title: facil.io - 0.7.x Core Library Documentation sidebar: 0.7.x/_sidebar.md


The core library types and functions can be found in the header fio.h.

The header is well documented and very long, and as a result, so is this documentation.

The header can be included more than once to produce multiple types of Hash Maps or data Sets. As well as to include some of it's optional features such as the binary String helpers and the linked list types.

Connection (Protocol) Management

This section includes information about listening to incoming connections, connecting to remote machines and managing the protocol callback system.

The facil.io library is an evented library and the fio_protocol_s structure is at the core of the network evented design, so we'll start with the Protocol object.

The fio_protocol_s structure

The Protocol structure defines the callbacks used for the connection and sets it's behavior.

For concurrency reasons, a protocol instance SHOULD be unique to each connection and dynamically allocated. In single threaded applications, this is less relevant.

All the callbacks receive a unique connection ID (un-aptly named uuid) that can be converted to the original file descriptor when in need.

This allows facil.io to prevent old connection handles from sending data to new connections after a file descriptor is “recycled” by the OS.

The structure looks like this:

struct fio_protocol_s {
    void (*on_data)(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);
    void (*on_ready)(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);
    uint8_t (*on_shutdown)(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);
    void (*on_close)(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);
    void (*ping)(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);
    size_t rsv;


void on_data(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);

Called when a data is available.

The function is called under the protocol's main lock (FIO_PR_LOCK_TASK), safeguarding the connection against collisions (the function will not run concurrently with itself for the same connection.


void on_ready(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);

Called once all pending fio_write calls are finished.

For new connections this callback is also called once a connection was established and the connection can be written to.


uint8_t on_shutdown(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);

Called when the server is shutting down, immediately before closing the connection.

The callback runs within a FIO_PR_LOCK_TASK lock, so it will never run concurrently with on_data or other connection specific tasks fio_defer_io_task.

The on_shutdown callback should return 0 under normal circumstances. This will mark the connection for immediate closure and allow 8 seconds for all pending data to be sent.

The on_shutdown callback may also return any number between 1..254 to delay the socket closure by that amount of time.

If the on_shutdown returns 255, the socket is ignored and it will be abruptly terminated when all other sockets have finished their graceful shutdown procedure.


uint8_t on_close(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);

Called when the connection was closed, but will not run concurrently with other callbacks.


uint8_t ping(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);

Called when a connection's timeout was reached.

This callback is called outside of the protocol‘s normal locks to support pinging in cases where the on_data callback is running in the background (which shouldn’t happen, but we know it sometimes does).


This is private metadata used by facil. In essence it holds the locking data and overwriting this data is extremely volatile.

The data MUST be set to 0 before attaching a protocol to facil.io.

Attaching / Detaching Protocol Objects

Once a protocol object was created, it should be attached to the fail.io library.

Detaching is also possible by attaching a NULL protocol (used for “hijacking” the socket from facil.io).


void fio_attach(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *protocol);

Attaches (or updates) a protocol object to a connection's uuid.

The new protocol object can be NULL, which will detach (“hijack”) the socket.

The old protocol's on_close (if any) will be scheduled.

On error, the new protocol's on_close callback will be called immediately.


void fio_attach_fd(int fd, fio_protocol_s *protocol);

Attaches (or updates) a protocol object to a file descriptor (fd).

The new protocol object can be NULL, which will detach (“hijack”) the socket.

The fd can be one created outside of facil.io if it was set in to non-blocking mode (see fio_set_non_block).

The old protocol's on_close (if any) will be scheduled.

On error, the new protocol's on_close callback will be called immediately.


size_t fio_capa(void);

Returns the maximum number of open files facil.io can handle per worker process.

In practice, this number represents the maximum fd value + 1.

Total OS limits might apply as well but aren't tested or known by facil.io.

The value of 0 indicates either that the facil.io library wasn‘t initialized yet or that it’s resources were already released.


void fio_timeout_set(intptr_t uuid, uint8_t timeout);

Sets a timeout for a specific connection (only when running and valid).


uint8_t fio_timeout_get(intptr_t uuid);

Gets a timeout for a specific connection. Returns 0 if none.


void fio_touch(intptr_t uuid);

“Touches” a socket connection, resetting it's timeout counter.


void fio_force_event(intptr_t uuid, enum fio_io_event);

Schedules an IO event, even if it did not occur.

Possible events are:

  • FIO_EVENT_ON_DATA - as if data is available to be read.
  • FIO_EVENT_ON_READY - as if the connection can be written to (if there's data in the buffer, fio_flush will be called).
  • FIO_EVENT_ON_TIMEOUT - as if the connection timed out (ping).


void fio_suspend(intptr_t uuid);

Temporarily prevents on_data events from firing.

Note: the function will work as expected when called within the protocol's on_data callback and the uuid refers to a valid socket. Otherwise the function might quietly fail.

Listening to incoming connections

Listening to incoming connections is pretty straight forward and performed using the facil_listen function.

After a new connection is accepted, the on_open callback passed to facil_listen is called.

The on_open callback should allocate the new connection‘s protocol and call fio_attach to attach a protocol to the connection’s uuid.

The protocol's on_close callback is expected to handle any cleanup required.

The following is an example for a TCP/IP echo server using facil.io:

#include <fio.h>

// A callback to be called whenever data is available on the socket
static void echo_on_data(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *prt) {
 (void)prt; // we can ignore the unused argument
 // echo buffer
 char buffer[1024] = {'E', 'c', 'h', 'o', ':', ' '};
 ssize_t len;
 // Read to the buffer, starting after the "Echo: "
 while ((len = fio_read(uuid, buffer + 6, 1018)) > 0) {
   fprintf(stderr, "Read: %.*s", (int)len, buffer + 6);
   // Write back the message
   fio_write(uuid, buffer, len + 6);
   // Handle goodbye
   if ((buffer[6] | 32) == 'b' && (buffer[7] | 32) == 'y' &&
       (buffer[8] | 32) == 'e') {
     fio_write(uuid, "Goodbye.\n", 9);

// A callback called whenever a timeout is reach
static void echo_ping(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *prt) {
 (void)prt; // we can ignore the unused argument
 fio_write(uuid, "Server: Are you there?\n", 23);

// A callback called if the server is shutting down...
// ... while the connection is still open
static uint8_t echo_on_shutdown(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *prt) {
 (void)prt; // we can ignore the unused argument
 fio_write(uuid, "Echo server shutting down\nGoodbye.\n", 35);
 return 0;

static void echo_on_close(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *proto) {
 fprintf(stderr, "Connection %p closed.\n", (void *)proto);

// A callback called for new connections
static void echo_on_open(intptr_t uuid, void *udata) {
 (void)udata; // ignore this
 // Protocol objects MUST be dynamically allocated when multi-threading.
 fio_protocol_s *echo_proto = malloc(sizeof(*echo_proto));
echo_proto = (fio_protocol_s){.service = "echo",
                                .on_data = echo_on_data,
                                .on_shutdown = echo_on_shutdown,
                                .on_close = echo_on_close,
                                .ping = echo_ping};
 fprintf(stderr, "New Connection %p received from %s\n", (void *)echo_proto,
 fio_attach(uuid, echo_proto);
 fio_write2(uuid, .data.buffer = "Echo Service: Welcome\n", .length = 22,
            .after.dealloc = FIO_DEALLOC_NOOP);
 fio_timeout_set(uuid, 5);

int main() {
 // Setup a listening socket
 if (fio_listen(.port = "3000", .on_open = echo_on_open) == -1) {
   perror("No listening socket available on port 3000");
 // Run the server and hang until a stop signal is received.
 fio_start(.threads = 4, .workers = 1);


intptr_t fio_listen(struct fio_listen_args args);
#define fio_listen(...) fio_listen((struct fio_listen_args){__VA_ARGS__})

The fio_listen function is shadowed by the fio_listen MACRO, which allows the function to accept “named arguments”, as shown above in the example code:

 if (fio_listen(.port = "3000", .on_open = echo_on_open) == -1) {
   perror("No listening socket available on port 3000");

The following arguments are supported:

  • on_open:

    This callback will be called whenever a new connection is accepted. It must either call fio_attach or close the connection.

    The callback should accept the new connection's uuid and a void pointer (the optional udata pointer one passed to fio_listen)

      // callback example:
      void on_open(intptr_t uuid, void *udata);
  • port:

    The network service / port. A NULL or “0” port indicates a Unix socket should be used.

      // type:
      const char *port;
  • address:

    The socket binding address. Defaults to the recommended NULL (recommended for TCP/IP).

      // type:
      const char *address;
  • udata:

    Opaque user data. This will be passed along to the on_open callback.

      // type:
      void *udata;
  • on_start:

    A callback to be called when the server starts (or a worker process is re-spawned), allowing for further initialization, such as timed event scheduling or VM initialization.

      // callback example:
      void on_start(intptr_t uuid, void *udata);
  • on_finish:

    A callback to be called for every process once the listening socket is closed.

      // callback example:
      void on_finish(intptr_t uuid, void *udata);

Connecting to remote servers as a client

Establishing a client connection is about as easy as setting up a listening socket, and follows, give or take, the same procedure.


intptr_t fio_connect(struct fio_connect_args args);
#define fio_connect(...) fio_connect((struct fio_connect_args){__VA_ARGS__})

The fio_connect function is shadowed by the fio_connect MACRO, which allows the function to accept “named arguments”, similar to `fio_listen.

The following arguments are supported:

  • port:

    The remote network service / port. A NULL or “0” port indicates a Unix socket connection should be attempted.

      // type:
      const char *port;
  • address:

    The remote (or Unix socket) address. Defaults to the recommended NULL (recommended for TCP/IP).

      // type:
      const char *address;
  • on_connect:

    This callback will be called once the new connection is established. It must either call fio_attach or close the connection.

    The callback should accept the new connection's uuid and a void pointer (the optional udata pointer one passed to fio_connect)

      // callback example:
      void on_connect(intptr_t uuid, void *udata);
  • on_connect:

    This callback will be called when a socket fails to connect. It's often a good place for cleanup.

    The callback should accept the attempted connection's uuid (might be -1) and a void pointer (the optional udata pointer one passed to fio_connect)

      // callback example:
      void on_connect(intptr_t uuid, void *udata);
  • udata:

    Opaque user data. This will be passed along to the on_connect or on_fail callback.

      // type:
      void *udata;
  • timeout:

    A non-system timeout after which connection is assumed to have failed.

      // type:
      uint8_t timeout;

Manual Protocol Locking


fio_protocol_s *fio_protocol_try_lock(intptr_t uuid, enum fio_protocol_lock_e);

This function allows out-of-task access to a connection's fio_protocol_s object by attempting to acquire a locked pointer.

CAREFUL: mostly, the protocol object will be locked and a pointer will be sent to the connection event's callback. However, if you need access to the protocol object from outside a running connection task, you might need to lock the protocol to prevent it from being closed / freed in the background.

facil.io uses three different locks (see fio_defer_io_task for more information):

  • FIO_PR_LOCK_TASK locks the protocol for normal tasks (i.e. on_data).

  • FIO_PR_LOCK_WRITE locks the protocol for high priority fio_write oriented tasks (i.e. ping, on_ready).

  • FIO_PR_LOCK_STATE locks the protocol for quick operations that need to copy data from the protocol's data structure.

IMPORTANT: Remember to call fio_protocol_unlock using the same lock type.

