| package li.cil.oc.integration |
| |
| import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader |
| import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModAPIManager |
| import cpw.mods.fml.common.versioning.VersionParser |
| import li.cil.oc.Settings |
| import li.cil.oc.integration |
| |
| import scala.collection.mutable |
| |
| object Mods { |
| private val handlers = mutable.Set.empty[ModProxy] |
| |
| private val knownMods = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[ModBase] |
| |
| lazy val isPowerProvidingModPresent = knownMods.exists(mod => mod.providesPower && mod.isAvailable) |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| |
| def All = knownMods.clone() |
| |
| val AppliedEnergistics2 = new SimpleMod(IDs.AppliedEnergistics2, version = "@[rv1,)", providesPower = true) |
| val BattleGear2 = new SimpleMod(IDs.BattleGear2) |
| val BloodMagic = new SimpleMod(IDs.BloodMagic) |
| val BuildCraft = new SimpleMod(IDs.BuildCraft) |
| val BuildCraftTiles = new SimpleMod(IDs.BuildCraftTiles) |
| val BuildCraftTools = new SimpleMod(IDs.BuildCraftTools) |
| val BuildCraftTransport = new SimpleMod(IDs.BuildCraftTransport) |
| val CoFHEnergy = new SimpleMod(IDs.CoFHEnergy, providesPower = true) |
| val CoFHItem = new SimpleMod(IDs.CoFHItem) |
| val CoFHTileEntity = new SimpleMod(IDs.CoFHTileEntity) |
| val CoFHTransport = new SimpleMod(IDs.CoFHTransport) |
| val ComputerCraft = new SimpleMod(IDs.ComputerCraft) |
| val CraftingCosts = new SimpleMod(IDs.CraftingCosts) |
| val DeepStorageUnit = new ClassBasedMod(IDs.DeepStorageUnit, "powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.api.IDeepStorageUnit")() |
| val ElectricalAge = new SimpleMod(IDs.ElectricalAge) |
| val EnderIO = new SimpleMod(IDs.EnderIO) |
| val EnderStorage = new SimpleMod(IDs.EnderStorage) |
| val Factorization = new SimpleMod(IDs.Factorization, providesPower = true) |
| val Forestry = new SimpleMod(IDs.Forestry) |
| val ForgeMultipart = new SimpleMod(IDs.ForgeMultipart) |
| val Galacticraft = new SimpleMod(IDs.Galacticraft, providesPower = true) |
| val GregTech = new ClassBasedMod(IDs.GregTech, "gregtech.api.GregTech_API")() |
| val IndustrialCraft2 = new SimpleMod(IDs.IndustrialCraft2, providesPower = true) |
| val IndustrialCraft2Classic = new SimpleMod(IDs.IndustrialCraft2Classic, providesPower = true) |
| val Mekanism = new SimpleMod(IDs.Mekanism, providesPower = true) |
| val Minecraft = new SimpleMod(IDs.Minecraft) |
| val MineFactoryReloaded = new SimpleMod(IDs.MineFactoryReloaded) |
| val Mystcraft = new SimpleMod(IDs.Mystcraft) |
| val NotEnoughItems = new SimpleMod(IDs.NotEnoughItems) |
| val OpenComputers = new SimpleMod(IDs.OpenComputers) |
| val PortalGun = new SimpleMod(IDs.PortalGun) |
| val ProjectRedCore = new SimpleMod(IDs.ProjectRedCore) |
| val ProjectRedTransmission = new SimpleMod(IDs.ProjectRedTransmission) |
| val Railcraft = new SimpleMod(IDs.Railcraft) |
| val RedLogic = new SimpleMod(IDs.RedLogic) |
| val StargateTech2 = new ModBase { |
| def id = IDs.StargateTech2 |
| |
| private lazy val isModAvailable_ = Loader.isModLoaded(IDs.StargateTech2) && { |
| val mod = Loader.instance.getIndexedModList.get(IDs.StargateTech2) |
| mod.getVersion.startsWith("0.7.") |
| } |
| |
| override def isModAvailable: Boolean = isModAvailable_ |
| } |
| val Thaumcraft = new SimpleMod(IDs.Thaumcraft) |
