Corrected : default to Software Bit Count for GCC earlier than 3.4. Thanks to Gray.
Corrected : ARM compilation under Visual Studio : now generates cautious code, like GCC, to ensure compatibility with strict-align CPUs. Thanks to Joe WoodBury.
Minor : bench.c : Hash verification changed to MurmurHash3A
Minor : bench.c : selectable block size

git-svn-id: 650e7d94-2a16-8b24-b05c-7c0b3f6821cd
4 files changed
tree: 495f2885ee99740f09eb17c6d2adb077a10a8f04
  1. Makefile
  2. bench.c
  3. bench.h
  4. lz4.c
  5. lz4.h
  6. lz4demo.c