Returns a pointer to a protocol object on success and NULL on error and setting errno (lock busy == EWOULDBLOCK, connection invalid == EBADF).

On error, consider calling fio_defer or fio_defer_io_task instead of busy waiting. Busy waiting SHOULD be avoided whenever possible.


void fio_protocol_unlock(fio_protocol_s *pr, enum fio_protocol_lock_e);

Don‘t unlock what you didn’t lock with fio_protocol_try_lock... see fio_protocol_try_lock for details.

Running facil.io

The facil.io IO reactor can be started in single-threaded, multi-threaded, forked (multi-process) and hybrid (forked + multi-threads) modes.

In cluster mode (when running more than a single process), a crashed worker process will be automatically re-spawned and “hot restart” is enabled (using the USR1 signal).


void fio_start(struct fio_start_args args);
#define fio_start(...) fio_start((struct fio_start_args){__VA_ARGS__})

Starts the facil.io event loop. This function will return after facil.io is done (after shutdown).

This method blocks the current thread until the server is stopped (when a SIGINT/SIGTERM is received).

The fio_start function is shadowed by the fio_start MACRO, which allows the function to accept “named arguments”, i.e.:

fio_start(.threads = 4, .workers = 2);

The following arguments are supported:

  • threads:

    The number of threads to run in the thread pool.

      // type:
      int16_t threads;
  • workers:

    The number of worker processes to run (in addition to a root process)

    This invokes facil.io's cluster mode, where a crashed worker will be automatically re-spawned and “hot restart” is enabled (using the USR1 signal).

      // type:
      int16_t workers;

Negative thread / worker values indicate a fraction of the number of CPU cores. i.e., -2 will normally indicate “half” (1/2) the number of cores.

If the other option (i.e. .workers when setting .threads) is zero, it will be automatically updated to reflect the option's absolute value. i.e.: if .threads == -2 and .workers == 0, than facil.io will run 2 worker processes with (cores/2) threads per process.


void fio_stop(void);

Attempts to stop the facil.io application. This only works within the Root process. A worker process will simply re-spawn itself (hot-restart).


void fio_expected_concurrency(int16_t *threads, int16_t *workers);

Returns the number of expected threads / processes to be used by facil.io.

The pointers should start with valid values that match the expected threads / processes values passed to fio_start.

The data in the pointers will be overwritten with the result.


int16_t fio_is_running(void);

Returns the number of worker processes if facil.io is running (1 is returned when in single process mode, otherwise the number of workers).

Returns 0 if facil.io isn't running or is winding down (during shutdown).


int fio_is_worker(void);

Returns 1 if the current process is a worker process or a single process.

Otherwise returns 0.

NOTE: When cluster mode is off, the root process is also the worker process. This means that single process instances don't automatically re-spawn after critical errors.


pid_t fio_parent_pid(void);

Returns facil.io's parent (root) process pid.


void fio_reap_children(void);

Initializes zombie reaping for the process. Call before fio_start to enable global zombie reaping.


struct timespec fio_last_tick(void);

Returns the last time facil.io reviewed any pending IO events.


char const *fio_engine(void);

Returns a C string detailing the IO engine selected during compilation.

Valid values are “kqueue”, “epoll” and “poll”.

Socket / Connection Functions

Creating, closing and testing sockets


intptr_t fio_socket(const char *address, const char *port, uint8_t is_server);

Creates a TCP/IP or Unix socket and returns it's unique identifier.

For TCP/IP server sockets (is_server is 1), a NULL address variable is recommended. Use “localhost” or “” to limit access to the server application.

For TCP/IP client sockets (is_server is 0), a remote address and port combination will be required

For Unix server or client sockets, set the port variable to NULL or 0 (and the is_server to 1).

Returns -1 on error. Any other value is a valid unique identifier.

Note: facil.io uses unique identifiers to protect sockets from collisions. However these identifiers can be converted to the underlying file descriptor using the fio_uuid2fd macro.


intptr_t fio_accept(intptr_t srv_uuid);

fio_accept accepts a new socket connection from a server socket - see the server flag on fio_socket.

NOTE: this function does NOT attach the socket to the IO reactor - see fio_attach.


int fio_is_valid(intptr_t uuid);

Returns 1 if the uuid refers to a valid and open, socket.

Returns 0 if not.


int fio_is_closed(intptr_t uuid);

Returns 1 if the uuid is invalid or the socket is flagged to be closed.

Returns 0 if the socket is valid, open and isn't flagged to be closed.


void fio_close(intptr_t uuid);

fio_close marks the connection for disconnection once all the data was sent. The actual disconnection will be managed by the fio_flush function.

fio_flash will be automatically scheduled.


void fio_force_close(intptr_t uuid);

fio_force_close closes the connection immediately, without adhering to any protocol restrictions and without sending any remaining data in the connection buffer.


int fio_set_non_block(int fd);

Sets a socket to non blocking state.

This function is called automatically for the new socket, when using fio_socket, fio_accept, fio_listen or fio_connect.

Call this function before attaching an fd that was created outside of facil.io.


fio_str_info_s fio_peer_addr(intptr_t uuid);

Returns the information available about the socket's peer address.

If no information is available, the structure will be initialized with zero (.data == NULL).

The information is only available when the socket was accepted using fio_accept or opened using fio_connect.

The fio_str_info_s return value

typedef struct fio_str_info_s {
  size_t capa; /* Buffer capacity, if the string is writable. */
  size_t len;  /* String length. */
  char *data;  /* Pointer to the string's first byte. */
} fio_str_info_s;

A string information type, reports information about a C string.

Reading / Writing


ssize_t fio_read(intptr_t uuid, void *buffer, size_t count);

fio_read attempts to read up to count bytes from the socket into the buffer starting at buffer.

fio_read's return values are wildly different then the native return values and they aim at making far simpler sense.

fio_read returns the number of bytes read (0 is a valid return value which simply means that no bytes were read from the buffer).

On a fatal connection error that leads to the connection being closed (or if the connection is already closed), fio_read returns -1.

The value 0 is the valid value indicating no data was read.

Data might be available in the kernel's buffer while it is not available to be read using fio_read (i.e., when using a transport layer, such as TLS, with Read/Write hooks).


ssize_t fio_write2_fn(intptr_t uuid, fio_write_args_s options);
#define fio_write2(uuid, ...)                                                  \
 fio_write2_fn(uuid, (fio_write_args_s){__VA_ARGS__})

Schedules data to be written to the socket.

fio_write2 is similar to fio_write, except that it allows far more flexibility.

NOTE: The data is “moved” to the ownership of the socket, not copied. By default, free (not fio_free will be called to deallocate the data. This can be controlled by the .after.dealloc function pointer argument.

The following arguments are supported (in addition to the uuid argument):

  • data.buffer OR data.fd:

    The data to be sent. This can be either a block of memory or a file descriptor.

      // type:
      union {
         /** The in-memory data to be sent. */
         const void *buffer;
         /** The data to be sent, if this is a file. */
         const intptr_t fd;
      } data;
  • after.dealloc OR after.close:

    The deallocation function. This function will be called to either free the memory of close the file once the data was sent.

    The default for memory is the system's free and for files the system close is called (using a wrapper function).

    A no-operation (do nothing) function is provided for sending static data: FIO_DEALLOC_NOOP. Use this: .after.dealloc = FIO_DEALLOC_NOOP

    Note: connection library functions MUST NEVER be called by a callback, or a deadlock might occur.

      // type:
      union {
        void (*dealloc)(void *buffer);
        void (*close)(intptr_t fd);
      } after;
  • length:

    The length (size) of the buffer, or the amount of data to be sent from the file descriptor.

      // type:
      uintptr_t length;
  • offset:

    Starting point offset from the buffer or file descriptor's beginning.

      // type:
      uintptr_t offset;
  • urgent:

    The data will be sent as soon as possible, moving forward in the connection's queue as much as possible without fragmenting other fio_write2 calls.

      // type:
      unsigned urgent : 1;
  • is_fd:

    The data union contains the value of a file descriptor (intptr_t). i.e.: .data.fd = fd or .data.buffer = (void*)fd;

      // type:
      unsigned is_fd : 1;

On error, -1 will be returned. Otherwise returns 0.


inline ssize_t fio_write(const intptr_t uuid, const void *buffer,
                         const size_t length);

fio_write copies legnth data from the buffer and schedules the data to be sent over the socket.

On error, -1 will be returned. Otherwise returns 0.

Returns the same values as fio_write2 and is equivalent to:

inline ssize_t fio_write(const intptr_t uuid, const void *buffer,
                         const size_t length) {
 if (!length || !buffer)
   return 0;
 void *cpy = fio_malloc(length);
 if (!cpy)
   return -1;
 memcpy(cpy, buffer, length);
 return fio_write2(uuid, .data.buffer = cpy, .length = length,
                   .after.dealloc = fio_free);


inline static ssize_t fio_sendfile(intptr_t uuid, intptr_t source_fd,
                                   off_t offset, size_t length);

Sends data from a file as if it were a single atomic packet (sends up to length bytes or until EOF is reached).

Once the file was sent, the source_fd will be closed using close.

The file will be buffered to the socket chunk by chunk, so that memory consumption is capped. The system's sendfile might be used if conditions permit.

offset dictates the starting point for the data to be sent and length sets the maximum amount of data to be sent.

Returns -1 and closes the file on error. Returns 0 on success.

Returns the same values as fio_write2 and is equivalent to:

inline ssize_t fio_sendfile(intptr_t uuid, intptr_t source_fd,
                                    off_t offset, size_t length) {
 return fio_write2(uuid, .data.fd = source_fd, .length = length, .is_fd = 1,
                   .offset = offset);


size_t fio_pending(intptr_t uuid);

Returns the number of fio_write calls that are waiting in the connection‘s queue and haven’t been processed.


ssize_t fio_flush(intptr_t uuid);

fio_flush attempts to write any remaining data in the internal buffer to the underlying file descriptor and closes the underlying file descriptor once if it's marked for closure (and all the data was sent).

Return values: 1 will be returned if data remains in the buffer. 0 will be returned if the buffer was fully drained. -1 will be returned on an error or when the connection is closed.

errno will be set to EWOULDBLOCK if the socket's lock is busy.


#define fio_flush_strong(uuid)                                                \
 do {                                                                         \
   errno = 0;                                                                 \
 } while (fio_flush(uuid) > 0 || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)

Blocks until all the data was flushed from the buffer.


void fio_flush_all(void);

fio_flush_all attempts flush all the open connections.


#define fio_uuid2fd(uuid) ((int)((uintptr_t)uuid >> 8))

Convert between a facil.io connection‘s identifier (uuid) and system’s fd.


intptr_t fio_fd2uuid(int fd);

fio_fd2uuid takes an existing file decriptor fd and returns it's active uuid.

If the file descriptor was closed, it will be registered as open.

If the file descriptor was closed directly (not using fio_close) or the closure event hadn't been processed, a false positive will be possible.

This is not an issue, since the use of an invalid fd will result in the registry being updated and the fd being closed.

Returns -1 on error. Returns a valid socket (non-random) UUID.

Connection Object Links

Connection object links can links an object to a connection‘s lifetime rather than it’s Protocol's lifetime.

This is can be useful and is used internally by the fio_subscribe function to attach subscriptions to connections (when requested).


void fio_uuid_link(intptr_t uuid, void *obj, void (*on_close)(void *obj));

Links an object to a connection's lifetime, calling the on_close callback once the connection has died.