| val ThermalExpansion = new SimpleMod(IDs.ThermalExpansion, providesPower = true) |
| val TinkersConstruct = new SimpleMod(IDs.TinkersConstruct) |
| val TMechWorks = new SimpleMod(IDs.TMechWorks) |
| val VersionChecker = new SimpleMod(IDs.VersionChecker) |
| val Waila = new SimpleMod(IDs.Waila) |
| val WirelessRedstoneCBE = new SimpleMod(IDs.WirelessRedstoneCBE) |
| val WirelessRedstoneSVE = new SimpleMod(IDs.WirelessRedstoneSV) |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| |
| val Proxies = Array( |
| integration.appeng.ModAppEng, |
| integration.bloodmagic.ModBloodMagic, |
| integration.buildcraft.tools.ModBuildCraftAPITools, |
| integration.buildcraft.tiles.ModBuildCraftAPITiles, |
| integration.buildcraft.transport.ModBuildCraftAPITransport, |
| integration.cofh.energy.ModCoFHEnergy, |
| integration.cofh.item.ModCoFHItem, |
| integration.cofh.tileentity.ModCoFHTileEntity, |
| integration.cofh.transport.ModCoFHTransport, |
| integration.enderstorage.ModEnderStorage, |
| integration.dsu.ModDeepStorageUnit, |
| integration.forestry.ModForestry, |
| integration.fmp.ModForgeMultipart, |
| integration.gc.ModGalacticraft, |
| integration.gregtech.ModGregtech, |
| integration.ic2.ModIndustrialCraft2, |
| integration.mfr.ModMineFactoryReloaded, |
| integration.mystcraft.ModMystcraft, |
| integration.railcraft.ModRailcraft, |
| integration.stargatetech2.ModStargateTech2, |
| integration.thaumcraft.ModThaumcraft, |
| integration.thermalexpansion.ModThermalExpansion, |
| integration.tcon.ModTinkersConstruct, |
| integration.tmechworks.ModTMechworks, |
| integration.vanilla.ModVanilla, |
| integration.versionchecker.ModVersionChecker, |
| integration.waila.ModWaila, |
| integration.wrcbe.ModWRCBE, |
| integration.wrsve.ModWRSVE, |
| |
| // Register the general IPeripheral driver last, if at all, to avoid it |
| // being used rather than other more concrete implementations. |
| integration.computercraft.ModComputerCraft, |
| |
| // We go last to ensure all other mod integration is done, e.g. to |
| // allow properly checking if wireless redstone is present. |
| integration.opencomputers.ModOpenComputers |
| ) |
| |
| def init(): Unit = { |
| for (proxy <- Proxies) { |
| tryInit(proxy) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private def tryInit(mod: ModProxy) { |
| val isBlacklisted = Settings.get.modBlacklist.contains(mod.getMod.id) |
| val alwaysEnabled = mod.getMod == null || mod.getMod == Mods.Minecraft |
| if (!isBlacklisted && (alwaysEnabled || mod.getMod.isModAvailable) && handlers.add(mod)) { |
| li.cil.oc.OpenComputers.log.info(s"Initializing mod integration for '${mod.getMod.id}'.") |
| try mod.initialize() catch { |
| case e: Throwable => |
| li.cil.oc.OpenComputers.log.warn(s"Error initializing integration for '${mod.getMod.id}'", e) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| |
| object IDs { |
| final val AppliedEnergistics2 = "appliedenergistics2" |
| final val BattleGear2 = "battlegear2" |
| final val BloodMagic = "AWWayofTime" |
| final val BuildCraft = "BuildCraft|Core" |
| final val BuildCraftPower = "BuildCraftAPI|power" |
| final val BuildCraftTiles = "BuildCraftAPI|tiles" |
| final val BuildCraftTools = "BuildCraftAPI|tools" |
| final val BuildCraftTransport = "BuildCraftAPI|transport" |
| final val CoFHEnergy = "CoFHAPI|energy" |
