Service control script: init.d/minecraft

Configuration file /etc/default/minecraft

VariableDescriptionDefault value
MINECRAFT_USER_NAMEThe user name to run Minecraft serverminecraft
MINECRAFT_HOMEHome directory of Minecraft server instances/home/minecraft
MINECRAFT_START_COMMANDServer startup commandexec sh
MINECRAFT_USE_TMUXEnable to uses of tmux(1)NO
MINECRAFT_SESSION_NAMEBase session name of tmux(1) sessionsminecraft
MINECRAFT_ALTERNATIVE_LOG_FILERedirect outputs to this file if tmux(1) is not used/dev/null
MINECRAFT_SERVERSSpace separated server instances

Server instances are directories under MINECRAFT_HOME; each server instance will be started under its instance directory by running MINECRAFT_START_COMMAND. Enabling tmux(1) is recommended if using Bukkit server framework, as this server didn't save worlds when exiting on signals. Session name of each server instance will be ‘MINECRAFT_SESSION_NAME-INSTANCE_NAME’.

/etc/default/minecraft example:

MINECRAFT_SERVERS="1.7-server 1.8-server"

The user (minecraft by default) must have a sh(1) compatible shell in order to run shell commands with the default shell.

The startup script ( by default) must write the PID of server program to, and must not fork the server program into background. example:

echo $$ >
exec "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -jar /opt/minecraft/minecraft-server-1.7.10.jar --nogui


  • sudo(1)
  • tmux(1) if enabled by MINECRAFT_USE_TMUX

Service control script for BSD init: rc.d/minecraft

This is very similar with init.d/minecraft, except the configuration variables are in lower case and set from rc.conf instead of /etc/default/minecraft

Example configuration in rc.conf:

minecraft_servers="1.7-server 1.8-server"

The user and startup script requirements are same with init.d/minecraft.


  • tmux(1) if enabled by using minecraft_use_tmux="YES"

Service manifest and control script for SMF: svc/*

svccfg(1M) should be used instead of editing configuration file; configuration properties and its default values are:

$ svccfg -s site/minecraft listprop config
config                application
config/alt_log_file   astring  /dev/null
config/session_name   astring  minecraft
config/start_command  astring  "exec sh"
config/use_tmux       boolean  false
config/user           astring  minecraft
config/home           astring  /var/games/minecraft
config/servers        astring  

Example configuration:

# svccfg -s site/minecraft setprop config/home = astring: /export/home/minecraft
# svccfg -s site/minecraft setprop config/use_tmux = boolean: true
# svccfg -s site/minecraft setprop config/servers = astring: '("1.7-server" "1.8-server")'
# svcadm enable site/minecraft

Systemd services: systemd/system/*.service

Due to some limitations of systemd, many configuration variables used in previous scripts are hardcoded; service user will always be minecraft; home directory is the home directory of user minecraft; start up script is under instance directory. Two types of services are available: minecraft@.service and minecraft-tmux@.service; use only one type per instance. Like init.d/minecraft, instances are directories under home directory. Referencing an instance in systemd with minecraft@<instance-name>.service or minecraft-tmux@<instance-name>.service. To configure multiple server instances, just enable every instance via systemctl(1). Unlink other service scripts, writing PID of server program to is not required in

Example configuration:

# systemctl enable --now minecraft-tmux@1.6-server minecraft@1.7-server minecraft@1.8-server

minecraft-tmux@.service dependency

  • tmux(1)

Notice for Bukkit based servers

By default the Bukkit based servers will ignore EOF from stdin, resulting in busy loop if stdin is redirected to /dev/null. The recommended solution is to use tmux(1) with it; however there is also an option --noconsole available, to disable reading from stdin in Bukkit server. For example the could be written as:

echo $$ >
tty -s && options= || options="--noconsole --nojline"
exec "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -jar /opt/minecraft/craftbukkit-1.2.5-R5.0.jar $options "$@"

This script work with or without tmux(1). Option --nojline disables the line editing library jline, since it would be useless after stdin redirected to /dev/null.