If the uuid is invalid, the on_close callback will be called immediately.

NOTE: the on_close callback will be called with high priority. Long tasks should be deferred using fio_defer.


void fio_uuid_unlink(intptr_t uuid, void *obj);

Un-links an object from the connection‘s lifetime, so it’s on_close callback will NOT be called.

Lower-Level: Read / Write / Close Hooks

facil.io's behavior can be altered to support complex networking needs, such as SSL/TLS integration.

This can be achieved using connection hooks for the common read/write/close operations.

To do so, a fio_rw_hook_s object must be created (a static object can be used as well).

typedef struct fio_rw_hook_s {
 ssize_t (*read)(intptr_t uuid, void *udata, void *buf, size_t count);
 ssize_t (*write)(intptr_t uuid, void *udata, const void *buf, size_t count);
 ssize_t (*close)(intptr_t uuid, void *udata);
 ssize_t (*flush)(intptr_t uuid, void *udata);
 void (*cleanup)(void *udata);
} fio_rw_hook_s;
  • The read hook callback:

    This callback should implement the reading function from the file descriptor. It must behave the same as the system's read call, including the setting errno to EAGAIN / EWOULDBLOCK.

    Note: facil.io library functions MUST NEVER be called by any r/w hook, or a deadlock might occur.

  • The write hook callback:

    This callback should implement the writing function to the file descriptor. It must behave like the file system's write call, including the setting errno to EAGAIN / EWOULDBLOCK.

    Note: facil.io library functions MUST NEVER be called by any r/w hook, or a deadlock might occur.

  • The close hook callback:

    The close callback should close the underlying socket / file descriptor.

    If the function returns a non-zero value, it will be called again after an attempt to flush the socket and any pending outgoing buffer.

    Note: facil.io library functions MUST NEVER be called by any r/w hook, or a deadlock might occur.

  • The flush hook callback:

    When implemented, this function will be called to flush any data remaining in the read/write hook's internal buffer.

    The function should return the number of bytes remaining in the internal buffer (0 is a valid response) or -1 (on error).

    Note: facil.io library functions MUST NEVER be called by any r/w hook, or a deadlock might occur.

  • The cleanup hook callback:

    Called when the hook is removed from the uuid, either because of a call to fio_rw_hook_set or because the connection was closed.


int fio_rw_hook_set(intptr_t uuid, fio_rw_hook_s *rw_hooks, void *udata);

Sets a connection's hook callback object (fio_rw_hook_s).

Returns 0 on success or -1 on error (closed / invalid uuid).


extern const fio_rw_hook_s FIO_DEFAULT_RW_HOOKS;

The default Read/Write hooks used for system Read/Write (udata == NULL).

Event / Task scheduling

facil.io allows a number of ways to schedule events / tasks:

  • Queue - schedules an event / task to be performed as soon as possible.

  • Timer - the event / task will be scheduled in the Queue after the designated period.

  • State - the event / task will be called during a specific change in facil.io‘s state (starting up, cleaning up, etc’).

The Task Queue Functions


int fio_defer(void (*task)(void *, void *), void *udata1, void *udata2);

Defers a task's execution.

The task will be executed after all currently scheduled tasks (placed at the end of the scheduling queue).

Tasks are functions of the type void task(void *, void *), they return nothing (void) and accept two opaque void * pointers, user-data 1 (udata1) and user-data 2 (udata2).

Returns -1 or error, 0 on success.


void fio_defer_perform(void);

Performs all deferred tasks.


int fio_defer_has_queue(void);

Returns true if there are deferred functions waiting for execution.

Timer Functions


int fio_run_every(size_t milliseconds, size_t repetitions, void (*task)(void *),
                 void *arg, void (*on_finish)(void *));

Creates a timer to run a task at the specified interval.

Timer tasks accept only a single user data pointer (udata ).

The task will repeat repetitions times. If repetitions is set to 0, task will repeat forever.

The on_finish handler is always called (even on error).

Returns -1 on error.

Connection task scheduling

Connection tasks are performed within one of the connection's locks (FIO_PR_LOCK_TASK, FIO_PR_LOCK_WRITE, FIO_PR_LOCK_STATE), assuring a measure of safety.


void fio_defer_io_task(intptr_t uuid, fio_defer_iotask_args_s args);
#define fio_defer_io_task(uuid, ...)                                           \
 fio_defer_connection_task((uuid), (fio_defer_iotask_args_s){__VA_ARGS__})

This function schedules an IO task using the specified lock type.

This function is shadowed by a macro, allowing it to accept named arguments, much like fio_start. The following arguments are recognized:

  • type:

    The type of lock that should be used to protect the IO task. Defaults to FIO_PR_LOCK_TASK (see later).

      // type:
      enum fio_protocol_lock_e type;
  • task:

    The task (function) to be performed. The tasks accepts the connection's uuid, a pointer to the protocol object and the opaque udata pointer passed to fio_defer_io_task.

      // Callback example:
      void task(intptr_t uuid, fio_protocol_s *, void *udata);
  • fallback:

    A fallback task (function) to be performed in cases where the uuid isn‘t valid by the time the task should be executed. The fallback task accepts the connection’s uuid and the opaque udata pointer passed to fio_defer_io_task.

      // Callback example:
      void fallback(intptr_t uuid, void *udata);
  • udata:

    An opaque pointer that's passed along to the task.

      // type:
      void *udata;

Lock types are one of the following:

  • FIO_PR_LOCK_TASK - a task lock locks might change data owned by the protocol object. This task is used for tasks such as on_data.

  • FIO_PR_LOCK_WRITE - a lock that promises only to use static data (data that tasks never changes) in order to write to the underlying socket. This lock is used for tasks such as on_ready and ping

  • FIO_PR_LOCK_STATE - a lock that promises only to retrieve static data (data that tasks never changes), performing no actions. This usually isn't used for client side code (used internally by facil) and is only meant for very short locks.

Startup / State Tasks (fork, start up, idle, etc')

facil.io allows callbacks to be called when certain events occur (such as before and after forking etc').

Callbacks will be called from last to first (last callback added executes first), allowing for logical layering of dependencies.

During an event, changes to the callback list are ignored (callbacks can't remove other callbacks for the same event).

callback_type_e- State callback timing type

The fio_state_callback_* functions manage callbacks for a specific timing. Valid timings values are:

  • FIO_CALL_ON_INITIALIZE: Called once during library initialization.

  • FIO_CALL_PRE_START: Called once before starting up the IO reactor.

  • FIO_CALL_BEFORE_FORK: Called before each time the IO reactor forks a new worker.

  • FIO_CALL_AFTER_FORK: Called after each fork (both in parent and workers).

  • FIO_CALL_IN_CHILD: Called by a worker process right after forking (and after FIO_CALL_AFTER_FORK).

  • FIO_CALL_IN_MASTER: Called by the root / master process after forking (and after FIO_CALL_AFTER_FORK).

  • FIO_CALL_ON_START: Called every time a Worker proceess starts.

  • FIO_CALL_ON_IDLE: Called when facil.io enters idling mode (idle callbacks might be performed out of order).

  • FIO_CALL_ON_SHUTDOWN: Called before starting the shutdown sequence.

  • FIO_CALL_ON_FINISH: Called just before finishing up (both on chlid and parent processes).

  • FIO_CALL_ON_PARENT_CRUSH: Called by each worker the moment it detects the master process crashed.

  • FIO_CALL_ON_CHILD_CRUSH: Called by the parent (master) after a worker process crashed.

  • FIO_CALL_AT_EXIT: An alternative to the system's at_exit.

Callbacks will be called using logical order for build-up and tear-down.

During initialization related events, FIFO will be used (first in/scheduled, first out/executed).

During shut-down related tasks, LIFO will be used (last in/scheduled, first out/executed).

Idling callbacks are scheduled rather than performed during the event, so they might be performed out of order or concurrently when running in multi-threaded mode.


void fio_state_callback_add(callback_type_e, void (*func)(void *), void *arg);

Adds a callback to the list of callbacks to be called for the event.

Callbacks will be called using logical order for build-up and tear-down, according to the event's context.


int fio_state_callback_remove(callback_type_e, void (*func)(void *), void *arg);

Removes a callback from the list of callbacks to be called for the event.

Callbacks will be called using logical order for build-up and tear-down, according to the event's context.


void fio_state_callback_force(callback_type_e);

Forces all the existing callbacks to run, as if the event occurred.

Callbacks will be called using logical order for build-up and tear-down, according to the event's context.

During an event, changes to the callback list are ignored (callbacks can't remove other callbacks for the same event).


void fio_state_callback_clear(callback_type_e);

Clears all the existing callbacks for the event (doesn't effect a currently firing event).

Pub/Sub Services

facil.io supports a Publish–Subscribe Pattern API which can be used for Inter Process Communication (IPC), messaging, horizontal scaling and similar use-cases.

Subscription Control


subscription_s *fio_subscribe(subscribe_args_s args);
#define fio_subscribe(...) fio_subscribe((subscribe_args_s){__VA_ARGS__})

This function subscribes to either a numerical “filter” or a named channel (but not both).

The fio_subscribe function is shadowed by the fio_subscribe MACRO, which allows the function to accept “named arguments”, as shown in the following example:

static void my_message_handler(fio_msg_s *msg); 
subscription_s * s = fio_subscribe(.channel = {.data="name", .len = 4},
                                   .on_message = my_message_handler);

The function accepts the following named arguments:

  • filter:

    If filter is set, all messages that match the filter‘s numerical value will be forwarded to the subscription’s callback.

    Subscriptions can either require a match by filter or match by channel. This will match the subscription by filter.

    NOTE: filter based messages are considered internal. They aren't shared with external pub/sub services (such as Redis) and they are ignored by meta-data callbacks (both subjects are covered later on).

      // type:
      int32_t filter;
  • channel:

    If filter == 0 (or unset), than the subscription will be made using channel binary name matching. Note that and empty string (NULL pointer and 0 length) is a valid channel name.

    Subscriptions can either require a match by filter or match by channel. This will match the subscription by channel (only messages with no filter will be received).

      // type:
      fio_str_info_s channel;
  • match:

    If an optional match callback is provided, pattern matching will be used as an alternative to exact channel name matching.

    A single matching function is bundled with facil.io (FIO_MATCH_GLOB), which follows the Redis matching logic.

    This is significantly slower, as no Hash Map can be used to locate a match - each message published to a channel will be tested for a match against each pattern.

      // callback example:
      int foo_bar_match_fn(fio_str_info_s pattern, fio_str_info_s channel);
      // type:
      typedef int (*fio_match_fn)(fio_str_info_s pattern, fio_str_info_s channel);
      fio_match_fn match;
      extern fio_match_fn FIO_MATCH_GLOB;
  • on_message:

    The callback will be called for each message forwarded to the subscription.

      // callback example:
      void on_message(fio_msg_s *msg);
  • on_unsubscribe:

    The callback will be called once the subscription is canceled, allowing it's resources to be freed.

      // callback example:
      void (*on_unsubscribe)(void *udata1, void *udata2);
  • udata1 and udata2:

    These are the opaque user data pointers passed to on_message and on_unsubscribe.

      // type:
      void *udata1;
      void *udata2;

The function returns a pointer to the opaque subscription type subscription_s.

On error, NULL will be returned and the on_unsubscribe callback will be called.

