| [](https://travis-ci.org/mattgodbolt/compiler-explorer) |
| [](https://codecov.io/gh/mattgodbolt/compiler-explorer) |
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| Compiler Explorer |
| ------------ |
| |
| **Compiler Explorer** is an interactive compiler. The left-hand pane shows |
| editable C, C++, Rust, Go, D, Haskell, Swift and Pascal code. |
| The right, the assembly output of having compiled the code with a given |
| compiler and settings. Multiple compilers are supported, and the UI layout |
| is configurable (thanks to [GoldenLayout](https://www.golden-layout.com/)). |
| There is also an ispc compiler _[?](https://ispc.github.io/)_ for a C variant |
| with extensions for SPMD. |
| |
| Try out at [godbolt.org](https://godbolt.org) |
| |
| You can support [this project on Patreon](https://patreon.com/mattgodbolt). |
| |
| **Compiler Explorer** follows a [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) which |
| aims to foster an open and welcoming environment. |
| |
| ##### Contact us |
| |
| For general discussion, please join the mailing list at |
| https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/compiler-explorer-discussion or the |
| [cpplang](https://cpplang.now.sh/) slack channel `#compiler_explorer`. |
| |
| If you are interested in developing, or want to see the discussions between |
| existing developers, feel free to join the mailing list at |
| https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/compiler-explorer-development or the |
| [cpplang](https://cpplang.now.sh/) slack channel `#ce_implementation`. |
| |
| Feel free to raise an issue on |
| [github](https://github.com/mattgodbolt/compiler-explorer/issues) or |
| [email Matt directly](mailto:matt@godbolt.org) for more help. |
| |
| ### Developing |
| |
| **Compiler Explorer** is written in [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/). |
| |
| Assuming you have a compatible version of `node` installed, simply running |
| `make` ought to get you up and running with an Explorer running on port 10240 |
| on your local machine: http://localhost:10240/. |
| Currently **Compiler Explorer** |
| [requires the latest LTS](CONTRIBUTING.md#node-version) `node` version |
| (_v8_) installed, either on the path or at `NODE_DIR` |
| (an environment variable or `make` parameter). |
| |
| |
| Running with `make EXTRA_ARGS='--language LANG'` will allow you to load |
| `LANG` exclusively, where `LANG` is one for the language ids/aliases defined |
| in `lib/languages.js`. The `Makefile` will automatically install all the |
| third party libraries needed to run; using `yarn` to install server-side and |
| client side components. |
| |
| |
| The config system leaves a lot to be desired. Work has been done on porting |
| [CCS](https://github.com/hellige/ccs-cpp) to Javascript and then something |
| more rational can be used. |
| |
| |
| A [Road map](Roadmap.md) is available which gives a little insight into |
| the future plans for **Compiler Explorer**. |
| |
| ### Running a local instance |
| |
| If you want to point it at your own GCC or similar binaries, either edit the |
| `etc/config/LANG.defaults.properties` or else make a new one with |
| the name `LANG.local.properties`, subsituting `LANG` as needed. |
| `*.local.properties` files have the highest priority when loading properties. |
| |
| When running in a corporate setting the URL shortening service can be replaced |
| by an internal one to avoid leaking source code outside of the organization. |
| This is done by adding a new module in `static/urlshorten-myservice.js` and |
| setting the `urlShortenService` variable in configuration. This module should |
| export a single function, see the [google module](static/urlshorten-google.js) |
| for an example. `urlShortenService` can also be set to `none` to disable url |
| shortening altogether. |
| |
| ### RESTful API |
| |
| There's a simple restful API that can be used to do compiles to asm and to |
| list compilers. In general all handlers live in `/api/*` endpoints, will |
| accept JSON or text in POSTs, and will return text or JSON responses depending |
| on the request's `Accept` header. |
| |
| At a later date there may be some form of rate-limiting: |
| currently, requests will be queued and dealt with in the same way interactive |
| requests are done for the main site. Authentication might be required at some |
| point in the future (for the main **Compiler Explorer** site anyway). |
| |
| The following endpoints are defined: |
| |
| #### `GET /api/languages` - return a list of languages |
| |
