Update spigot via running paperclip build and copying the file instead
of downloading built jar
3 files changed
tree: c66c939b9b0b5dcd1933b0e38a5b69d8e23f623f
  1. .editorconfig
  2. .gitattributes
  3. .github/
  4. .gitignore
  6. README.md
  7. build.gradle
  8. gradle/
  9. gradlew
  10. gradlew.bat
  11. helper.gradle
  12. resources/
  13. settings.gradle
  14. src/protocolsupport/
  15. tests/


Build Status Chat

Support 1.13, 1.12, 1.11, 1.10, 1.9, 1.8, 1.7, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4.7 clients on Spigot 1.13.2

Important notes:

  • Only latest version of this plugin is supported
  • This plugin can't be reloaded or loaded not at server startup
  • This plugin doesn't work with netty native transport

Known issues:

  • [Anything that is not latest] Items in creative mode may not work as expected, or may not work at all

Known wontfix issues:

  • [1.12 and earlier] Chests are seen as enderchests. (Intentional to prevent rendering glitches!)
    Check this plugin if you want different behaviour
  • [1.8 and earlier] Thrown potion texture is invalid
  • [1.8 and earlier] Can't control vehicle
  • [1.6 and earlier] Stats are not sent
  • [1.4.7] Server shows up as “incompatible” in the server list, impossible to fix due to the lack of an way to verify the client version during server list ping

Website: http://protocolsupport.true-games.org/

Spigot: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocolsupport.7201/

BukkitDev: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/protocolsupport/

MC Market: http://www.mc-market.org/resources/4607/

Jenkins: http://build.true-games.org/job/ProtocolSupport/

Licensed under the terms of GNU AGPLv3