The Non-Blocking POSIX Sockets Library

libsock is a non-blocking socket helper library, providing a user level buffer, non-blocking sockets and some helper functions.

This library is great when using it alongside libreact, since libreact will automatically call sock_flush for every socket that was added to the reactor and is ready to send data. Also, libsock can automatically add sockets to the reactor when sock_accept or sock_connect are provided with a reactor object's pointer.

libsock requires only the following two files from this repository: src/libsock.h and src/libsock.c.

If you're looking to utilize lib-server the only helpful section in this file is the section regarding Transport Layer Callbacks (TLC) that can be used to implement TLS or other intermediary protocols.

The Socket object

In order to allow libsock to be used with any existing libraries, the socket object is kept in an internal library buffer that is thread-safe.

Sockets data is accessed using their file descriptor (int), just like any POISIX socket. For further information, look over the static struct FDData declaration in the libsock.c file.

To initialize this data storage (an array of FDData objects), the library command init_socklib is used. If the storage isn't initialized up front, it will be initialized (and reinitialized) dynamically as needed, at the expense of performance.

init_socklib(size_t max_fd)

Initializes the library up to a max_fd value for a file descriptor.

For maximum capacity, it is recommended that you call:

init_socklib( sock_max_capacity() );

The libsock API

The libsock API can be divided into a few different categories:

  • General helper functions

  • Accepting connections and opening new sockets.

  • Sending and receiving data.

  • Direct user level buffer API.

  • Transport Layer Callbacks (TLC).

It should be noted that the library was built with convenience and safety in mind, so it incurs a performance cost related to these safety and convenience features (i.e. mutex locking protects the user-land buffer at the cost of performance).

General helper functions

The following helper functions are for common tasks when socket programming. These functions are independent from the libsock state machine.

int sock_set_non_block(int fd)

Sets a socket to non blocking state.

This function is called automatically for the new socket, when using sock_accept or sock_connect.

ssize_t sock_max_capacity(void)

Gets the maximum number of file descriptors this process can be allowed to access.

If the “soft” limit is lower then the “hard” limit, the process's limits will be extended to the allowed “hard” limit.

int sock_listen(char* address, char* port)

Opens a listenning non-blocking socket. Return‘s the socket’s file descriptor.

Returns -1 on error or the listenning socket's fd on sucess.

Accepting connections and opening new sockets

Accepting connections, initiating connections and opening sockets - as well as attaching open sockets to the libsock state machine - are required actions so that we can use sockets with the libsock API.

int sock_accept(struct Reactor* owner, int server_fd)

sock_accept accepts a new socket connection from the listening socket server_fd, allowing the use of sock_ functions with this new file descriptor.

int sock_connect(struct Reactor* owner, char* address, char* port)

sock_connect is similar to sock_accept but should be used to initiate a client connection to the address requested.

Returns the new file descriptor fd. Retruns -1 on error.

int sock_open(struct Reactor* owner, int fd)

sock_open takes an existing file decriptor fd and initializes it's status as open and available for sock_API calls.

This will reinitialize the data (user buffer etc') for the file descriptor provided.

If a reactor pointer owner is provided, the fd will be attached to the reactor.

Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.

int sock_attach(struct Reactor* owner, int fd)

sock_attach sets the reactor owner for a socket and attaches the socket to the reactor.

Use this function when the socket was already opened with no reactor association and it‘s data (buffer etc’) is already initialized.

This is useful for a delayed attachment, where some more testing is required before attaching a socket to a reactor.

Returns -1 on error and 0 on success.

void sock_clear(int fd)

Clears a socket state data and buffer.

Use this function after the socket was closed remotely or without using the sock_API.

This function does not effect the state of the socket at the reactor. Call reactor_add / reactor_close / reactor_remove for those purposes.

If the socket is owned by the reactor, it is unnecessary to call this function for remote close events or after a reactor_close call.

int sock_status(int fd)

Returns the state of the socket, similar to calling fcntl(fd, F_GETFL).

Returns -1 if the connection is closed.

