| # Adding a new language |
| |
| If you want to add a new language to the site, you should follow this steps: |
| |
| - Add the new language to the exported `languages` variable in `lib/languages.ts`: |
| |
| - The syntax is as follows: |
| |
| ```js |
| 'language-key': { |
| monaco: MONACO_MODE_ID, |
| alias: [], // Leave empty unless needed, |
| logoUrl: PATH_TO_LOGO, |
| logoUrlDark: PATH_TO_DARK_LOGO, // Optional if not needed |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| - If the language is supported by Monaco Editor (You can find the list |
| [here](https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor/tree/main/src/basic-languages)), you should add it to the list of |
| languages inside the `MonacoEditorWebpackPlugin` config in `webpack.config.esm.ts` |
| - If not, you should implement your own language mode; see `static/modes/asm-mode.js` as an example. Don't forget to |
| _require_ your mode file in `static/modes/_all.ts`, in alphabetical order |
| - `language-key` is how your language will be referred internally by the code. In the rest of this document, replace |
| `{language-key}` by the corresponding value in the real files. |
| - Add a logo file to the `views/resources/logos/` folder and add its path to the `logoUrl{Dark}` key(s) in the |
| language object |
| |
| - Add a `lib/compilers/{language-key}.js` file using the template below: |
| |
| ```js |
| import {BaseCompiler} from '../base-compiler'; |
| |
| export class LanguageCompiler extends BaseCompiler { |
| static get key() { |
| return 'language'; |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| - The value returned by `key` above corresponds to the `compilerType` value in |
| `etc/config/{language-key}.defaults.properties` (Explained below). This is usually `{language-key}`, but you can use |
| whatever fits best |
| - Override the `OptionsForFilter` method from the base class |
| - Comment out the line saying `fs.remove(result.dirPath);` in base-compiler.js, so the latest CE compile attempt |
| remains on disk for you to review |
| - Remember to undo this change before opening a PR! |
| - For reference, the basic behaviour of BaseCompiler is: |
| - make a random temporary folder |
| - save example.extension to the new folder, the full path to this is the `inputFilename` |
| - the `outputFilename` is determined by the `getOutputFilename()` method |
| - execute the compiler.exe with the arguments from `OptionsForFilter()` and adding `inputFilename` |
| - be aware that the language class is only instanced once, so storing state is not possible |
| - If the compiler has problems with the defaults, you will have to override the `runCompiler()` method too. When |
| overriding it, here are some ideas |
| - set `execOptions.customCwd` parameter if the working directory needs to be somewhere else |
| - set `execOptions.env` parameter if the compiler requires special environment variables |
| - manipulate `options`, but make sure the user can still add their own arguments in CE |
| |
| - Add your `LanguageCompiler` to `lib/compilers/_all.js`, in alphabetical order |
| |
| - Add a `etc/config/{language-key}.local.properties` file: |
| |
| - The syntax for its basic contents is documented in [AddingACompiler.md](AddingACompiler.md) |
| - This file is ignored by Git, so that you can test the config locally |
| - You should add 1 compiler for the language you want to test |
| - Test the command line options of the language compilers outside CE |
| |
| - Add a new file `etc/config/{language-key}.defaults.properties`. This is where a default configuration will live. |
| |
| - Usually, this loads default compilers from their usual paths on a normal installation (Check |
| `etc/config/c++.defaults.properties` for an example) |
| |
| - Of important note, for both files, is to properly define `compilerType` property in the newly added compilers. This |
| should equal the value returned by your `LanguageCompiler.key` function |
| |
| - Running `make dev EXTRA_ARGS="--debug --language {language-key}"` to tell CE to only load your new language |
| |
| - You can check to be sure your language and compilers are there |
| |
| - Make an installer in the [infra](https://github.com/compiler-explorer/infra) repository |
| |
| - Add your language files (`{language-key}.*.properties` and `lib/compilers/{language-key}.js`) to the list in |
| `.github/labeler.yml` |