Use Servlet API 3.0 for gitiles-dev

Gitiles is designed to compile and run against Servlet API 2.5, and
in particular the test classes FakeHttpServlet{Request,Response}
implement this API. To ensure compatibility in most of the code,
depend on 2.5 in the gerrit-servlet.

However, in gitiles-dev, we depend on Jetty 8, which requires Servlet
API 3.0. Use a different version from gitiles-servlet just for this
module. The combination of 2.5 for most code and 3.0 for dev also
helps check that Gitiles remains compatible with both Servlet API

Move the Jetty dependency out of the top-level pom.xml, since it's
only used by gitiles-dev. Switch to Servlet API jars provided by
Jetty, since we use Jetty elsewhere.

Change-Id: Ie4965574620441ed26e2986501d2c8949f451af6
4 files changed