blob: f1739a85e87341f41c184ad1132512cccc35c801 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
import li.cil.oc.api
import{Environment, Visibility, Node => ImmutableNode}
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsJava._
import scala.collection.convert.WrapAsScala._
trait Node extends ImmutableNode {
val host: Environment
val reachability: Visibility
final var address: String = null
final var network: = null
def canBeReachedFrom(other: ImmutableNode) = reachability match {
case Visibility.None => false
case Visibility.Neighbors => isNeighborOf(other)
case Visibility.Network => isInSameNetwork(other)
def isNeighborOf(other: ImmutableNode) =
isInSameNetwork(other) && network.neighbors(this).exists(_ == other)
def reachableNodes: java.lang.Iterable[ImmutableNode] =
if (network == null) Iterable.empty[ImmutableNode].toSeq
else network.nodes(this)
def neighbors: java.lang.Iterable[ImmutableNode] =
if (network == null) Iterable.empty[ImmutableNode].toSeq
else network.neighbors(this)
def connect(node: ImmutableNode) = network.connect(this, node)
def disconnect(node: ImmutableNode) =
if (network != null && isInSameNetwork(node)) network.disconnect(this, node)
def remove() = if (network != null) network.remove(this)
private def isInSameNetwork(other: ImmutableNode) = network != null && network ==
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def onConnect(node: ImmutableNode) {
def onDisconnect(node: ImmutableNode) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
if (nbt.hasKey("address")) {
address = nbt.getString("address")
def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound) = {
if (address != null) {
nbt.setString("address", address)
// We have to mixin the vararg methods individually in the actual
// implementations of the different node variants (see Network class) because
// for some reason it fails compiling on Linux otherwise (no clue why).
trait NodeVarargPart extends ImmutableNode {
def sendToAddress(target: String, name: String, data: AnyRef*) =
if (network != null) network.sendToAddress(this, target, name, data: _*)
def sendToNeighbors(name: String, data: AnyRef*) =
if (network != null) network.sendToNeighbors(this, name, data: _*)
def sendToReachable(name: String, data: AnyRef*) =
if (network != null) network.sendToReachable(this, name, data: _*)
def sendToVisible(name: String, data: AnyRef*) =
if (network != null) network.sendToVisible(this, name, data: _*)