The on_message should accept a pointer to the fio_msg_s type:

typedef struct fio_msg_s {
 int32_t filter;
 fio_str_info_s channel;
 fio_str_info_s msg;
 void *udata1;
 void *udata2;
 uint8_t is_json;
} fio_msg_s;
  • filter is the numerical filter (if any) used in the fio_subscribe and fio_publish functions. Negative values are reserved and 0 == channel name matching.

  • channel is an immutable binary string containing the channel name given to fio_publish. See the fio_str_info_s return value for details.

  • msg is an immutable binary string containing the message data given to fio_publish. See the fio_str_info_s return value for details.

  • is_json is a binary flag (1 or 0) that marks the message as JSON. This is the flag passed as passed to the fio_publish function.

  • udata1 and udata2 are the opaque user data pointers passed to fio_subscribe during the subscription.

Note (1): if a subscription object is no longer required, i.e., if fio_unsubscribe will only be called once a connection was closed or once facil.io is shutting down, consider using fio_uuid_link or fio_state_callback_add to control the subscription's lifetime.

Note (2): passing protocol object pointers to the udata is not safe, since protocol objects might be destroyed or invalidated due to either network events (socket closure) or internal changes (i.e., fio_attach being called). The preferred way is to add the uuid to the udata field and call fio_protocol_try_lock to access the protocol object.


fio_str_info_s fio_subscription_channel(subscription_s *subscription);

This helper returns a temporary String with the subscription's channel (or a binary string representing the filter).

To keep the string beyond the lifetime of the subscription, copy the string.


void fio_message_defer(fio_msg_s *msg);

Defers the subscription's callback handler, so the subscription will be called again for the same message.

A classic use case allows facil.io to handle other events while waiting on a lock / mutex to become available in a multi-threaded environment.


void fio_unsubscribe(subscription_s *subscription);

Cancels an existing subscription.

This function will block if a subscription task is running on a different thread.

The subscription task won't be called after the function returns.

Publishing messages


void fio_publish(fio_publish_args_s args);

This function publishes a message to either a numerical “filter” or a named channel (but not both).

The message can be a NULL or an empty message.

The fio_publish function is shadowed by the fio_publish MACRO, which allows the function to accept “named arguments”, as shown in the following example:

fio_publish(.channel = {.data="name", .len = 4},
            .message = {.data = "foo", .len = 3});

The function accepts the following named arguments:

  • filter:

    If filter is set, all messages that match the filter‘s numerical value will be forwarded to the subscription’s callback.

    Subscriptions can either require a match by filter or match by channel. This will match the subscription by filter.

      // type:
      int32_t filter;
  • channel:

    If filter == 0 (or unset), than the subscription will be made using channel binary name matching. Note that and empty string (NULL pointer and 0 length) is a valid channel name.

    Subscriptions can either require a match by filter or match by channel. This will match the subscription by channel (only messages with no filter will be received).

      // type:
      fio_str_info_s channel;
  • message:

    The message data to be sent.

      // type:
      fio_str_info_s message;
  • is_json:

    A flag indicating if the message is JSON data or binary/text.

      // type:
      uint8_t is_json;
  • engine:

    The pub/sub engine that should be used to forward this message (see later). Defaults to FIO_PUBSUB_DEFAULT (or FIO_PUBSUB_CLUSTER).

    Pub/Sub engines dictate the behavior of the pub/sub instructions. The possible internal pub/sub engines are:

    • FIO_PUBSUB_CLUSTER - used to publish the message to all clients in the cluster.

    • FIO_PUBSUB_PROCESS - used to publish the message only within the current process.

    • FIO_PUBSUB_SIBLINGS - used to publish the message except within the current process.

    • FIO_PUBSUB_ROOT - used to publish the message exclusively to the root / master process.

    The default pub/sub can be changed globally by assigning a new default engine to the FIO_PUBSUB_DEFAULT global variable.

      // type:
      fio_pubsub_engine_s const *engine;
      // default engine:
      extern fio_pubsub_engine_s *FIO_PUBSUB_DEFAULT;

Pub/Sub Message MiddleWare Meta-Data

It's possible to attach meta-data to facil.io pub/sub messages before they are published.

This is only available for named channels (filter == 0).

This allows, for example, messages to be encoded as network packets for outgoing protocols (i.e., encoding for WebSocket transmissions), improving performance in large network based broadcasting.

NOTE: filter based messages are considered internal. They aren't shared with external pub/sub services (such as Redis) and they are ignored by meta-data callbacks.


void *fio_message_metadata(fio_msg_s *msg, intptr_t type_id);

Finds the message‘s meta-data by the meta-data’s type ID. Returns the data or NULL.


// The function:
void fio_message_metadata_callback_set(fio_msg_metadata_fn callback,
                                      int enable);
// The callback type:
typedef fio_msg_metadata_s (*fio_msg_metadata_fn)(fio_str_info_s ch,
                                                 fio_str_info_s msg,
                                                 uint8_t is_json);
// Example callback
fio_msg_metadata_s foo_metadata(fio_str_info_s ch,
                                fio_str_info_s msg,
                                uint8_t is_json);

The callback should return a fio_msg_metadata_s object. The object looks like this:

typedef struct fio_msg_metadata_s fio_msg_metadata_s;
struct fio_msg_metadata_s {
 /** A type ID used to identify the meta-data. Negative values are reserved. */
 intptr_t type_id;
 /** Called by facil.io to cleanup the meta-data resources. */
 void (*on_finish)(fio_msg_s *msg, void *metadata);
 /** The pointer to be disclosed to the subscription client. */
 void *metadata;
 /** RESERVED for internal use (Metadata linked list): */
 fio_msg_metadata_s *next;

If the the returned .metadata field is NULL than the result will be ignored.

To remove a callback, set the enable flag to false (0).

The cluster messaging system allows some messages to be flagged as JSON and this flag is available to the meta-data callback.

External Pub/Sub Services

facil.io can be linked with external Pub/Sub services using “engines” (fio_pubsub_engine_s).

Pub/Sub engines dictate the behavior of the pub/sub instructions.

This allows for an application to connect to a service such as Redis or NATs for horizontal pub/sub scaling.

A Redis engine is bundled as part of the facio.io extensions but isn't part of the core library.

The default engine can be set using the FIO_PUBSUB_DEFAULT global variable. It's initial default is FIO_PUBSUB_CLUSTER (see fio_publish).

NOTE: filter based messages are considered internal. They aren't shared with external pub/sub services (such as Redis) and they are ignored by meta-data callbacks.

Engines MUST provide the listed function pointers and should be attached using the fio_pubsub_attach function.

Engines should disconnect / detach, before being destroyed, by using the fio_pubsub_detach function.

When an engine received a message to publish, it should call the fio_publish function with the engine to which the message is forwarded. i.e.:

    .engine = FIO_PROCESS_ENGINE,
    .channel = {0, 4, "name"},
    .message = {0, 4, "data"} );


void fio_pubsub_attach(fio_pubsub_engine_s *engine);

Attaches an engine, so it's callbacks can be called by facil.io.

The subscribe callback will be called for every existing channel.

The engine type defines the following callback:

  • subscribe - Should subscribe channel. Failures are ignored.

      void subscribe(const fio_pubsub_engine_s *eng,
                     fio_str_info_s channel,
                     fio_match_fn match);
  • unsubscribe - Should unsubscribe channel. Failures are ignored.

      void unsubscribe(const fio_pubsub_engine_s *eng,
                       fio_str_info_s channel,
                       fio_match_fn match);
  • publish - Should publish a message through the engine. Failures are ignored.

      int publish(const fio_pubsub_engine_s *eng,
                  fio_str_info_s channel,
                  fio_str_info_s msg, uint8_t is_json);

NOTE: the root (master) process will call subscribe for any channel in any process, while all the other processes will call subscribe only for their own channels. This allows engines to use the root (master) process as an exclusive subscription process.

IMPORTANT: The subscribe and unsubscribe callbacks are called from within an internal lock. They MUST NEVER call pub/sub functions except by exiting the lock using fio_defer.


void fio_pubsub_detach(fio_pubsub_engine_s *engine);

Detaches an engine, so it could be safely destroyed.


void fio_pubsub_reattach(fio_pubsub_engine_s *eng);

Engines can ask facil.io to call the subscribe callback for all active channels.

This allows engines that lost their connection to their Pub/Sub service to resubscribe all the currently active channels with the new connection.

CAUTION: This is an evented task... try not to free the engine's memory while re-subscriptions are under way...

NOTE: the root (master) process will call subscribe for any channel in any process, while all the other processes will call subscribe only for their own channels. This allows engines to use the root (master) process as an exclusive subscription process.

IMPORTANT: The subscribe and unsubscribe callbacks are called from within an internal lock. They MUST NEVER call pub/sub functions except by exiting the lock using fio_defer.


int fio_pubsub_is_attached(fio_pubsub_engine_s *engine);

Returns true (1) if the engine is attached to the system.

The Custom Memory Allocator

facil.io includes a custom memory allocator designed for network application use.

Allocated memory is always zeroed out and aligned on a 16 byte boundary.

Reallocated memory is always aligned on a 16 byte boundary but it might be filled with junk data after the valid data (this can be minimized by using fio_realloc2).

The memory allocator assumes multiple concurrent allocation/deallocation, short to medium life spans (memory is freed shortly, but not immediately, after it was allocated) and relatively small allocations (anything over 12Kb is forwarded to mmap).

This allocator should prevent memory fragmentation when allocating memory for shot / medium object life-spans (classic network use).

Note: this custom allocator could increase memory fragmentation if long-life allocations are performed periodically (rather than performed during startup). Use fio_mmap or the system's malloc for long-term allocations.

Memory Allocator Overview

The easiest and fastest allocator that can be written will simply claim memory at top of the stack (using the historic sbrk instruction) and never free the memory.

This memory allocator works using a similar design using rotating blocks of 32Kb which are only freed once all the references to the block are freed.

The allocator utilizes memory pools and per-CPU bins to allow for concurrent memory allocations across threads and to minimize lock contention.

To replace the system's malloc function family compile with the FIO_OVERRIDE_MALLOC defined (-DFIO_OVERRIDE_MALLOC).

When using tcmalloc or jemalloc, consider defining FIO_FORCE_MALLOC to prevent facil.io's custom allocator from compiling (-DFIO_FORCE_MALLOC).

More details in the fio.h header.

The Memory Allocator's API

The functions were designed to be a drop in replacement to the system's memory allocation functions (malloc, free and friends).

Where some improvement could be made, it was made using an added function name to add improved functionality (such as fio_realloc2).


void *fio_malloc(size_t size)

Allocates memory using a per-CPU core block memory pool.

Memory is always zeroed out.

Allocations above FIO_MEMORY_BLOCK_ALLOC_LIMIT (12,288 bytes when using the default 32Kb blocks) will be redirected to mmap, as if fio_mmap was called.


void *fio_calloc(size_t size_per_unit, size_t unit_count)

Same as calling fio_malloc(size_per_unit * unit_count);

Allocations above FIO_MEMORY_BLOCK_ALLOC_LIMIT (12,288 bytes when using 32Kb blocks) will be redirected to mmap, as if fio_mmap was called.


void fio_free(void *ptr);

Frees memory that was allocated using this library.


void *fio_realloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size);

Re-allocates memory. An attempt to avoid copying the data is made only for big memory allocations (larger than FIO_MEMORY_BLOCK_ALLOC_LIMIT).


void *fio_realloc2(void *ptr, size_t new_size, size_t copy_length);

Re-allocates memory. An attempt to avoid copying the data is made only for big memory allocations (larger than FIO_MEMORY_BLOCK_ALLOC_LIMIT).

