Fix IllegalStateException if repository not found

Deep links to files within a deleted or moved repository threw
IllegalStateException due to ViewFilter.parseRevision accessing an
unset ATTRIBUTE_REPOSITORY.  This was caused by c709c4cbcf passing
through missing repositories to support host index prefix matching.

Check for the missing repository case and return null to force the
ViewFilter to respond with 404.

Change-Id: I75d05105c336fb9707707859921172e9a39f516e
1 file changed
tree: 5e8671dbd1dd3357ef26e3829d5f4dd9852fe1d4
  1. .buckconfig
  2. .gitignore
  3. .gitmodules
  4. .settings/
  5. BUCK
  7. Documentation/
  10. bucklets.defs
  11. fake_pom_deploy.xml
  12. gitiles-dev/
  13. gitiles-servlet/
  14. gitiles-war/
  15. lib/
  16. tools/

Gitiles - A simple JGit repository browser

Gitiles is a simple repository browser for Git repositories, built on JGit. Its guiding principle is simplicity: it has no formal access controls, no write access, no fancy Javascript, etc.


Gitiles requires Buck to build.

  sudo apt-get install ant
  cd ${HOME}
  git clone
  cd buck
  sudo ln -s ${PWD}/bin/buck /usr/bin/buck
  cd /path/to/gitiles
  git submodule update --init
  buck build all


  cd /path/to/repositories  # Don't run from the gitiles repo.

This will recompile and start a development server. Open http://localhost:8080/ to view your local copy of gitiles, which will serve any repositories under /path/to/repositories.

Eclipse IDE

If you'd like to use Eclipse to edit Gitiles, first generate a project file:

  ./bucklets/tools/ --src

Import the project in Eclipse:

  File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workpace

The project only needs to be rebuilt if the source roots or third-party libraries have changed. For best results, ensure the project is closed in Eclipse before rebuilding.

Code Review

Gitiles uses Gerrit for code review:

Gitiles uses the “git push” workflow with server You will need a generated cookie.

Gerrit depends on “Change-Id” annotations in your commit message. If you try to push a commit without one, it will explain how to install the proper git-hook:

curl -Lo `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg \
chmod +x `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg

Before you create your local commit (which you'll push to Gerrit) you will need to set your email to match your Gerrit account:

git config --local --add

Normally you will create code reviews by pushing for master:

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master