The macro sock_is_closed(fd) translates to (sock_status((fd)) < 0)

Sending and receiving data

Reading and writing data to a socket, using the libsock API, allows easy access to a user level buffer and file streaming capabilities, as well as Transport Layer Callbacks (TLC) chains that simplify the task of implementing layered protocols (i.e. TLS).

ssize_t sock_read(int fd, void* buf, size_t count)

sock_read attempts to read up to count bytes from file descriptor fd into the buffer starting at buf.

It's behavior should conform to the native read implementations, except some data might be available in the fd's buffer while it is not available to be read using sock_read (i.e., when using a transport layer, such as TLS).

Also, some internal buffering will be used in cases where the transport layer data available is larger then the data requested.

sock_write(sockfd, buf, count)

sock_write writes up to count bytes from the buffer pointed buf to the buffer associated with the file descriptor fd.

The data isn't necessarily written to the socket and multiple calls to sock_flush might be required for the data to be actually sent.

On error, -1 will be returned. Otherwise returns 0. All the bytes are transferred to the socket's user level buffer.

Note this is actually a specific case of sock_write2 and this macro actually calls sock_write2.

#define sock_write(sockfd, buf, count) \
        sock_write2(.fd = (sockfd), .buffer = (buf), .length = (count))

ssize_t sock_write2(...)

Translates as: ssize_t sock_write2_fn(struct SockWriteOpt options)

struct SockWriteOpt { /** The fd for sending data. / int fd; /* The data to be sent. This can be either a byte stream or a file pointer

  • (FILE *). / const void buffer; /** The length (size) of the buffer. irrelevant for file pointers. / size_t length; /* The user land buffer will recieve ownership of the buffer (forced as
  • TRUE
  • when file is set). / unsigned move : 1; /* for internal use / unsigned urgent : 1; /* The buffer points to a file pointer: FILE * / unsigned file : 1; /* for internal use / unsigned merge : 1; }; /* sock_write2_fn is the actual function behind the macro sock_write2. */

/** sock_write2 is similar to sock_write, except special properties can be set.

The number of bytes written to the internal buffer will be returned (should be all the data). On error, -1 will be returned. / #define sock_write2(...) sock_write2_fn((struct SockWriteOpt){VA_ARGS}) /* sock_flush writes the data in the internal buffer to the file descriptor fd and closes the fd once it's marked for closure (and all the data was sent).

The number of bytes actually written to the fd will be returned. 0 will be returned when no data is written and -1 will be returned on an error or when the connection is closed.

Please Note: when using libreact, the sock_flush will be called automatically when the socket is ready. / ssize_t sock_flush(int fd); /* sock_close marks the connection for disconnection once all the data was sent. The actual disconnection will be managed by the sock_flush function.

sock_flash will automatically be called.

If a reactor pointer is provied, the reactor API will be used and the on_close callback should be called once the socket is closed. / void sock_close(struct Reactor reactor, int fd); /** sock_force_close closes the connection immediately, without adhering to any protocol restrictions and without sending any remaining data in the connection buffer.

If a reactor pointer is provied, the reactor API will be used and the on_close callback should be called as expected. / void sock_force_close(struct Reactor reactor, int fd);

Direct user level buffer API.

/** Each user land buffer packet's pre-alocated memory size (17Kb)*/ #ifndef BUFFER_PACKET_SIZE #define BUFFER_PACKET_SIZE (1024 * 17) #endif /** File data is sent a chunk at a time. This is a chunk size.

16Kb allows for 1Kb of protocol specific padding, in case of a transport layer. */ #ifndef BUFFER_FILE_READ_SIZE #define BUFFER_FILE_READ_SIZE (1024 * 16) #endif

/** Buffer packets - can be used for directly writing individual or multiple packets to the buffer instead of using the sock_write(2) helpers.

See sock_checkout_packet and sock_send_packet for more information.