This variation is slightly faster as it might copy less data.

void *fio_mmap(size_t size);

Allocates memory directly using mmap, this is prefered for objects that both require almost a page of memory (or more) and expect a long lifetime.

However, since this allocation will invoke the system call (mmap), it will be inherently slower.

fio_free can be used for deallocating the memory.

Linked Lists

Linked list helpers are inline functions that become available when (and if) the fio_h file is included with the FIO_INCLUDE_LINKED_LIST macro.

This can be performed even after if the fio.h file was previously included. i.e.:

#include <fio.h> // No linked list helpers
#include <fio.h> // Linked list helpers become available

Linked lists come in two types:

  1. Independent Object Lists:

    Used when a single object might belong to more than a single list, or when the object can't be edited.

  2. Embedded Linked Lists

    Used when a single object always belongs to a single list and can be edited to add a node filed. This improves memory locality and performance, as well as minimizes memory allocations.

Independent Linked List API

The independent object lists uses the following type:

/** an independent linked list. */
typedef struct fio_ls_s {
  struct fio_ls_s *prev;
  struct fio_ls_s *next;
  const void *obj;
} fio_ls_s;

It can be initialized using the FIO_LS_INIT macro.


#define FIO_LS_INIT(name)                                                      \
  { .next = &(name), .prev = &(name) }

Initializes the list container. i.e.:

fio_ls_s my_list = FIO_LS_INIT(my_list);


inline fio_ls_s *fio_ls_push(fio_ls_s *pos, const void *obj);

Adds an object to the list's head.

Returns a pointer to the object's position (can be used in fio_ls_remove).


inline fio_ls_s *fio_ls_unshift(fio_ls_s *pos, const void *obj);

Adds an object to the list's tail.

Returns a pointer to the object's position (can be used in fio_ls_remove).


inline void *fio_ls_pop(fio_ls_s *list);

Removes an object from the list's head.


inline void *fio_ls_shift(fio_ls_s *list);

Removes an object from the list's tail.


inline void *fio_ls_remove(fio_ls_s *node);

Removes a node from the list, returning the contained object.


inline int fio_ls_is_empty(fio_ls_s *list);

Tests if the list is empty.


inline int fio_ls_any(fio_ls_s *list);

Tests if the list is NOT empty (contains any nodes).


#define FIO_LS_FOR(list, pos)

Iterates through the list using a for loop.

Access the data with pos->obj (pos can be named however you please).

Embedded Linked List API

The embedded object lists uses the following node type:

/** an embeded linked list. */
typedef struct fio_ls_embd_s {
  struct fio_ls_embd_s *prev;
  struct fio_ls_embd_s *next;
} fio_ls_embd_s;

It can be initialized using the FIO_LS_INIT macro (see above).


inline void fio_ls_embd_push(fio_ls_embd_s *dest, fio_ls_embd_s *node);

Adds a node to the list's head.


inline void fio_ls_embd_unshift(fio_ls_embd_s *dest, fio_ls_embd_s *node);

Adds a node to the list's tail.


inline fio_ls_embd_s *fio_ls_embd_pop(fio_ls_embd_s *list);

Removes a node from the list's head.


inline fio_ls_embd_s *fio_ls_embd_shift(fio_ls_embd_s *list);

Removes a node from the list's tail.


inline fio_ls_embd_s *fio_ls_embd_remove(fio_ls_embd_s *node);

Removes a node from the containing node.


inline int fio_ls_embd_is_empty(fio_ls_embd_s *list);

Tests if the list is empty.


inline int fio_ls_embd_any(fio_ls_embd_s *list);

Tests if the list is NOT empty (contains any nodes).


#define FIO_LS_EMBD_FOR(list, node)

Iterates through the list using a for loop.

Access the data with pos->obj (pos can be named however you please).


#define FIO_LS_EMBD_OBJ(type, member, plist)                                   \
  ((type *)((uintptr_t)(plist) - (uintptr_t)(&(((type *)0)->member))))

Takes a list pointer plist (node) and returns a pointer to it's container.

This uses pointer offset calculations and can be used to calculate any structure‘s pointer (not just list containers) as an offset from a pointer of one of it’s members.

Very useful.

String Helpers

String helpers are inline functions that become available when (and if) the fio_h file is included with the FIO_INCLUDE_STR macro.

This can be performed even after if the fio.h file was previously included. i.e.:

#include <fio.h> // No string helpers
#include <fio.h> // String helpers become available

String API - Initialization and Destruction

The String API is used to manage binary strings, allowing the NUL byte to be a valid byte in the middle of the string (unlike C strings)

The String API uses the type fio_str_s, which shouldn't be accessed directly.

The fio_str_s objects can be allocated either on the stack or on the heap.

However, reference counting provided by the fio_free2 and the fio_str_send_free2 functions, requires that the fio_str_s object be allocated on the heap using fio_malloc or fio_str_new2.


#define FIO_STR_INIT ((fio_str_s){.data = NULL, .small = 1})

This value should be used for initialization. For example:

// on the stack
fio_str_s str = FIO_STR_INIT;

// or on the heap
fio_str_s *str = fio_malloc(sizeof(*str);
*str = FIO_STR_INIT;

Remember to cleanup:

// on the stack

// or on the heap


#define FIO_STR_INIT_EXISTING(buffer, length, capacity)                        \
 ((fio_str_s){.data = (buffer),                                               \
              .len = (length),                                                \
              .capa = (capacity),                                             \
              .dealloc = fio_free})

This macro allows the container to be initialized with existing data, as long as it's memory was allocated using fio_malloc.

The capacity value should exclude the NUL character (if exists).


#define FIO_STR_INIT_STATIC(buffer)                                            \
 ((fio_str_s){.data = (buffer), .len = strlen((buffer)), .dealloc = NULL})

This macro allows the container to be initialized with existing data, as long as it's memory was allocated using fio_malloc.

The capacity value should exclude the NUL character (if exists).


inline fio_str_s *fio_str_new2(void);

Allocates a new fio_str_s object on the heap and initializes it.

Use fio_str_free2 to free both the String data and the container.

NOTE: This makes the allocation and reference counting logic more intuitive.


inline fio_str_s *fio_str_new_copy2(fio_str_s *src);

Allocates a new fio_str_s object on the heap, initializes it and copies the original (src) string into the new string.

Use fio_str_free2 to free the new string‘s data and it’s container.


inline fio_str_s *fio_str_dup(fio_str_s *s);

Adds a references to the current String object and returns itself.

NOTE: Nothing is copied, reference Strings are referencing the same String. Editing one reference will effect the other.

The original‘s String’s container should remain in scope (if on the stack) or remain allocated (if on the heap) until all the references were freed using fio_str_free / fio_str_free2 or discarded.


inline int fio_str_free(fio_str_s *s);

Frees the String's resources and reinitializes the container.

Note: if the container isn't allocated on the stack, it should be freed separately using free oR fio_free.

Returns 0 if the data was freed and -1 if the String is NULL or has un-freed references (see fio_str_dup).


void fio_str_free2(fio_str_s *s);

Frees the String's resources AS WELL AS the container.

Note: the container is freed using fio_free, make sure fio_malloc was used to allocate it.


inline ssize_t fio_str_send_free2(const intptr_t uuid,
                                  const fio_str_s *str);

fio_str_send_free2 sends the fio_str_s using fio_write2, freeing both the String and the container once the data was sent.

As the naming indicates, the String is assumed to have been allocated using fio_str_new2 or fio_malloc.

String API - String state (data pointers, length, capacity, etc')

Many of the String state functions return a fio_str_info_s structure with information about the String:

typedef struct {
 size_t capa; /* String capacity */
 size_t len;  /* String length   */
 char *data;  /* String data     */
} fio_str_info_s;

Using this approach is safer than accessing the String data directly, since the short Strings behave differently than long strings and the fio_str_s structure fields are only valid for long strings.


inline fio_str_info_s fio_str_info(const fio_str_s *s);

Returns the String's complete state (capacity, length and pointer).


inline size_t fio_str_len(fio_str_s *s);

Returns the String's length in bytes.


inline char *fio_str_data(fio_str_s *s);

Returns a pointer (char *) to the String's content.


#define fio_str_bytes(s) ((uint8_t *)fio_str_data((s)))

Returns a byte pointer (uint8_t *) to the String's unsigned content.


inline size_t fio_str_capa(fio_str_s *s);

Returns the String's existing capacity (total used & available memory).


inline fio_str_info_s fio_str_resize(fio_str_s *s, size_t size);

Sets the new String size without reallocating any memory (limited by existing capacity).

Returns the updated state of the String.

Note: When shrinking, any existing data beyond the new size may be corrupted.


#define fio_str_clear(s) fio_str_resize((s), 0)

Clears the string (retaining the existing capacity).


inline uint64_t fio_str_hash(const fio_str_s *s);

Returns the string's SipHash value (Uses SipHash 1-3).

String API - Memory management


void fio_str_compact(fio_str_s *s);

Performs a best attempt at minimizing memory consumption.

Actual effects depend on the underlying memory allocator and it's implementation. Not all allocators will free any memory.


fio_str_info_s fio_str_capa_assert(fio_str_s *s, size_t needed);

Requires the String to have at least needed capacity (including existing data).

Returns the current state of the String.

String API - UTF-8 State


size_t fio_str_utf8_valid(fio_str_s *s);

Returns 1 if the String is UTF-8 valid and 0 if not.


size_t fio_str_utf8_len(fio_str_s *s);

Returns the String's length in UTF-8 characters.


int fio_str_utf8_select(fio_str_s *s, intptr_t *pos, size_t *len);

Takes a UTF-8 character selection information (UTF-8 position and length) and updates the same variables so they reference the raw byte slice information.

If the String isn't UTF-8 valid up to the requested selection, than pos will be updated to -1 otherwise values are always positive.

The returned len value may be shorter than the original if there wasn't enough data left to accomodate the requested length. When a len value of 0 is returned, this means that pos marks the end of the String.

Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.


#define FIO_STR_UTF8_CODE_POINT(ptr, end, i32) // ...

Advances the ptr by one utf-8 character, placing the value of the UTF-8 character into the i32 variable (which must be a signed integer with 32bits or more). On error, i32 will be equal to -1 and ptr will not step forwards.

The end value is only used for overflow protection.

This helper macro is used internally but left exposed for external use.

String API - Content Manipulation and Review


inline fio_str_info_s fio_str_write(fio_str_s *s, const void *src,
                                    size_t src_len);

Writes data at the end of the String (similar to fio_str_insert with the argument pos == -1).


inline fio_str_info_s fio_str_write_i(fio_str_s *s, int64_t num);

Writes a number at the end of the String using normal base 10 notation.


inline fio_str_info_s fio_str_concat(fio_str_s *dest,
                                     fio_str_s const *src);

Appens the src String to the end of the dest String.

If dest is empty, the resulting Strings will be equal.


#define fio_str_join(dest, src) fio_str_concat((dest), (src))

Alias for fio_str_concat.


fio_str_info_s fio_str_replace(fio_str_s *s, intptr_t start_pos,
                               size_t old_len, const void *src,
                               size_t src_len);

Replaces the data in the String - replacing old_len bytes starting at start_pos, with the data at src (src_len bytes long).

Negative start_pos values are calculated backwards, -1 == end of String.

