blob: f3cff970d3afb086b5db444f4619cad24496300b [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.MutableList
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
import li.cil.oc.api.INetwork
import li.cil.oc.api.INetworkMessage
import li.cil.oc.api.INetworkNode
* Network implementation for component networks.
* This network interconnects components in a geometry-agnostic fashion. It
* builds an internal graph of network nodes and the connections between them,
* and takes care of merges when adding connections, as well as net splits on
* node removal.
* It keeps the list of nodes as a lookup table for fast id->node resolving.
* Note that it is possible for multiple nodes to have the same ID, though.
class Network private (private val nodes: Map[Int, ArrayBuffer[Network.Node]]) extends INetwork {
def this(node: INetworkNode) = this(Map(node.getAddress -> ArrayBuffer(new Network.Node(node))))
/** Do not allow modification of the network while it's updating. */
private var locked = false
def connect(nodeA: INetworkNode, nodeB: INetworkNode) = try {
if (locked) throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot modify network while it is already updating its structure.")
locked = true
val containsA = nodes.get(nodeA.getAddress).exists(_.exists( == nodeA))
val containsB = nodes.get(nodeB.getAddress).exists(_.exists( == nodeB))
if (!containsA && !containsB) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"At least one of the nodes must already be in this network.")
if (containsA && containsB) {
// Both nodes already exist in the network but there is a new connection.
// This can happen if a new node sequentially connects to multiple nodes
// in an existing network, e.g. in a setup like so:
// O O Where O is an old node, and N is the new Node. It would connect
// O N to the node above and left to it (in no particular order).
val oldNodeA = nodes(nodeA.getAddress).find( == nodeA).get
val oldNodeB = nodes(nodeB.getAddress).find( == nodeB).get
if (!oldNodeA.edges.exists(edge => edge.other(oldNodeA) == oldNodeB)) {
val edge = new Network.Edge(oldNodeA, oldNodeB)
oldNodeA.edges += edge
oldNodeB.edges += edge
// That connection already exists.
else false
// New node for this network, order the nodes and add the new one.
else if (containsA) add(nodes(nodeA.getAddress).find( == nodeA).get, nodeB)
else add(nodes(nodeB.getAddress).find( == nodeB).get, nodeA)
finally {
locked = false
def remove(node: INetworkNode) = nodes.get(node.getAddress) match {
case None => false
case Some(list) => list.find( == node) match {
case None => false
case Some(entry) => if (list.contains(entry)) {
list -= entry
entry.remove().foreach(_.sendToAll(node, "network.disconnect"))
sendToAll(node, "network.disconnect")
else false
def sendToNode(source: INetworkNode, target: Int, name: String, data: Object*) =
nodes.get(target) match {
case None => // No such target, ignore.
case Some(list) => send(new Network.Message(source, name, Array(data)),
def sendToAll(source: INetworkNode, name: String, data: Object*) =
send(new Network.Message(source, name, Array(data)),
private def send(message: Network.Message, nodes: Iterator[INetworkNode]) =
while (!message.isCanceled && nodes.hasNext) {
private def add(oldNode: Network.Node, node: INetworkNode) = {
// The node is new to this network, check if we have to merge networks.
val newNode = if (node.getNetwork == null) {
// Other node is not yet in a network, create internal node and add it
// to our lookup table of internal nodes.
val newNode = new Network.Node(node)
nodes.getOrElseUpdate(node.getAddress, new ArrayBuffer[Network.Node]) += newNode
sendToAll(node, "network.connect")
else {
val otherNetwork = node.getNetwork.asInstanceOf[Network]
// We have to merge. First create a copy of the old nodes to have the
// list of nodes to which to send "network.connect" messages.
val oldNodes =
// Then get the list of nodes in the other network. This is, among the
// iteration to merge into this network, used to send "network.reconnect"
// messages to old nodes in case we have to change a node's address to
// ensure unique addresses in the merged network.
val otherNodes =
// Pre-merge step: ensure addresses are unique.
for (node <- otherNodes if nodes.contains(node.getAddress)) {
val oldAddress = node.getAddress
if (node.getAddress != oldAddress) {
// If we successfully changed the address send message.
send(new Network.Message(node, "network.reconnect", Array(int2Integer(oldAddress))), otherNodes.iterator)
// Merge step: add nodes from other network into this network.
for (node <- otherNetwork.nodes.values.flatten) {
nodes.getOrElseUpdate(, new ArrayBuffer[Network.Node]) += node
send(new Network.Message(, "network.connect"), oldNodes.iterator)
// Return the node object of the newly connected node for the next step.
nodes(node.getAddress).find( == node).get
// Either way, add the connection between the two nodes.
val edge = new Network.Edge(oldNode, newNode)
oldNode.edges += edge
newNode.edges += edge
private def findId() = Range(1, Int.MaxValue).find(!nodes.contains(_)).get
private def findId(other: Network) = Range(1, Int.MaxValue).find(
address => !nodes.contains(address) && !other.nodes.contains(address)).get
object Network {
private class Node(val data: INetworkNode) {
val edges = ArrayBuffer.empty[Edge]
def remove() = {
// Remove self from neighbors.
for (edge <- edges) {
edge.other(this).edges -= edge
// Build neighbor graphs to see if our removal resulted in a split.
val subgraphs = MutableList.empty[(Map[Int, ArrayBuffer[Node]], Queue[Node])]
for (edge <- edges) {
val other = edge.other(this)
subgraphs += ((Map( -> ArrayBuffer(other)), Queue( _*)))
// Breadth-first search to make early merges more likely.
while (!subgraphs.forall { case (_, queue) => queue.isEmpty }) {
for (subgraph <- subgraphs.filter { case (_, queue) => !queue.isEmpty }) {
val (nodes, queue) = subgraph
val node = queue.dequeue
// See if the node is already in some other graph, in which case we
// merge this graph into the other graph.
if (!subgraphs.filter(_ != subgraph).find(otherSubgraph => {
val (otherNodes, _) = otherSubgraph
otherNodes.get( match {
case Some(list) if list.contains(node) => {
// Merge.
otherNodes ++= nodes
case _ => false
}).isDefined) {
// Not in any other graph yet.
nodes.getOrElseUpdate(, new ArrayBuffer[Network.Node]) += node
// Add nodes this node is connected to to the queue if they're not
// already in this graph.
queue ++=
filter(node => !nodes.get(
// Create new subnetworks for separated sub-networks. Skip the first one
// to re-use the originating network and avoid re-creation if there is no
// split at all.
subgraphs map (_._1) filter (!_.isEmpty) drop 1 map (new Network(_))
private class Edge(val left: Node, val right: Node) {
def other(side: Node) = if (side == left) right else left
private class Message(
@BeanProperty val source: INetworkNode,
@BeanProperty val name: String,
@BeanProperty val data: Array[Object] = Array()) extends INetworkMessage {
var isCanceled = false
def cancel = isCanceled = true