| package li.cil.oc.util |
| |
| import com.google.common.base.Charsets |
| import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack |
| import net.minecraft.nbt._ |
| import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity |
| import net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants.NBT |
| import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection |
| |
| import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._ |
| import scala.collection.mutable |
| import scala.language.implicitConversions |
| import scala.language.reflectiveCalls |
| import scala.reflect.ClassTag |
| |
| object ExtendedNBT { |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Boolean): NBTTagByte = new NBTTagByte(if (value) 1 else 0) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Byte): NBTTagByte = new NBTTagByte(value) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Short): NBTTagShort = new NBTTagShort(value) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Int): NBTTagInt = new NBTTagInt(value) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Long): NBTTagLong = new NBTTagLong(value) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Float): NBTTagFloat = new NBTTagFloat(value) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Double): NBTTagDouble = new NBTTagDouble(value) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Array[Byte]): NBTTagByteArray = new NBTTagByteArray(value) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Array[Int]): NBTTagIntArray = new NBTTagIntArray(value) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Array[Boolean]): NBTTagByteArray = new NBTTagByteArray(value.map(if (_) 1: Byte else 0: Byte)) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: String): NBTTagString = new NBTTagString(value) |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: ItemStack): NBTTagCompound = { |
| val nbt = new NBTTagCompound() |
| if (value != null) { |
| value.writeToNBT(nbt) |
| } |
| nbt |
| } |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: NBTTagCompound => Unit): NBTTagCompound = { |
| val nbt = new NBTTagCompound() |
| value(nbt) |
| nbt |
| } |
| |
| implicit def toNbt(value: Map[String, _]): NBTTagCompound = { |
| val nbt = new NBTTagCompound() |
| for ((key, value) <- value) value match { |
| case value: Boolean => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: Byte => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: Short => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: Int => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: Long => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: Float => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: Double => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: Array[Byte] => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: Array[Int] => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: String => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case value: ItemStack => nbt.setTag(key, value) |
| case _ => |
| } |
| nbt |
| } |
| |
| def typedMapToNbt(map: Map[_, _]): NBTBase = { |
| def mapToList(value: Array[(_, _)]) = value.collect { |
| // Ignore, can be stuff like the 'n' introduced by Lua's `pack`. |
| case (k: Number, v) => k -> v |
| }.sortBy(_._1.intValue()).map(_._2) |
| def asList(value: Option[Any]): IndexedSeq[_] = value match { |
| case Some(v: Array[_]) => v |
| case Some(v: Map[_, _]) => mapToList(v.toArray) |
| case Some(v: mutable.Map[_, _]) => mapToList(v.toArray) |
| case Some(v: java.util.Map[_, _]) => mapToList(mapAsScalaMap(v).toArray) |
| case Some(v: String) => v.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8) |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal or missing value.") |
| } |
| def asMap[K](value: Option[Any]): Map[K, _] = value match { |
| case Some(v: Map[K, _]@unchecked) => v |
| case Some(v: mutable.Map[K, _]@unchecked) => v.toMap |
| case Some(v: java.util.Map[K, _]@unchecked) => mapAsScalaMap(v).toMap |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value.") |
| } |
| val typeAndValue = asMap[String](Option(map)) |
| val nbtType = typeAndValue.get("type") |
| val nbtValue = typeAndValue.get("value") |
| nbtType match { |
| case Some(n: Number) => n.intValue() match { |
| case NBT.TAG_BYTE => new NBTTagByte(nbtValue match { |
| case Some(v: Number) => v.byteValue() |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal or missing value.") |
| }) |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_SHORT => new NBTTagShort(nbtValue match { |
| case Some(v: Number) => v.shortValue() |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal or missing value.") |
| }) |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_INT => new NBTTagInt(nbtValue match { |
| case Some(v: Number) => v.intValue() |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal or missing value.") |
| }) |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_LONG => new NBTTagLong(nbtValue match { |
| case Some(v: Number) => v.longValue() |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal or missing value.") |
| }) |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_FLOAT => new NBTTagFloat(nbtValue match { |
| case Some(v: Number) => v.floatValue() |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal or missing value.") |
| }) |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_DOUBLE => new NBTTagDouble(nbtValue match { |
| case Some(v: Number) => v.doubleValue() |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal or missing value.") |
| }) |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_BYTE_ARRAY => new NBTTagByteArray(asList(nbtValue).map { |
| case n: Number => n.byteValue() |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value.") |
| }.toArray) |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_STRING => new NBTTagString(nbtValue match { |
| case Some(v: String) => v |
| case Some(v: Array[Byte]) => new String(v, Charsets.UTF_8) |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal or missing value.") |
| }) |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_LIST => |
| val list = new NBTTagList() |
| asList(nbtValue).map(v => asMap(Option(v))).foreach(v => list.appendTag(typedMapToNbt(v))) |
