| From oldest to newest contributor, we would like to thank: |
| |
| - [Alin Rus](https://github.com/suchmoleculeswow) |
| - [android](https://github.com/trevd) |
| - [Ali Utku Selen](https://github.com/auselen) |
| - [sudheesh001](https://github.com/sudheesh001) |
| - [Malcolm Rowe](https://github.com/malcolmr) |
| - [UplinkCoder](https://github.com/UplinkCoder) |
| - [Anders Waldenborg](https://github.com/wanders) |
| - [Peter Bourgon](https://github.com/peterbourgon) |
| - [Tõnis Tiigi](https://github.com/tonistiigi) |
| - [Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider](https://github.com/lorenzhs) |
| - [Ola Jeppsson](https://github.com/olajep) |
| - [Nicolas Brunie](https://github.com/nibrunie) |
| - [Iain Buclaw](https://github.com/ibuclaw) |
| - [Vinzent Steinberg](https://github.com/vks) |
| - [Emil Laine](https://github.com/emlai) |
| - [Adam Nemecek](https://github.com/adamnemecek) |
| - [Arvid Gerstmann](https://github.com/Leandros) |
| - [Tal Ben-Nun](https://github.com/tbennun) |
| - [Amila Welihinda](https://github.com/amilajack) |
| - [Jason Turner](https://github.com/lefticus) |
| - [Adrian Bibby Walther](https://github.com/Som1Lse) |
| - [Sahnvour](https://github.com/Sahnvour) |
| - [Brian Cain](https://github.com/androm3da) |
| - [Alexander Monakov](https://github.com/amonakov) |
| - [David Nadlinger](https://github.com/klickverbot) |
| - [Marc Poulhiès](https://github.com/dkm) |
| - [Carlos van Rooijen](https://github.com/CvRXX) |
| - [Kaartic Sivaraam](https://github.com/sivaraam) |
| - [Lilian A. Moraru](https://github.com/lilianmoraru) |
| - [Tim Rakowski](https://github.com/racko) |
| - [Hana Dusíková](https://github.com/hanickadot) |
| - [Ilya Yaroshenko](https://github.com/9il) |
| - [Honggyu Kim](https://github.com/honggyukim) |
| - [richardthe3rd](https://github.com/richardthe3rd) |
| - [Sam Kellett](https://github.com/samkellett) |
| - [Jean-Michaël Celerier](https://github.com/jcelerier) |
| - [Mike Cochrane](https://github.com/mikenz) |
| - [gnaggnoyil](https://github.com/gnaggnoyil) |
| - [Bernardo Sulzbach](https://github.com/bernardosulzbach) |
| - [Nils Deppe](https://github.com/nilsdeppe) |
| - [Mustafa Serdar Sanli](https://github.com/mserdarsanli) |
| - [Ethiraric](https://github.com/Ethiraric) |
| - [Windel Bouwman](https://github.com/windelbouwman) |
| - [Daniel Rosenwasser](https://github.com/DanielRosenwasser) |
| - [Karlis Senko](https://github.com/karliss) |
| - [Ray Hamel](https://github.com/rayhamel) |
| - [Sylvain Corlay](https://github.com/SylvainCorlay) |
| - [Andrew Gresyk](https://github.com/andrew-gresyk) |
| - [Corentin Jabot](https://github.com/cor3ntin) |
| - [Ethan Smith](https://github.com/ethanhs) |
| - [Shubham Rawat](https://github.com/shubhdev) |
| - [AMS21](https://github.com/AMS21) |
| - [Darcy Beurle](https://github.com/dbeurle) |
| - [Michael Bradshaw](https://github.com/mjbshaw) |
| - [Matthew Webb](https://github.com/Noviv) |
| - [phuclv90](https://github.com/phuclv90) |
| - [Nicole Mazzuca](https://github.com/ubsan) |
| - [Jameson Nash](https://github.com/vtjnash) |
| - [Raul Tambre](https://github.com/tambry) |
| - [Dominic Kempf](https://github.com/dokempf) |
| - [Marc Tiehuis](https://github.com/tiehuis) |
| - [Petter Wahlman](https://github.com/ilAYAli) |
| - [Miguel Ojeda](https://github.com/ojeda) |
| - [Niek J. Bouman](https://github.com/niekbouman) |
| - [Erik Little](https://github.com/nuclearace) |
| - [Jülich Supercomputing Centre](https://github.com/FZJ-JSC) |
| - [Niall Douglas](https://github.com/ned14) |
| - [Daniel Black](https://github.com/grooverdan) |
| - [Gennadiy Civil](https://github.com/gennadiycivil) |
| - [Paul Scharnofske](https://github.com/asynts) |
| - [Sebastian Staffa](https://github.com/Staff-d) |
| - [Luka Prebil Grintal](https://github.com/LukaPrebil) |
| - [Andreas Jonson](https://github.com/andjo403) |
| - [Sam Clegg](https://github.com/sbc100) |
| - [Austin Morton](https://github.com/apmorton) |
| - [Matt Hammerly](https://github.com/mhammerly) |
| - [Christian Vonrüti](https://github.com/alshain) |
| - [Alessandro Vergani](https://github.com/Loghorn) |
| - [Sebastian Rath](https://github.com/seb-mtl) |
| - [Haze Booth](https://github.com/haze) |
| - [Cassie Jones](https://github.com/porglezomp) |
| - [Bastien Penavayre](https://github.com/DaemonSnake) |
| - [Dave Rodgman](https://github.com/daverodgman) |
| - [Will Lovett](https://github.com/willlovett-arm) |
| - [Mark Gillard](https://github.com/marzer) |
| - [Ethan Slattery](https://github.com/CrustyAuklet) |
| - [Kale Blankenship](https://github.com/vcabbage) |
| - [George Gribkov](https://github.com/GeorgeGribkov) |
| - [Artem Akatev](https://github.com/aakatev) |
| - [Danil Yarantsev](https://github.com/Yardanico) |
| - [Krists Niedritis](https://github.com/JesusKrists) |
| - [Julian Hammer](https://github.com/cod3monk) |
| - [Peter Schussheim](https://github.com/peterschussheim) |