| Returns a list of the currently supported languages, as pairs of languages IDs |
| and their names. |
| |
| #### `GET /api/compilers` - return a list of compilers |
| |
| Returns a list of compilers. In text form, there's a simple formatting of the |
| ID of the compiler, its description and its language ID. In JSON, all the |
| information is returned as an array of compilers, with the `id` key being the |
| primary identifier of each compiler. |
| |
| |
| #### `GET /api/compilers/<language-id>` - return a list of compilers with matching language |
| |
| Returns a list of compilers for the provided language id. In text form, |
| there's a simple formatting of the ID of the compiler, its description and its |
| language ID. In JSON, all the information is returned as an array of compilers, |
| with the `id` key being the primary identifier of each compiler. |
| |
| #### `POST /api/compiler/<compiler-id>/compile` - perform a compilation |
| |
| To specify a compilation request as a JSON document, post it as the appropriate |
| type and send an object of the form: |
| ```JSON |
| { |
| "source": "Source to compile", |
| "options": { |
| "userArguments": "Compiler flags", |
| "compilerOptions": {}, |
| "filters": { |
| "filter": true |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| The filters are a JSON object with `true`/`false` values. If not supplied, |
| defaults are used. If supplied, the filters are used as-is. |
| The `compilerOptions` is used to pass extra arguments to the back end, and is |
| probably not useful for most REST users. |
| |
| A text compilation request has the source as the body of the post, and uses |
| query parameters to pass the options and filters. Filters are supplied as a |
| comma-separated string. Use the query parameter `filters=XX` to set the |
| filters directly, else `addFilters=XX` to add a filter to defaults, |
| or `removeFilters` to remove from defaults. |
| Compiler parameters should be passed as `options=-O2` and default to empty. |
| |
| Filters include `binary`, `labels`, `intel`, `comments`, `directives` and |
| `demangle`, which correspond to the UI buttons on the HTML version. |
| |
| The text request is designed for simplicity for command-line clients like `curl` |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ curl 'https://godbolt.org/api/compiler/g63/compile?options=-Wall' --data-binary 'int foo() { return 1; }' |
| # Compilation provided by Compiler Explorer at godbolt.org |
| foo(): |
| push rbp |
| mov rbp, rsp |
| mov eax, 1 |
| pop rbp |
| ret |
| ``` |
| |
| If JSON is present in the request's `Accept` header, the compilation results |
| are of the form: |
| |
| (_Optional values are marked with a `**`_) |
| |
| ```javascript |
| { |
| "code": 0 if successful, else compiler return code, |
| "stdout": [ |
| { |
| "text": Output, |
| ** "tag": { |
| "line": Source line, |
| "text": Parsed error for that line |
| } |
| }, |
| ... |
| ], |
| "stderr": (format is similar to that of stdout), |
| "asm": [ |
| { |
| "text": Assembly text, |
| "source": {file: null for user input, else path, line: number} or null if none |
| }, |
| ... |
| ], |
| "okToCache": true if output could be locally cached else false, |
| ** "optOutput" : { |
| "displayString" : String displayed in output, |
| "Pass" : [ Missed | Passed | Analysis ] (Specifies the type of optimisation output), |
| "Name" : Name of the output (mostly represents the reason for the output), |
| "DebugLoc" : { |
| "File": Name of file, |
| "Line": Line number, |
| "Column": Column number in line |
| }, |
| "Function": Name of function for which optimisation output is provided, |
| "Args": Array of objects representing the arguments that the optimiser used when trying to optimise |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Credits |
| |
| **Compiler Explorer** is maintained by the awesome people listed in the |
| [AUTHORS](AUTHORS.md) file. |
| |
| We would also like to specially thank these people for their contributions to |
| **Compiler Explorer**: |
| - [Gabriel Devillers](https://github.com/voxelf) |
| (_while working for [Kalray](http://www.kalrayinc.com/)_) |
| - [Johan Engelen](https://github.com/JohanEngelen) |
| - [Joshua Sheard](https://github.com/jsheard) |
| - [Marc Poulhiès](https://github.com/dkm) |
| - [Andrew Pardoe](https://github.com/AndrewPardoe) |
| |
| We would like to thank [JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/) for their support and for donating licenses to their excellent products to develop **Compiler Explorer**. |
| |
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