v4.2.2 Beta #5
*Touched up on parameter/variable names again.
*Renamed ObsidianUtils method 'doExplosion' to 'doFakeEntityExplosion.'
*Added method 'doFakeBlockExplosion' to ObsidianUtils.
*Code cleanup.
*Removed GuiEnrichmentChamber, GuiPlatinumCompressor, GuiCombiner, and
GuiCrusher classes.
*Added GuiElectricMachine and GuiAdvancedElectricMachine classes.
*Renamed 'INetworkedMachine' to 'ITileNetwork.'
*Touched up on BC Power Unit system.
*Updated TileEntities to use new GUI System
*Merged several TEEM and TEAEM fields and methods into TEBM.
*Updated MachineryManager -- added 'destroyAll' method.
*Updated throwing knives, removed unneeded PhysicsHelper.
*More javadocs.
25 files changed