| list |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_COMPOUND => |
| val nbt = new NBTTagCompound() |
| val values = asMap[String](nbtValue) |
| for ((name, entry) <- values) { |
| try nbt.setTag(name, typedMapToNbt(asMap[Any](Option(entry)))) catch { |
| case t: Throwable => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Error converting entry '$name': ${t.getMessage}") |
| } |
| } |
| nbt |
| |
| case NBT.TAG_INT_ARRAY => |
| new NBTTagIntArray(asList(nbtValue).map { |
| case n: Number => n.intValue() |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException() |
| }.toArray) |
| |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported NBT type '$n'.") |
| } |
| case Some(t) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Illegal NBT type '$t'.") |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing NBT type.") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| implicit def booleanIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[Boolean]): Iterable[NBTTagByte] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def byteIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[Byte]): Iterable[NBTTagByte] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def shortIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[Short]): Iterable[NBTTagShort] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def intIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[Int]): Iterable[NBTTagInt] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def intArrayIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[Array[Int]]): Iterable[NBTTagIntArray] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def longIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[Long]): Iterable[NBTTagLong] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def floatIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[Float]): Iterable[NBTTagFloat] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def doubleIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[Double]): Iterable[NBTTagDouble] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def byteArrayIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[Array[Byte]]): Iterable[NBTTagByteArray] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def stringIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[String]): Iterable[NBTTagString] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def writableIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[NBTTagCompound => Unit]): Iterable[NBTTagCompound] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def itemStackIterableToNbt(value: Iterable[ItemStack]): Iterable[NBTTagCompound] = value.map(toNbt) |
| |
| implicit def extendNBTBase(nbt: NBTBase): ExtendedNBTBase = new ExtendedNBTBase(nbt) |
| |
| implicit def extendNBTTagCompound(nbt: NBTTagCompound): ExtendedNBTTagCompound = new ExtendedNBTTagCompound(nbt) |
| |
| implicit def extendNBTTagList(nbt: NBTTagList): ExtendedNBTTagList = new ExtendedNBTTagList(nbt) |
| |
| class ExtendedNBTBase(val nbt: NBTBase) { |
| def toTypedMap: Map[String, _] = Map("type" -> nbt.getId, "value" -> (nbt match { |
| case tag: NBTTagByte => tag.func_150290_f() |
| case tag: NBTTagShort => tag.func_150289_e() |
| case tag: NBTTagInt => tag.func_150287_d() |
| case tag: NBTTagLong => tag.func_150291_c() |
| case tag: NBTTagFloat => tag.func_150288_h() |
| case tag: NBTTagDouble => tag.func_150286_g() |
| case tag: NBTTagByteArray => tag.func_150292_c() |
| case tag: NBTTagString => tag.func_150285_a_() |
| case tag: NBTTagList => tag.map((entry: NBTBase) => entry.toTypedMap) |
| case tag: NBTTagCompound => tag.func_150296_c().collect { |
| case key: String => key -> tag.getTag(key).toTypedMap |
| }.toMap |
| case tag: NBTTagIntArray => tag.func_150302_c() |
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException() |
| })) |
| } |
| |
| class ExtendedNBTTagCompound(val nbt: NBTTagCompound) { |
| def setNewCompoundTag(name: String, f: (NBTTagCompound) => Any) = { |
| val t = new NBTTagCompound() |
| f(t) |
| nbt.setTag(name, t) |
| nbt |
| } |
| |
| def setNewTagList(name: String, values: Iterable[NBTBase]) = { |
| val t = new NBTTagList() |
| t.append(values) |
| nbt.setTag(name, t) |
| nbt |
| } |
| |
| def setNewTagList(name: String, values: NBTBase*): NBTTagCompound = setNewTagList(name, values) |
| |
| def getDirection(name: String) = { |
| nbt.getByte(name) match { |
| case id if id < 0 => None |
| case id => |
| val side = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(id) |
| // Backwards compatibility. |
| if (side == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN) None |
| else Option(side) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def setDirection(name: String, d: Option[ForgeDirection]): Unit = { |
| d match { |
| case Some(side) => nbt.setByte(name, side.ordinal.toByte) |
| case _ => nbt.setByte(name, -1: Byte) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def getBooleanArray(name: String) = nbt.getByteArray(name).map(_ == 1) |
| |
| def setBooleanArray(name: String, value: Array[Boolean]) = nbt.setTag(name, toNbt(value)) |
| } |
| |
| class ExtendedNBTTagList(val nbt: NBTTagList) { |
| def appendNewCompoundTag(f: (NBTTagCompound) => Unit) { |
| val t = new NBTTagCompound() |
| f(t) |
| nbt.appendTag(t) |
| } |
| |
| def append(values: Iterable[NBTBase]) { |
| for (value <- values) { |
| nbt.appendTag(value) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def append(values: NBTBase*): Unit = append(values) |
| |
| def foreach[Tag <: NBTBase](f: Tag => Unit) { |
| val iterable = nbt.copy.asInstanceOf[NBTTagList] |
| while (iterable.tagCount > 0) { |
| f(iterable.removeTag(0).asInstanceOf[Tag]) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def map[Tag <: NBTBase, Value](f: Tag => Value): IndexedSeq[Value] = { |
| val iterable = nbt.copy.asInstanceOf[NBTTagList] |
| val buffer = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Value] |
| while (iterable.tagCount > 0) { |
| buffer += f(iterable.removeTag(0).asInstanceOf[Tag]) |
| } |
| buffer |
| } |
| |
| def toArray[Tag: ClassTag] = map((t: Tag) => t).toArray |
| } |
| |
| } |