When old_len is zero, the function will insert the data at start_pos.

If src_len == 0 than src will be ignored and the data marked for replacement will be erased.


fio_str_info_s fio_str_vprintf(fio_str_s *s, const char *format,
                               va_list argv);

Writes to the String using a vprintf like interface.

Data is written to the end of the String.


fio_str_info_s fio_str_printf(fio_str_s *s, const char *format, ...);

Writes to the String using a printf like interface.

Data is written to the end of the String.


fio_str_info_s fio_str_readfile(fio_str_s *s, const char *filename,
                             intptr_t start_at, intptr_t limit);

Opens the file filename and pastes it's contents (or a slice ot it) at the end of the String. If limit == 0, than the data will be read until EOF.

If the file can‘t be located, opened or read, or if start_at is beyond the EOF position, NULL is returned in the state’s data field.

Works on POSIX only.


inline void fio_str_freeze(fio_str_s *s);

Prevents further manipulations to the String's content.


inline int fio_str_iseq(const fio_str_s *str1, const fio_str_s *str2);

Binary comparison returns 1 if both strings are equal and 0 if not.

Dynamic Arrays

The fio.h header includes a simple typed dynamic array with a minimal API that can be adapted to any type.

Note: The API for the FIOBJ Array is located here. This is the documentation for the core library Array.

To create an Array type, define the macro FIO_ARY_NAME. i.e.:

#define FIO_ARY_NAME fio_cstr_ary
#define FIO_ARY_TYPE char *
#define FIO_ARY_COMPARE(k1, k2) (!strcmp((k1), (k2)))
#include <fio.h>

It's possible to create a number of Set or Array types by re-including the fio.h header. i.e.:

#include <fio.h> // adds the fio_str_s types and functions

#define FIO_ARY_NAME fio_int_ary
#define FIO_ARY_TYPE int
#include <fio.h> // creates the fio_int_ary_s Array and functions

#define FIO_ARY_NAME fio_str_ary
#define FIO_ARY_TYPE fio_str_s *
#define FIO_ARY_COMPARE(k1, k2) (fio_str_iseq((k1), (k2)))
#define FIO_ARY_COPY(key) fio_str_dup((key))
#define FIO_ARY_DESTROY(key) fio_str_free2((key))
#include <fio.h> // creates the fio_str_ary_s Array and functions

Defining the Array


The FIO_ARY_NAME is required and will be used to set a for the Array's type and functions.

The Array type will be FIO_ARY_NAME_s and each function will be translated to FIO_ARY_NAME_func, where FIO_ARY_NAME is replaced by the macro set.

For example:

#define FIO_ARY_NAME fio_cstr_ary
#define FIO_ARY_TYPE char *
#define FIO_ARY_COMPARE(k1, k2) (!strcmp((k1), (k2)))
#include <fio.h>

fio_cstr_ary_s global_array = FIO_ARY_INIT;

void populate_array(char ** data, int len) {
    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        fio_cstr_ary_push(&global_array, data[i]);


#if !defined(FIO_ARY_TYPE)
#define FIO_ARY_TYPE void *

The default Array object type is void * */


#if !defined(FIO_ARY_INVALID)
static FIO_ARY_TYPE const FIO_NAME(s___const_invalid_object);
#define FIO_ARY_INVALID FIO_NAME(s___const_invalid_object)

The FIO_ARY_INVALID value should be an object with all bytes set to 0. Since FIO_ARY_TYPE type is unknown, a constant static object is created. However, it is better to manually define FIO_ARY_INVALID.


#if !defined(FIO_ARY_COMPARE)
#define FIO_ARY_COMPARE(o1, o2) ((o1) == (o2))

The default object comparison assumes a simple type.


#ifndef FIO_ARY_COPY
#define FIO_ARY_COPY(dest, obj) ((dest) = (obj))

The default object copy is a simple assignment.


#define FIO_ARY_DESTROY(obj) ((void)0)

The default object destruction is a no-op.

Note: Before freeing the Array, FIO_ARY_DESTROY will be automatically called for every existing object, including any invalid objects (if any). It is important that the FIO_ARY_DESTROY macro allows for invalid data (all bytes are 0).


#define FIO_ARY_MALLOC(size) fio_malloc((size))

The default Array allocator is set to fio_malloc.

It's important to note that the default allocator must set all the allocated bytes to zero, exactly as fio_malloc does.


#ifndef FIO_ARY_REALLOC /* NULL ptr indicates new allocation */
#define FIO_ARY_REALLOC(ptr, original_size, new_size, valid_data_length)       \
  fio_realloc2((ptr), (new_size), (valid_data_length))

The default Array re-allocator is set to fio_realloc2. All bytes will be set to zero except the copied data and - in some cases, where copy alignment error occurs - the last 16 bytes.


#define FIO_ARY_DEALLOC(ptr, size) fio_free((ptr))

The default Array deallocator is set to fio_free.

Naming the Array

Because the type and function names are dictated by the FIO_ARY_NAME, it's impossible to name the functions and types that will be created.

For the purpose of this documentation, the FIO_ARY_NAME(name) will mark a type / function name so that it's equal to FIO_ARY_NAME + "_" + name. i.e., if FIO_SET_NAME is foo than FIO_SET_NAME(s) is foo_s.

Array Initialization and State


typedef struct FIO_ARY_NAME(s) FIO_ARY_NAME(s);
struct FIO_NAME(s) {
  size_t start;       /* first index where data was already written */
  size_t end;         /* next spot to write at tail */
  size_t capa;        /* existing capacity */
  FIO_ARY_TYPE *arry; /* the actual array's memory, if any */

The Array container type. It is advised that the container be considered opaque and that the functions provided are used to access it's data (instead of direct data access).


#ifndef FIO_ARY_INIT
#define FIO_ARY_INIT                                                           \
  { .capa = 0 }

Initializes the Array.


FIO_FUNC inline void FIO_ARY_NAME(free)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary);

Frees the array's internal data.


FIO_FUNC inline size_t FIO_ARY_NAME(count)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary);

Returns the number of elements in the Array.


FIO_FUNC inline size_t FIO_ARY_NAME(capa)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary);

Returns the current, temporary, array capacity (it's dynamic).

Array data management


FIO_FUNC inline void FIO_ARY_NAME(concat)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * dest, FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * src);

Adds all the items in the src Array to the end of the dest Array.

The src Array remain untouched.


FIO_FUNC inline void FIO_ARY_NAME(set)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, intptr_t index,
                                   FIO_ARY_TYPE data, FIO_ARY_TYPE *old);

Sets index to the value in data.

If index is negative, it will be counted from the end of the Array (-1 == last element).

If old isn't NULL, the existing data will be copied to the location pointed to by old before the copy in the Array is destroyed.


FIO_FUNC inline FIO_ARY_TYPE FIO_ARY_NAME(get)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, intptr_t index);

Returns the value located at index (no copying is peformed).

If index is negative, it will be counted from the end of the Array (-1 == last element).


FIO_FUNC inline intptr_t FIO_ARY_NAME(find)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, FIO_ARY_TYPE data);

Returns the index of the object or -1 if the object wasn't found.


FIO_FUNC inline int FIO_ARY_NAME(remove)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, intptr_t index,
                                     FIO_ARY_TYPE *old);

Removes an object from the array, moving all the other objects to prevent “holes” in the data.

If old is set, the data is copied to the location pointed to by old before the data in the array is destroyed.

Returns 0 on success and -1 on error.


FIO_FUNC inline int FIO_ARY_NAME(remove2)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, FIO_ARY_TYPE data,
                                      FIO_ARY_TYPE *old);

Removes an object from the array, if it exists, MOVING all the other objects to prevent “holes” in the data.

Returns -1 if the object wasn't found or 0 if the object was successfully removed.



Returns a pointer to the C array containing the objects.


FIO_FUNC inline int FIO_ARY_NAME(push)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, FIO_ARY_TYPE data);

Pushes an object to the end of the Array. Returns -1 on error.


FIO_FUNC inline int FIO_ARY_NAME(pop)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, FIO_ARY_TYPE *old);

Removes an object from the end of the Array.

If old is set, the data is copied to the location pointed to by old before the data in the array is destroyed.

Returns -1 on error (Array is empty) and 0 on success.


FIO_FUNC inline int FIO_ARY_NAME(unshift)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, FIO_ARY_TYPE data);

Unshifts an object to the beginning of the Array. Returns -1 on error.

This could be expensive, causing memmove.


FIO_FUNC inline int FIO_ARY_NAME(shift)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, FIO_ARY_TYPE *old);

Removes an object from the beginning of the Array.

If old is set, the data is copied to the location pointed to by old before the data in the array is destroyed.

Returns -1 on error (Array is empty) and 0 on success.


FIO_FUNC inline size_t FIO_ARY_NAME(each)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary, size_t start_at,
                                      int (*task)(FIO_ARY_TYPE pt, void *arg),
                                      void *arg);

Iteration using a callback for each entry in the array.

The callback task function must accept an the entry data as well as an opaque user pointer.

If the callback returns -1, the loop is broken. Any other value is ignored.

Returns the relative “stop” position, i.e., the number of items processed + the starting point.


FIO_FUNC inline void FIO_ARY_NAME(compact)(FIO_ARY_NAME(s) * ary);

Removes any FIO_ARY_TYPE_INVALID object from an Array (NULL pointers by default), keeping all other data in the array.

This action is O(n) where n in the length of the array. It could get expensive.

FIO_ARY_FOR(ary, pos)

#define FIO_ARY_FOR(ary, pos) 

Iterates through the list using a for loop.

Access the object with the pointer pos. The pos variable can be named however you please.

Avoid editing the array during a FOR loop, although I hope it‘s possible, I wouldn’t count on it.

Hash Maps / Sets

facil.io includes a simple ordered Hash Map / Set implementation, with a minimal API.

Note: The API for the FIOBJ Hash Map is located here. This is the documentation for the core library Hash Map / Set.

A Set is basically a Hash Map where the keys are also the values, it's often used for caching objects while a Hash Map is used to find one object using another.

A Hash Map is basically a set where the objects in the Set are key-value couplets and only the keys are tested when searching the Set.

The Set's object type and behavior is controlled by the FIO_SET_OBJ_* marcos.

To create a Set or a Hash Map, the macro FIO_SET_NAME must be defined. i.e.:

#define FIO_SET_NAME fio_str_info_set
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE char *
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_COMPARE(k1, k2) (!strcmp((k1), (k2)))
#include <fio.h>
// ...
fio_str_info_set_s my_set = FIO_SET_INIT; // note type name matches FIO_SET_NAME
uint64_t hash = fio_siphash("foo", 3);
fio_str_info_set_insert(&my_set, hash, "foo"); // note function name

This can be performed a number of times, defining a different Set / Hash Map each time.

Defining the Set / Hash Map

The Set's object type and behavior is controlled by the FIO_SET_OBJ_* marcos: FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE, FIO_SET_OBJ_COMPARE, FIO_SET_OBJ_COPY, FIO_SET_OBJ_DESTROY. i.e.:

#include <fio.h> // adds the fio_str_s types and functions

#define FIO_SET_NAME fio_str_set
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE fio_str_s *
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_COMPARE(s1, s2) fio_str_iseq((s1), (s2))
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_COPY(dest, src) (dest) = fio_str_new_copy2((src))
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_DESTROY(str) fio_str_free2((str))
#include <fio.h> // creates the fio_str_set_s Set and functions

int main(void) {
  fio_str_s tmp = FIO_STR_INIT_STATIC("foo");
  // Initialize a Set for String caching
  fio_str_set_s my_set = FIO_SET_INIT;
  // Insert object to Set (will make copy)
  fio_str_s *cpy = fio_str_set_insert(&my_set, fio_str_hash(&tmp), &tmp);
  printf("Original data %p\n", (void *)&tmp);
  printf("Stored data %p\n", (void *)cpy);
  printf("Stored data content: %s\n", fio_str_data(cpy));
  // Free set (will free copy).

