Translations to other languages are very much appreciated. You can find the localization files in this folder. If a localization you wanted to create already exists, please take the time to see if the present one is complete - the strings change every so often, invalidating some of the translations. If you start a fresh localization, please base it off of the English or German one, those are the ‘master’ localization files. If you add a new language, please also add it to the pack.mcmeta file. Keep it sorted alphabetically, use the name and region Minecraft itself uses. If you don‘t know how to do that, that’s OK, I'll do it later.
If you would like to contribute better textures for certain items or blocks, feel free to pull-request them. If you would like to contribute alternative textures, make it a resource pack, and post it on the forums, for example.Documentation
Help with keeping the wiki up to date would be really appreciated. If you notice anything amiss and know better, fix it. If you don't ask someone who does, then fix it. If you had a question answered, consider adding that information somewhere in the wiki where you would have expected to find that information.
There are also the files containing the ingame help, which could probably be much better than they are right now. Improvements to them, and new ones (e.g. for the libraries, such as text
or sides
) would help a lot. Thanks!Robot Names
Robots get a random name when placed (unless set with an Anvil). The list the names are chose from can be found here. Feel free to pull request additional names! I added the names of a few contributors so far - if your name is in the list and you don‘t want that, please let me know, or just pull-request the name’s removal. Sorry in that case! If you contribute to the project and would like your name in the list, please feel free to add yourself to the list in a pull-request.###Bug fixes, features and scripts
- Bugs
If you‘ve found a bug, please report it in the issue tracker, after checking it has not been reported before - and possibly even fixed by now. If you think you can and have fixed it, feel free to do a pull request, I’ll happily pull it if it looks all right to me - otherwise I'll gladly tell you what to change to get it merged. - Features
If you‘d like to propose a new feature, take it to the forums or the issue tracker. If you’d like to contribute code that adds new features, please make sure to discuss the feature with me, first - again, the issue tracker is an OK place for this, there are a couple of feature requests there, already. Alternatively start a topic on the forums to discuss the feature, and / or stop by the IRC to talk about it. Blind / unexpected feature pull requests might very well not make it, so save yourself some time by talking about it, first! Thanks. - Scripts / Programs
OpenComputers generates floppy disks in dungeon chests that can contain data from a selection of ‘loot’ directories. For example, the IRC client and the Better Shell (besh) are two programs that can be found on such loot disks. If you'd like to contribute a program that can be found this way, please have a look at the loot readme, which explains how to add custom loot. Simply pull request your loot! - Core Scripts
If you would like to contribute scripts to the “core” Lua code (which basically defines ‘OpenOS’), please have a look at the code conventions for Lua to save us all some time. Bug fixes are always welcome. Additional programs and features should be kept small. Bigger programs (rule of thumb: larger than 3KiB) should go onto loot disks.
In your own mod
To use the API in your own mod, either get the API JAR from the build server, or if you're using gradle, add a dependency to the maven repo:
repositories {
maven {
name = "oc"
url = ""
dependencies {
compile "li.cil.oc:OpenComputers:MC1.6.4-"
Adjust the version number accordingly to the version you'd like to build against (e.g. change it to MC1.7.2-... for Minecraft 1.7).
To run the mod in your development environment, download the deobf
JAR from the build server and drop it into your dev env's mods
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, either in the forums or in the IRC!
To tinker with the mod itself, clone the repository, then run
gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse
when using eclipse, or
gradlew setupDecompWorkspace idea
when using IntellJ IDEA. Open the workspace / project and you‘re almost good to go - you’ll probably have to manually configure additionally referenced libraries (at this point CodeChickenLib and ForgeMultipart for MC 1.6). Note that your IDE will have to have Scala support to work on OpenComputers.