blob: fbc9777dd107433767311d5c4ffec51f6a2b2cdf [file] [log] [blame] [view] [raw]
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When submitting an issue, please take into account the following points.
* Decide where your issue belongs. If it is non-technical or
conversational, it might be better-suited to [Discord](
If you'd prefer, we also have [a forum](
If you're not sure where to ask, then just head to Discord and someone
will direct you to the correct place.
* Make sure nobody else has already reported the issue.
You can find a search bar above [the list of issues](
If you've found a similar or identical issue, consider leaving a comment
there instead.
* Describe your issue clearly, giving instructions on how to
reproduce it as far as you can.
* If you have an error log, be sure to include it, preferably
at the bottom of your issue description.
* Be courteous and understand that Glowstone is maintained by
passionate (but unpaid) individuals, in a team that is **much** smaller
than similar teams for projects like Bukkit and Spigot.
* Remember that we apply the [No Code of Conduct](
If it isn't about Glowstone as an application (or its code), then it doesn't belong
on GitHub. Keep things professional and impersonal.
* If English isn't your first language, we would prefer that you give it a try,
but feel free to also include a version of the ticket in your native language.
For example, if you're better at Russian, include both an English and a Russian
version. It will help us to understand what you mean better.
If you like, you may use the following template.
Title: **Short description of the issue**
Glowstone build: #123 (Never say *"latest"*, always check what build you're using)
Describe your problem in detail here. Explain what you were doing at the time,
what any other players were doing (if possible), what you were expecting to happen,
and what actually happened.
Explain the steps we can take to reproduce your problem. Ensure that they work - install
a fresh copy of Glowstone and try them out yourself to make sure they're accurate, at least
as far as possible.
If you have found issues that might relate to the one you're reporting, include links to them
or use `#123`, where `123` is the number of the issue you want to refer to.
Include any logs that you feel are relevant at the bottom. Surround them with three backticks
( **`** ) on the lines directly above and below to ensure they're easy to read. If you don't do this,
a staff member may do it for you, so please don't be alarmed if that happens!