To create a Hash Map, rather than a pure Set, the macro FIO_SET_KET_TYPE must be defined. i.e.:

#define FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE char *

This allows the FIO_SET_KEY_* macros to be defined as well. For example:

#define FIO_SET_NAME fio_str_hash
#define FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE char *
#define FIO_SET_KEY_COMPARE(k1, k2) (!strcmp((k1), (k2)))
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE char *
#include <fio.h>


// default:
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE void *

Set‘s a Set or a Hash Map’s object type. Defaults to void *.


// default:
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_COMPARE(o1, o2) (1)

Compares two Set objects. This is only relevant to pure Sets (not Hash Maps). Defaults to doing nothing (always true).


// default:
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_COPY(dest, obj) ((dest) = (obj))

Copies an object's data from an external object to the internal storage. This allows String and other dynamic data to be copied and retained for the lifetime of the object.


// default:
#define FIO_SET_OBJ_DESTROY(obj) ((void)0)

Frees any allocated memory / resources used by the object data. By default this does nothing.



By defining a key type, the Set will be converted to a Hash Map and it's API will be slightly altered to reflect this change.

By default, no key type is defined.


#define FIO_SET_KEY_COMPARE(key1, key2) ((key1) == (key2))

Compares two Hash Map keys.

This is only relevant if the FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE was defined.


#define FIO_SET_KEY_COPY(dest, key) ((dest) = (key))

Copies the key's data from an external key to the internal storage. This allows String and other dynamic data to be copied and retained for the lifetime of the key-value pair.

This is only relevant if the FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE was defined.


#define FIO_SET_KEY_DESTROY(key) ((void)0)

Frees any allocated memory / resources used by the key data. By default this does nothing.

This is only relevant if the FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE was defined.


#define FIO_SET_REALLOC(ptr, original_size, new_size, valid_data_length)       \
 realloc((ptr), (new_size))

Allows for custom memory allocation / deallocation routines.


#define FIO_SET_CALLOC(size, count) calloc((size), (count))

Allows for custom memory allocation / deallocation routines.


#define FIO_SET_FREE(ptr, size) free((ptr))

Naming the Set / Hash Map

Because the type and function names are dictated by the FIO_SET_NAME, it's impossible to name the functions and types that will be created.

For the purpose of this documentation, the FIO_SET_NAME(name) will mark a type / function name so that it's equal to FIO_SET_NAME + "_" + name.

i.e., if FIO_SET_NAME == foo than FIO_SET_NAME(s) == foo_s.

Set / Hash Map Initialization


The Set‘s / Hash Map’s type name. It's content should be considered opaque.


#define FIO_SET_INIT { .capa = 0 }

Initializes the Set or the Hash Map.


void FIO_SET_NAME(free)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set);

Frees all the objects in the Hash Map / Set and deallocates any internal resources.

Hash Map Find / Insert

These functions are defined if the Set defined is a Hash Map (FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE was defined).

FIO_SET_NAME(find) (Hash Map)

   FIO_SET_NAME(find)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set, const FIO_SET_HASH_TYPE hash_value,
                  FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE key);

Locates an object in the Hash Map, if it exists.

NOTE: This is the function's Hash Map variant. See FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE.

FIO_SET_NAME(insert) (Hash Map)

inline void FIO_SET_NAME(insert)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set,
                             const FIO_SET_HASH_TYPE hash_value,
                             FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE key,
                             FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE obj,
                             FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE *old);

Inserts an object to the Hash Map, rehashing if required, returning the new object's location using a pointer.

If an object already exists in the Hash Map, it will be destroyed.

If old isn't NULL, the existing object (if any) will be copied to the location pointed to by old before it is destroyed.

NOTE: This is the function's Hash Map variant. See FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE.

FIO_SET_NAME(remove) (Hash Map)

inline int FIO_SET_NAME(remove)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set,
                     const FIO_SET_HASH_TYPE hash_value,
                     FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE key
                     FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE *old);

Removes an object from the Set, rehashing if required.

Returns 0 on success and -1 if the object wasn't found.

If old isn't NULL, than the existing object (if any) would be copied to the location pointed to by old.

NOTE: This is the function's Hash Map variant. See FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE.

Set Find / Insert

These functions are defined if the Set is a pure Set (not a Hash Map).

FIO_SET_NAME(find) (Set)

   FIO_SET_NAME(find)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set, const FIO_SET_HASH_TYPE hash_value,
                  FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE obj);

Locates an object in the Set, if it exists.

NOTE: This is the function's pure Set variant (no FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE).

FIO_SET_NAME(insert) (Set)

   FIO_SET_NAME(insert)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set, const FIO_SET_HASH_TYPE hash_value,
                    FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE obj);

Inserts an object to the Set only if it‘s missing, rehashing if required, returning the new (or old) object’s pointer.

If the object already exists in the set, than the new object will be destroyed and the old object will be returned.

NOTE: This is the function's pure Set variant (no FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE).

FIO_SET_NAME(overwrite) (Set)

inline FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE FIO_SET_NAME(overwrite)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set,
                                             const FIO_SET_HASH_TYPE hash_value,
                                             FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE obj,
                                             FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE *old);

Inserts an object to the Set only overwriting any existing data, rehashing if required.

If old is set, the old object (if any) will be copied to the location pointed to by old.

NOTE: This function doesn't exist when FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE is defined.

FIO_SET_NAME(remove) (Set)

inline int FIO_SET_NAME(remove)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set,
                             const FIO_SET_HASH_TYPE hash_value,
                             FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE obj,
                             FIO_SET_OBJ_TYPE *old);

Removes an object from the Set, rehashing if required.

Returns 0 on success and -1 if the object wasn't found.

If old is set, the old object (if any) will be copied to the location pointed to by old.

NOTE: This is the function's pure Set variant (no FIO_SET_KEY_TYPE).

Set / Hash Map Data


inline FIO_SET_TYPE FIO_SET_NAME(last)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set);

Allows a peak at the Set's last element.

Remember that objects might be destroyed if the Set is altered (FIO_SET_OBJ_DESTROY / FIO_SET_KEY_DESTROY).


inline void FIO_SET_NAME(pop)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set);

Allows the Hash to be momentarily used as a stack, destroying the last object added (FIO_SET_OBJ_DESTROY / FIO_SET_KEY_DESTROY).


inline size_t FIO_SET_NAME(count)(const FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set);

Returns the number of object currently in the Set.


inline size_t FIO_SET_NAME(capa)(const FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set);

Returns a temporary theoretical Set capacity.

This could be used for testing performance and memory consumption.


inline size_t FIO_SET_NAME(capa_require)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set,
                                     size_t min_capa);

Requires that a Set contains the minimal requested theoretical capacity.

Returns the actual (temporary) theoretical capacity.


inline size_t FIO_SET_NAME(is_fragmented)(const FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set);

Returns non-zero if the Set is fragmented (more than 50% holes).


inline size_t FIO_SET_NAME(compact)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set);

Attempts to minimize memory usage by removing empty spaces caused by deleted items and rehashing the Set.

Returns the updated Set capacity.


void FIO_SET_NAME(rehash)(FIO_SET_NAME(s) * set);

Forces a rehashing of the Set.


#define FIO_SET_FOR_LOOP(set, pos) // ...

A macro for a for loop that iterates over all the Set's objects (in order).

set is a pointer to the Set variable and pos is a temporary variable name to be created for iteration.

pos->hash is the hashing value.

For Hash Maps, pos->obj is a key / value couplet, requiring a selection of pos->obj.key / pos->obj.obj.

For Pure Sets. the pos->obj is the actual object data.

Important: Since the Set might have “holes” (objects that were removed), it is important to skip any pos->hash == 0 or the equivalent of FIO_SET_HASH_COMPARE(pos->hash, FIO_SET_HASH_INVALID).

General Helpers

Network applications require many common tasks, such as Atomic operations, locks, string to number conversions etc'

Many of the helper functions used by the facil.io core library are exposed for client use.

Atomic operations


#define fio_atomic_xchange(p_obj, value) /* compiler specific */

An atomic exchange operation, sets a new value and returns the previous one.

p_obj must be a pointer to the object (not the object itself).

value is the new value to be set.


#define fio_atomic_add(p_obj, value) /* compiler specific */

An atomic addition operation.

Returns the new value.

p_obj must be a pointer to the object (not the object itself).

value is the new value to be set.


#define fio_atomic_sub(p_obj, value) /* compiler specific */

An atomic subtraction operation.

Returns the new value.

p_obj must be a pointer to the object (not the object itself).

value is the new value to be set.

Atomic locks

Atomic locks the fio_lock_i type.

typedef uint8_t volatile fio_lock_i;
#define FIO_LOCK_INIT 0


inline int fio_trylock(fio_lock_i *lock);

Returns 0 if the lock was acquired and non-zero on failure.


inline void fio_lock(fio_lock_i *lock);

Busy waits for the lock - CAREFUL, fio_trylock should be preferred.


inline int fio_is_locked(fio_lock_i *lock);

Returns the current lock's state (non 0 == Busy).


inline void fio_unlock(fio_lock_i *lock);

Releases a lock.


inline void fio_reschedule_thread(void);

Reschedules a thread (used as part of the fio_lock busy wait logic).

Implemented using nanosleep, which seems to be the most effective and efficient thread rescheduler.


inline void fio_throttle_thread(size_t nano_sec);

A blocking throttle using nanosleep.

Byte Ordering Helpers (Network vs. Local)

Different byte ordering schemes often effect network applications, especially when sending binary data.

The 16 bit number might be represented as 0xaf00 on one machine and as 0x00af on another.

These helpers help concert between network byte ordering (Big Endian) to a local byte ordering scheme.

These helpers also help extract numerical content from a binary string.


#define fio_lton16(i) /* system specific */

Local byte order to Network byte order, 16 bit integer.


#define fio_lton32(i) /* system specific */

Local byte order to Network byte order, 32 bit integer.


#define fio_lton64(i) /* system specific */

Local byte order to Network byte order, 62 bit integer.


#define fio_str2u16(c) /* system specific */

Reads a 16 bit number from an unaligned network ordered byte stream.

Using this function makes it easy to avoid unaligned memory access issues.


#define fio_str2u32(c) /* system specific */

Reads a 32 bit number from an unaligned network ordered byte stream.

Using this function makes it easy to avoid unaligned memory access issues.


#define fio_str2u64(c) /* system specific */

Reads a 64 bit number from an unaligned network ordered byte stream.

Using this function makes it easy to avoid unaligned memory access issues.


#define fio_u2str16(buffer, i)  /* simple byte value assignment using network order */

Writes a local 16 bit number to an unaligned buffer in network order.

No error checks or buffer tests are performed - make sure the buffer has at least 2 bytes available.


#define fio_u2str32(buffer, i) /* simple byte value assignment using network order */

Writes a local 32 bit number to an unaligned buffer in network order.