Unused Packets can be freed using free. / struct Packet { ssize_t length; void buffer; /** pre allocated memory. / char internal_memory[BUFFER_PACKET_SIZE]; /* Metadata about the packet. / struct PacketMetadata { /* allows the linking of a number of packets together. / struct Packet next; /** sets whether a packet can be inserted before this packet without * interrupting the communication flow. / unsigned can_interrupt : 1; /* sets whether a packet‘s buffer is of type FILE *. / unsigned is_file : 1; /* sets whether a packet’s buffer is pre-allocated (references the * internal_memory) or whether the data is allocated using malloc and * should be freed. / unsigned external : 1; /* sets whether this packet (or packet chain) should be inserted in before * the first can_interrupt packet, or at the end of the queu. / unsigned urgent : 1; /* Reserved for future use. */ unsigned rsrv : 4; } metadata; };

/** Checks out a struct Packet from the packet pool, transfering the ownership of the memory to the calling function. returns NULL if the pool was empty and memory allocation had failed. / struct Packet sock_checkout_packet(void); /** Attches a packet to a socket‘s output buffer and calls sock_flush for the socket. If an error occurs, the packet’s memory will not be released.

Returns -1 (and the ownership of the packet) on error. Returns 0 (and takes ownership of the Packet) on success. / ssize_t sock_send_packet(int fd, struct Packet packet);

/** Use sock_free_packet to free unused packets that were checked-out using sock_checkout_packet.

It's also possible to use free, but then the Packet pooling and resource management (freeing any external memory attached or closing any FILE pointers) will be ignored for that packet. / void sock_free_packet(struct Packet packet);

TLC - Transport Layer Callbacks.

A Quick Example

The following example isn‘t very interesting, but it’s good enough to demonstrate the API:

#include "libreact.h"
#include "libsock.h"
// we're writing a small server, many included files...
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>

// this will accept connections,
// it will be a simple HTTP hello world. (with keep alive)
void on_data(struct Reactor* reactor, int fd);

struct Reactor r = {.on_data = on_data, .maxfd = 1024};
int srvfd; // to make it simple, we'll have a global object

// this will handle the exit signal (^C).
void on_sigint(int sig) {

int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
  printf("starting up an http hello world example on port 3000\n");
  // setup the exit signal
  signal(SIGINT, on_sigint);
  // create a server socket... this will take a moment...
  char* port = "3000";
  // setup the address
  struct addrinfo hints;
  struct addrinfo* servinfo;        // will point to the results
  memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);  // make sure the struct is empty
  hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;      // don't care IPv4 or IPv6
  hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;  // TCP stream sockets
  hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;      // fill in my IP for me

  if (getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &servinfo)) {
    perror("addr err");
    return -1;

  srvfd =   // get the file descriptor
      socket(servinfo->ai_family, servinfo->ai_socktype,
  if (srvfd <= 0) {
    perror("addr err");
    return -1;

  { // avoid the "address taken"
    int optval = 1;
    setsockopt(srvfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval,

  // bind the address to the socket

  if (bind(srvfd, servinfo->ai_addr, servinfo->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
    perror("bind err");
    return -1;

  // make sure the socket is non-blocking

  static int flags;
  if (-1 == (flags = fcntl(srvfd, F_GETFL, 0)))
    flags = 0;
  fcntl(srvfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);

  // listen in
  listen(srvfd, SOMAXCONN);
  if (errno)
    perror("starting. last error was");

  freeaddrinfo(servinfo); // free the address data memory

  // now that everything is ready, call the reactor library...
  reactor_add(&r, srvfd);

  while (reactor_review(&r) >= 0)

  if (errno)
    perror("\nFinished. last error was");

void on_data(struct Reactor* reactor, int fd) {
  if (fd == srvfd) { // yes, this is our listening socket...
    int client = 0;
    unsigned int len = 0;
    while ((client = accept(fd, NULL, &len)) > 0) {
      reactor_add(&r, client);
    }  // reactor is edge triggered, we need to clear the cache.
  } else {
    char buff[8094];
    ssize_t len;
    static char response[] =
        "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
        "Content-Length: 12\r\n"
        "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"
        "Keep-Alive: timeout=2\r\n"
        "Hello World!\r\n";

    if ((len = recv(fd, buff, 8094, 0)) > 0) {
      len = write(fd, response, strlen(response));