| package li.cil.oc.integration.vanilla |
| |
| import li.cil.oc.api.driver.EnvironmentProvider |
| import li.cil.oc.api.driver.NamedBlock |
| import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Arguments |
| import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Callback |
| import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Context |
| import li.cil.oc.api.network.ManagedEnvironment |
| import li.cil.oc.api.prefab.DriverTileEntity |
| import li.cil.oc.integration.ManagedTileEntityEnvironment |
| import li.cil.oc.util.ResultWrapper.result |
| import net.minecraft.block.Block |
| import net.minecraft.init.Blocks |
| import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack |
| import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityCommandBlock |
| import net.minecraft.world.World |
| |
| object DriverCommandBlock extends DriverTileEntity { |
| override def getTileEntityClass: Class[_] = classOf[TileEntityCommandBlock] |
| |
| override def createEnvironment(world: World, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): ManagedEnvironment = |
| new Environment(world.getTileEntity(x, y, z).asInstanceOf[TileEntityCommandBlock]) |
| |
| final class Environment(tileEntity: TileEntityCommandBlock) extends ManagedTileEntityEnvironment[TileEntityCommandBlock](tileEntity, "command_block") with NamedBlock { |
| override def preferredName = "command_block" |
| |
| override def priority = 0 |
| |
| @Callback(direct = true, doc = "function():string -- Get the command currently set in this command block.") |
| def getCommand(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = { |
| result(tileEntity.func_145993_a.func_145753_i) |
| } |
| |
| @Callback(doc = "function(value:string) -- Set the specified command for the command block.") |
| def setCommand(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = { |
| tileEntity.func_145993_a.func_145752_a(args.checkString(0)) |
| tileEntity.getWorldObj.markBlockForUpdate(tileEntity.xCoord, tileEntity.yCoord, tileEntity.zCoord) |
| result(true) |
| } |
| |
| @Callback(doc = "function():number -- Execute the currently set command. This has a slight delay to allow the command block to properly update.") |
| def executeCommand(context: Context, args: Arguments): Array[AnyRef] = { |
| context.pause(0.1) |
| val commandSender = tileEntity.func_145993_a |
| commandSender.func_145755_a(tileEntity.getWorldObj) |
| result(commandSender.func_145760_g, commandSender.func_145749_h.getUnformattedText) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| object Provider extends EnvironmentProvider { |
| override def getEnvironment(stack: ItemStack): Class[_] = { |
| if (stack != null && Block.getBlockFromItem(stack.getItem) == Blocks.command_block) |
| classOf[Environment] |
| else null |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } |