MACOF(8) System Manager's Manual MACOF(8)

macof - flood a switched LAN with random MAC addresses

macof [-i interface] [-s src] [-d
  dst] [-e tha] [-x sport] [-y
  dport] [-n times]

macof floods the local network with random MAC addresses (causing some switches to fail open in repeating mode, facilitating sniffing). A straight C port of the original Perl Net::RawIP macof program by Ian Vitek <>.

-i interface
Specify the interface to send on.
-s src
Specify source IP address.
-d dst
Specify destination IP address.
-e tha
Specify target hardware address.
-x sport
Specify TCP source port.
-y dport
Specify TCP destination port.
-n times
Specify the number of packets to send.

Values for any options left unspecified will be generated randomly.


Dug Song <>