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# Adding a new compiler
This document explains how to add a new compiler to Compiler Explorer ("CE" from here on), first for a local instance,
and then how to submit PRs to get it into the main CE site.
## Configuration
Compiler configuration is done through the `etc/config/c++.*.properties` files (for C++, other languages follow the
obvious pattern, replace as needed for your case).
The various named configuration files are used in different contexts: for example `etc/config/` take
priority over `etc/config/`. The `local` version is ignored by git, so you can make your own
personalised changes there. The live site uses the `etc/config/` file.
Within the file, configuration is a set of key and value pairs, separated by an `=`. Whitespace is _not_ trimmed. Lines
starting with `#` are considered comments and not parsed. The list of compilers is set by the `compilers` key and is a
list of compiler identifiers or groups, separated by colons. Group names have an `&` prepended. As a nod to backwards
compatibility with very old configurations, a path to a compiler can also be put in the list, but that doesn't let you
configure many aspects of the compiler, nor does it allow paths with colons in them (since these are used as
separators). The identifier itself is not important, but must be unique to that compiler.
An example configuration:
This says there are two compilers with identifiers `gcc620` and `gcc720`, and a group of compilers called `clang`. For
the compilers, CE will look for some keys named `` and `compiler.ID.exe` (and some others, detailed
later). The `ID` is the identifier of the compiler being looked up. The `name` value is used as the human-readable
compiler name shown to users, and the `exe` should be the path name of the compiler executable.
For example:
```INI 6.2.0
compiler.gcc620.exe=/usr/bin/gcc-6.2.0 7.2.0
In addition to the `name` and `exe` per-compiler configuration keys, there are also some other options. Most of them
default to sensible values for GCC-like compilers.
A group is defined similar to a list of compilers, and may contain other groups. Keys for groups start with `group.ID`.
Configuration keys applied to the group apply to all compilers in that group (unless overridden by the compiler itself).
An example:
group.clang.intelAsm=-mllvm -x86-asm-syntax=intel 4
compiler.clang4.exe=/usr/bin/clang4 5
Note about configuration files hierarchy:
As mentioned previously, the live site uses `etc/config/` to load its configuration from, but for
properties not defined in the `amazon` file, the values present in `etc/config/` will be used.
By design, this does not however work for groups (Nor any other nested property). That is, if in
`etc/config/` you define the `intelAsm` property as:
group.clang.intelAsm=-mllvm -x86-asm-syntax=intel
but `etc/config/` only has:
once the site runs on the Amazon environment, the `&clang` group **will not** have the `intelAsm` property set, but
`versionFlag` will.
### Configuration keys
| Key Name | Type | Description |
| -------------------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| name | String | Human readable name of the compiler |
| exe | Path | Path to the executable |
| alias | Identifier | Another identifier for this compiler (mostly deprecated, used for backwards compatibility with very old CE URLs) |
| options | String | Additional compiler options passed to the compiler when running it |
| intelAsm | String | Flags used to select intel assembly format (if not detected automatically) |
| needsMulti | Boolean | Whether the compiler needs multi arch support (defaults to yes if the host has multiarch enabled) |
| supportsBinary | Boolean | Whether this compiler supports linking to binary (e.g. compile, assemble and link to final executable program) |
| supportsBinaryObject | Boolean | Whether this compiler supports compiling to binary object (e.g. compile and assemble to binary object) |
| supportsExecute | Boolean | Whether binary output from this compiler can be executed |
| versionFlag | String | The flag to pass to the compiler to make it emit its version |
| versionRe | RegExp | A regular expression used to capture the version from the version output |
| compilerType | String | The name of the class handling this compiler |
| interpreted | Boolean | Whether this is an interpreted language, and so the "compiler" is really an interpreter |
| executionWrapper | Path | Path to script that can execute the compiler's output (e.g. could run under `qemu` or `mpi_run` or similar) |
The `compilerType` option is special: it refers to the Javascript class in `lib/compilers/*.js` which handles running
and handling output for this compiler type.
## Adding a new compiler locally
It should be pretty straightforward to add a compiler of your own. Create a `etc/config/` file and
override the `compilers` list to include your own compiler, and its configuration.
Once you've done that, running `make` should pick up the configuration and during startup you should see your compiler
being run and its version being extracted. If you don't, check for any errors, and try running with
`make EXTRA_ARGS='--debug'` to see (a lot of) debug output.
If you're looking to add other language compilers for another language, obviously create the
`etc/config/` in the above steps, and run with `make EXTRA_ARGS='--language LANG'` (e.g.
`etc/config/` and `make EXTRA_ARGS='--language Rust'`).
Test locally, and for many compilers that's probably all you need to do. Some compilers might need a few options tweaks
(like the intel asm setting, or the version flag). For a completely new compiler, you might need to define a whole new
`compilerType`. Doing so is beyond this document's scope at present, but take a look inside `lib/compilers/` to get some
idea what might need to be done.
## Adding a new compiler running remotely to your locally built compiler explorer
If you would like to have both gcc and MSVC running in the "same" compiler explorer, one option would be running gcc on
your local Linux machine and add a proxy to the MSVC compiler, which is running on a remote Window host. To achieve
this, you could
- Setup compiler explorer on your Linux host as usual
- Follow [this guide]( to set up
another compiler explorer instance on your Windows host
- Add your Windows compiler explorer as a proxy to your Linux compiler explorer. You can simply modify your
`etc/config/` on your Linux host
Yes it is the `@` symbol rather than the `:` before the port number. Restart the Linux compiler explorer, and you will
be able to see the MSVC compiler in the compiler list.
## Adding a new compiler to the live site
On the main CE website, compilers are installed into a `/opt/compiler-explorer/` directory by a set of scripts in the
sister GitHub repo:
In the `update_compilers` directory in that repository are a set of scripts that download and install binaries and
compilers. If you wish to test locally, and can create a `/opt/compiler-explorer` directory on your machine which is
readable and writable by your current user, then you can run the scripts directly. The binaries and the free compilers
can be installed - the commercial compilers live in the `` and won't work.
If your compiler fits nicely into the harness then it should be straightforward to add it there. Anything more complex:
contact the CE authors for more help.
## Putting it all together
Hopefully that's enough to get an idea. The ideal case of a GCC-like compiler should be a pull request to add a couple
of lines to the `infra` repository to install the compiler, and a pull request to add a few lines to the
`` file in this repository.
If you feel like we could improve this document in any way, please contact us. We'd love to hear from you!