| final val CoFHItem = "CoFHAPI|item" |
| final val CoFHTileEntity = "CoFHAPI|tileentity" |
| final val CoFHTransport = "CoFHAPI|transport" |
| final val ComputerCraft = "ComputerCraft" |
| final val CraftingCosts = "CraftingCosts" |
| final val ElectricalAge = "Eln" |
| final val EnderIO = "EnderIO" |
| final val EnderStorage = "EnderStorage" |
| final val Factorization = "factorization" |
| final val Forestry = "Forestry" |
| final val ForgeMultipart = "ForgeMultipart" |
| final val DeepStorageUnit = "MineFactoryReloaded|DeepStorageUnit" // Doesn't really exist. |
| final val Galacticraft = "Galacticraft API" |
| final val GregTech = "gregtech" |
| final val IndustrialCraft2 = "IC2" |
| final val IndustrialCraft2Classic = "IC2-Classic" |
| final val Mekanism = "Mekanism" |
| final val Minecraft = "Minecraft" |
| final val MineFactoryReloaded = "MineFactoryReloaded" |
| final val Mystcraft = "Mystcraft" |
| final val NotEnoughItems = "NotEnoughItems" |
| final val OpenComputers = "OpenComputers" |
| final val PortalGun = "PortalGun" |
| final val ProjectRedCore = "ProjRed|Core" |
| final val ProjectRedTransmission = "ProjRed|Transmission" |
| final val Railcraft = "Railcraft" |
| final val RedLogic = "RedLogic" |
| final val StargateTech2 = "StargateTech2" |
| final val Thaumcraft = "Thaumcraft" |
| final val ThermalExpansion = "ThermalExpansion" |
| final val TinkersConstruct = "TConstruct" |
| final val TMechWorks = "TMechworks" |
| final val VersionChecker = "VersionChecker" |
| final val Waila = "Waila" |
| final val WirelessRedstoneCBE = "WR-CBE|Core" |
| final val WirelessRedstoneSV = "WirelessRedstoneCore" |
| } |
| |
| // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // |
| |
| trait ModBase extends Mod { |
| knownMods += this |
| |
| private var powerDisabled = false |
| |
| protected lazy val isPowerModEnabled = !providesPower || (!Settings.get.pureIgnorePower && !Settings.get.powerModBlacklist.contains(id)) |
| |
| def isModAvailable: Boolean |
| |
| def id: String |
| |
| def isAvailable = !powerDisabled && isModAvailable && isPowerModEnabled |
| |
| def providesPower: Boolean = false |
| |
| // This is called from the class transformer when injecting an interface of |
| // this power type fails, to avoid class not found / class cast exceptions. |
| def disablePower() = powerDisabled = true |
| |
| def container = Option(Loader.instance.getIndexedModList.get(id)) |
| |
| def version = container.map(_.getProcessedVersion) |
| } |
| |
| class SimpleMod(val id: String, override val providesPower: Boolean = false, version: String = "") extends ModBase { |
| private lazy val isModAvailable_ = { |
| val version = VersionParser.parseVersionReference(id + this.version) |
| if (Loader.isModLoaded(version.getLabel)) |
| version.containsVersion(Loader.instance.getIndexedModList.get(version.getLabel).getProcessedVersion) |
| else ModAPIManager.INSTANCE.hasAPI(version.getLabel) |
| } |
| |
| def isModAvailable = isModAvailable_ |
| } |
| |
| class ClassBasedMod(val id: String, val classNames: String*)(override val providesPower: Boolean = false) extends ModBase { |
| private lazy val isModAvailable_ = classNames.forall(className => try Class.forName(className) != null catch { |
| case _: Throwable => false |
| }) |
| |
| def isModAvailable = isModAvailable_ |
| } |
| |
| } |