynamically change protocols and support stuff like HTTP upgrade requests. Here’s a simple example:

#include "lib-server.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// we don't have to, but printing stuff is nice...
void on_open(server_pt server, int sockfd) {
  printf("A connection was accepted on socket #%d.\n", sockfd);
// server_pt is just a nicely typed pointer, which is there for type-safty.
// The Server API is used by calling `Server.api_call` (often with the pointer).
void on_close(server_pt server, int sockfd) {
  printf("Socket #%d is now disconnected.\n", sockfd);

// a simple echo... this is the main callback
void on_data(server_pt server, int sockfd) {
  // We'll assign a reading buffer on the stack
  char buff[1024];
  ssize_t incoming = 0;
  // Read everything, this is edge triggered, `on_data` won't be called
  // again until all the data was read.
  while ((incoming =, sockfd, buff, 1024)) > 0) {
    // since the data is stack allocated, we'll write a copy
    // otherwise, we'd avoid a copy using Server.write_move
    Server.write(server, sockfd, buff, incoming);
    if (!memcmp(buff, "bye", 3)) {
      // closes the connection automatically AFTER all the buffer was sent.
      Server.close(server, sockfd);

// running the server
int main(void) {
  // We'll create the echo protocol object. It will be the server's default
  struct Protocol protocol = {.on_open = on_open,
                              .on_close = on_close,
                              .on_data = on_data,
                              .service = "echo"};
  // We'll use the macro start_server, because our settings are simple.
  // (this will call Server.listen(settings) with the settings we provide)
  start_server(.protocol = &protocol, .timeout = 10, .threads = 8);

// easy :-)

Using this library requires all the minor libraries written for to support it: libasync, libbuffer (which you can use separately with minor changes) and libreact.

http - a protocol for the web

All these libraries were used in a Ruby server I was re-writing, which has native websocket support (Iodine) - but since the HTTP protocol layer doesn't enter “Ruby-land” before the request parsing is complete, I ended up writing a light HTTP “protocol” in C, following to the lib-server's protocol specs.

The code is just a few mega-functions (I know, it needs refactoring) and helper settings. The HTTP parser destructively edits the received headers and forwards an struct HttpRequest object to the on_request callback. This minimizes data copying and speeds up the process.

The HTTP protocol provides a built-in static file service and allows us to limit incoming request‘s upload sizes, to protect server resources. The headers size limit is hard-set during compile time (it’s 8KB, which is also the limit on some proxies), securing the server from bloated data DoS attacks.

Here's a “Hello World” HTTP server (with a stub to add static file services).

#include "http.h"

void on_request(struct HttpRequest request) {
  struct HttpResponse* response =; // a helper object
  HttpResponse.write_header2(response, "X-Data", "my data");
  HttpResponse.write_body(response, "Hello World!\r\n", 14);

int main()
  char * public_folder = NULL
  start_http_server(on_request, public_folder, .threads = 16);

Using this library requires all the http- prefixed files (http-mime-types, http-request, http-status, http-objpool, etc') as well as lib-server and all the files it requires.

That‘s it for now. I might work on these more later, but I’m super excited to be going back to my music school, Berklee, so I‘ll probably forget all about computers for a while... but I’ll be back tinkering away at some point.

Forking, Contributing and all that Jazz

Sure, why not. If you can add Solaris or Windows support to libreact, that could mean lib-server would become available for use on these platforms as well (as well as the HTTP protocol implementation and all the niceties).

If you encounter any issues, open an issue (or, even better, a pull request with a fix) - that would be great :-)