blob: 4cbdae55db83ad499b07b904eabbee846f9adb0c [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#include "packet.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include "syncrw.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
int send_packet_get_version(int fd) {
uint32_t length = 1;
struct mcipm_packet *packet = malloc(4 + length);
if(!packet) {
fputs("send_packet_get_version: out of memory\n", stderr);
return -1;
packet->length = length;
packet->type = MCIPM_GET_VERSION;
if(sync_write(fd, packet, 4 + length) < 0) {
perror("send_packet_get_version: write");
return -1;
return 0;
int send_packet_get_entities(int fd, const void *selectors, size_t selectors_len, unsigned int selector_count) {
uint32_t length = 1 + 2 + selectors_len;
struct mcipm_packet *packet = malloc(4 + length);
if(!packet) {
fputs("send_packet_get_entities: out of memory\n", stderr);
return -1;
packet->length = length;
packet->type = MCIPM_GET_ENTITIES;
*(uint16_t *)packet->data = selector_count;
memcpy(packet->data + 2, selectors, selectors_len);
if(sync_write(fd, packet, 4 + length) < 0) {
perror("send_packet_get_entities: write");
return -1;
return 0;
int receive_packet(int fd, struct mcipm_packet **packet, int blocking_read) {
uint32_t length;
int s;
if(blocking_read) s = sync_read(fd, &length, sizeof length);
else do {
s = read(fd, &length, sizeof length);
} while(s < 0 && errno == EINTR);
if(s < 0) return GET_PACKET_ERROR;
if(!s) return GET_PACKET_EOF;
if(s < sizeof length) return blocking_read ? GET_PACKET_EOF : GET_PACKET_SHORT_READ;
if(length < 1) return GET_PACKET_TOO_SMALL;
*packet = malloc(sizeof length + length);
if(!*packet) return GET_PACKET_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
(*packet)->length = length;
if(blocking_read) s = sync_read(fd, (char *)*packet + sizeof length, length);
else do {
s = read(fd, (char *)*packet + sizeof length, length);
} while(s < 0 && errno == EINTR);
int r = 0;
//syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "*length = %u, s = %d", (unsigned int)*length, s);
if(s < 0) r = GET_PACKET_ERROR;
else if(!s) r = GET_PACKET_EOF;
else if(s < length) r = blocking_read ? GET_PACKET_EOF : GET_PACKET_SHORT_READ;
if(r) free(*packet);
return r;