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  3. VS2010/

Projects for various integrated development environments (IDE)

Included projects

The following projects are included with the lz4 distribution:

  • VS2010 - Visual Studio 2010 project (which also works well with Visual Studio 2012, 2013, 2015)

How to compile lz4 with Visual Studio

  1. Install Visual Studio e.g. VS 2015 Community Edition (it's free).
  2. Download the latest version of lz4 from
  3. Decompress ZIP archive.
  4. Go to decompressed directory then to visual then VS2010 and open lz4.sln
  5. Visual Studio will ask about converting VS2010 project to VS2015 and you should agree.
  6. Change Debug to Release and if you have 64-bit Windows change also Win32 to x64.
  7. Press F7 on keyboard or select BUILD from the menu bar and choose Build Solution.
  8. If compilation will be fine a compiled executable will be in visual\VS2010\bin\x64_Release\lz4.exe

Projects available within lz4.sln

The Visual Studio solution file lz4.sln contains many projects that will be compiled to the visual\VS2010\bin\$(Platform)_$(Configuration)\lz4.exe directory. For example lz4 set to x64 and Release will be compiled to visual\VS2010\bin\x64_Release\lz4.exe. The solution file contains the following projects:

  • lz4 : Command Line Utility, supporting gzip-like arguments
  • datagen : Synthetic and parametrable data generator, for tests
  • frametest : Test tool that checks lz4frame integrity on target platform
  • fullbench : Precisely measure speed for each lz4 inner functions
  • fuzzer : Test tool, to check lz4 integrity on target platform
  • liblz4 : A static LZ4 library compiled to liblz4_x86.lib or liblz4_x64.lib
  • liblz4-dll : A dynamic LZ4 library (DLL) compiled to lz4_x86.dll or lz4_x64.dll with the import library lz4_x86.lib or lz4_x64.lib
  • fullbench-dll : The fullbench program compiled with the import library; the executable requires LZ4 DLL

Using LZ4 DLL with Microsoft Visual C++ project

  1. Copy lz4.h into a directory found in the INCLUDE path list.
  2. Copy the import library lz4_x86.lib or lz4_x64.lib into a directory found in the LIB path list.
  3. Add lz4_x86.lib or lz4_x64.lib to your project.
  4. Compile the project. The compiled executable requires lz4_x86.dll or lz4_x64.dll.