No error checks or buffer tests are performed - make sure the buffer has at least 4 bytes available.


#define fio_u2str64(buffer, i) /* simple byte value assignment using network order */

Writes a local 64 bit number to an unaligned buffer in network order.

No error checks or buffer tests are performed - make sure the buffer has at least 8 bytes available.


#define fio_ntol16(i) /* system specific */

Network byte order to Local byte order, 16 bit integer.


#define fio_ntol32(i) /* system specific */

Network byte order to Local byte order, 32 bit integer.


#define fio_ntol64(i) /* system specific */

Network byte order to Local byte order, 62 bit integer.


#define fio_bswap16(i) /* system specific */

Swaps the byte order in a 16 bit integer.


#define fio_bswap32(i) /* system specific */

Swaps the byte order in a 32 bit integer.


#define fio_bswap64(i) /* system specific */

Swaps the byte order in a 64 bit integer.

Strings to Numbers


int64_t fio_atol(char **pstr);

Converts between String data to a signed int64_t.

Numbers are assumed to be in base 10.

Octal (0###), Hex (0x##/x##) and binary (0b##/ b##) are recognized as well. For binary Most Significant Bit must come first.

The most significant difference between this function and strtol (aside of API design and speed), is the added support for binary representations.


double fio_atof(char **pstr);

A helper function that converts between String data to a signed double.

Implemented using the standard strtold library function.

Numbers to Strings


size_t fio_ltoa(char *dest, int64_t num, uint8_t base);

A helper function that writes a signed int64_t to a string.

No overflow guard is provided, make sure there's at least 68 bytes available (for base 2).

Offers special support for base 2 (binary), base 8 (octal), base 10 and base 16 (hex). An unsupported base will silently default to base 10. Prefixes aren't added (i.e., no “0x” or “0b” at the beginning of the string).

Returns the number of bytes actually written (excluding the NUL terminator).


size_t fio_ftoa(char *dest, double num, uint8_t base);

A helper function that converts between a double to a string.

No overflow guard is provided, make sure there's at least 130 bytes available (for base 2).

Supports base 2, base 10 and base 16. An unsupported base will silently default to base 10. Prefixes aren't added (i.e., no “0x” or “0b” at the beginning of the string).

Returns the number of bytes actually written (excluding the NUL terminator).

Random data Generation


uint64_t fio_rand64(void);

Returns 64 psedo-random bits. Probably not cryptographically safe.


void fio_rand_bytes(void *target, size_t length);

Writes length bytes of psedo-random bits to the target buffer.



int fio_base64_encode(char *target, const char *data, int len);

This will encode a byte array (data) of a specified length and place the encoded data into the target byte buffer (target). The target buffer MUST have enough room for the expected data.

Base64 encoding always requires 4 bytes for each 3 bytes. Padding is added if the raw data‘s length isn’t devisable by 3.

Always assume the target buffer should have room enough for (len*4/3 + 4) bytes.

Returns the number of bytes actually written to the target buffer (including the Base64 required padding and excluding a NULL terminator).

A NULL terminator char is NOT written to the target buffer.


int fio_base64url_encode(char *target, const char *data, int len);

Same as fio_base64_encode, but using Base64URL encoding.


int fio_base64_decode(char *target, char *encoded, int base64_len);

This will decode a Base64 encoded string of a specified length (len) and place the decoded data into the target byte buffer (target).

The target buffer MUST have enough room for 2 bytes in addition to the expected data (NUL byte + padding test).

A NUL byte will be appended to the target buffer. The function will return the number of bytes written to the target buffer (excluding the NUL byte).

If the target buffer is NUL, the encoded string will be destructively edited and the decoded data will be placed in the original string's buffer.

Base64 encoding always requires 4 bytes for each 3 bytes. Padding is added if the raw data‘s length isn’t devisable by 3. Hence, the target buffer should be, at least, base64_len/4*3 + 3 long.

Returns the number of bytes actually written to the target buffer (excluding the NUL terminator byte).


The decoder is variation agnostic (will decode Base64, Base64 URL and Base64 XML variations) and will attempt it's best to ignore invalid data, (in order to support the MIME Base64 variation in RFC 2045).

This comes at the cost of error checking, so the encoding isn't validated and invalid input might produce surprising results.



uint64_t fio_siphash24(const void *data, size_t len);

A SipHash variation (2-4).


uint64_t fio_siphash13(const void *data, size_t len);

A SipHash 1-3 variation.


#define fio_siphash(data, length) fio_siphash13((data), (length))

The Hashing function used by dynamic facil.io objects.

Currently implemented using SipHash 1-3.


SHA-1 example:

fio_sha1_s sha1;
             "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 43);
char *hashed_result = fio_sha1_result(&sha1);


fio_sha1_s fio_sha1_init(void);

Initializes or resets the fio_sha1_s object. This must be performed before hashing data using SHA-1.

The SHA-1 container type (fio_sha1_s) is defines as follows:

The fio_sha1_s structure's content should be ignored.


inline char *fio_sha1(fio_sha1_s *s, const void *data, size_t len)

A SHA1 helper function that performs initialization, writing and finalizing.

SHA-1 hashing container -

The sha1_s type will contain all the sha1 data required to perform the hashing, managing it‘s encoding. If it’s stack allocated, no freeing will be required.


void fio_sha1_write(fio_sha1_s *s, const void *data, size_t len);

Writes data to the sha1 buffer.


char *fio_sha1_result(fio_sha1_s *s);

Finalizes the SHA1 hash, returning the Hashed data.

fio_sha1_result can be called for the same object multiple times, but the finalization will only be performed the first time this function is called.


SHA-2 example:

fio_sha2_s sha2;
fio_sha2_init(&sha2, SHA_512);
             "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 43);
char *hashed_result = fio_sha2_result(&sha2);


fio_sha2_s fio_sha2_init(fio_sha2_variant_e variant);

Initializes / resets the SHA-2 object.

SHA-2 is actually a family of functions with different variants. When initializing the SHA-2 container, a variant must be chosen. The following are valid variants:

  • SHA_512

  • SHA_384

  • SHA_512_224

  • SHA_512_256

  • SHA_256

  • SHA_224

The fio_sha2_s structure's content should be ignored.


void fio_sha2_write(fio_sha2_s *s, const void *data, size_t len);

Writes data to the SHA-2 buffer.


char *fio_sha2_result(fio_sha2_s *s);

Finalizes the SHA-2 hash, returning the Hashed data.

sha2_result can be called for the same object multiple times, but the finalization will only be performed the first time this function is called.


inline char *fio_sha2_512(fio_sha2_s *s, const void *data,
                          size_t len);

A SHA-2 helper function that performs initialization, writing and finalizing.

Uses the SHA2 512 variant.


inline char *fio_sha2_256(fio_sha2_s *s, const void *data,
                          size_t len);

A SHA-2 helper function that performs initialization, writing and finalizing.

Uses the SHA2 256 variant.


inline char *fio_sha2_384(fio_sha2_s *s, const void *data,
                          size_t len);

A SHA-2 helper function that performs initialization, writing and finalizing.

Uses the SHA2 384 variant.

Version and Compilation Related Macros

The following macros effect facil.io's compilation and can be used to validate the API version exposed by the library.

Version Macros

The version macros relate the version for both facil.io‘s core library and it’s bundled extensions.


The major version macro is currently zero (0), since the facil.io library's API should still be considered unstable.

In the future, API breaking changes will cause this number to change.


The minor version normally represents new feature or substantial changes that don't effect existing API.

However, as long as facil.io's major version is zero (0), API breaking changes will cause the minor version (rather than the major version) to change.


The patch version is usually indicative to bug fixes.

However, as long as facil.io's major version is zero (0), new feature or substantial changes will cause the patch version to change.


This macro translates to facil.io's literal string. It can be used, for example, like this:

printf("Running facil.io version" FIO_VERSION_STRING "\r\n");

Logging Macros

facil.io provides a number of possible logging levels and macros for easy logging to stderr.


extern size_t FIO_LOG_LEVEL;

This variable sets / gets the logging level. Supported values include:

/** Logging level of zero (no logging). */
/** Log fatal errors. */
/** Log errors and fatal errors. */
/** Log warnings, errors and fatal errors. */
/** Log every message (info, warnings, errors and fatal errors). */
/** Log everything, including debug messages. */


#define FIO_LOG_FATAL(...)

Logs a fatal error. Doesn't exit the program (this should be performed after the logging).

Logging macros accept printf type arguments. i.e.:

FIO_LOG_FATAL("The meaning of life: %d", 42);


#define FIO_LOG_ERROR(...)

Logs an error.

Logging macros accept printf type arguments. i.e.:

FIO_LOG_ERROR("The meaning of life: %d", 42);


#define FIO_LOG_WARNING(...)

Logs a warning message.

Logging macros accept printf type arguments. i.e.:

FIO_LOG_WARNING("The meaning of life: %d", 42);


#define FIO_LOG_INFO(...)

Logs an information level message.

Logging macros accept printf type arguments. i.e.:

FIO_LOG_INFO("The meaning of life: %d", 42);


#define FIO_LOG_DEBUG(...) 

Logs a debug message.

Logging macros accept printf type arguments. i.e.:

FIO_LOG_DEBUG("The meaning of life: %d", 42);

Other Macros that effect facil.io's behavior / compilation

The facil.io core library has some hard coded values that can be adjusted by defining the following macros during compile time.


This macro define the maximum hard coded number of connections per worker process.

To be more accurate, this number represents the highest fd value allowed by library functions.

If the soft coded OS limit is higher than this number, than this limit will be enforced instead.


The facil.io startup procedure allows for auto-CPU core detection.

Sometimes it would make sense to limit this auto-detection to a lower number, such as on systems with more than 32 cores.

This is only relevant to automated values, when running facil.io with zero threads and processes, which invokes a large matrix of workers and threads (see facil_start).

This does NOT effect manually set (non-zero) worker/thread values.


The progressive throttling model makes concurrency and parallelism more likely.

Otherwise threads are assumed to be intended for “fallback” in case of slow user code, where a single thread should be active most of the time and other threads are activated only when that single thread is slow to perform.



When this macro is true (1), facil.io will print some state massages to stderr (startup / shutdown messages, etc').

By default this macro is set to true.


If true (1), compiles the facil.io pub/sub API .

Weak functions

Weak functions are functions that can be over-ridden during the compilation / linking stage.

This provides control over some operations such as thread creation and process forking, which could be important when integrating facil.io into a VM engine such as Ruby or JavaScript.



int fio_fork(void);

OVERRIDE THIS to replace the default fork implementation.

Should behaves like the system's fork.

Current implementation simply calls fork.

Thread Creation


void *fio_thread_new(void *(*thread_func)(void *), void *arg);

OVERRIDE THIS to replace the default pthread implementation.

Accepts a pointer to a function and a single argument that should be executed within a new thread.

The function should allocate memory for the thread object and return a pointer to the allocated memory that identifies the thread.

On error NULL should be returned.

The default implementation returns a pthread_t *.


void fio_thread_free(void *p_thr);

OVERRIDE THIS to replace the default pthread implementation.

Frees the memory associated with a thread identifier (allows the thread to run it's course, just the identifier is freed).


int fio_thread_join(void *p_thr);

OVERRIDE THIS to replace the default pthread implementation.

Accepts a pointer returned from fio_thread_new (should also free any allocated memory) and joins the associated thread.

Return value is ignored.