ARPSPOOF(8) System Manager's Manual ARPSPOOF(8)

arpspoof - intercept packets on a switched LAN

arpspoof [-i interface] [-t target]

arpspoof redirects packets from a target host (or all hosts) on the LAN intended for another host on the LAN by forging ARP replies. This is an extremely effective way of sniffing traffic on a switch.

Kernel IP forwarding (or a userland program which accomplishes the same, e.g. fragrouter(8)) must be turned on ahead of time.

-i interface
Specify the interface to use.
-t target
Specify a particular host to ARP poison (if not specified, all hosts on the LAN).
Specify the host you wish to intercept packets for (usually the local gateway).

dsniff(8), fragrouter(8)

Dug Song <>