This document gives a short overview of how to use Systemd to automatically start Compiler Explorer when the web-interface is accessed.
You'll need to create two files in /etc/systemd/system/
[Socket] ListenStream=10240 [Install]
[Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory={{path_to_installation_directory}}/compiler-explorer ExecStart=/usr/bin/node {{path_to_installation_directory}}/compiler-explorer/app.js TimeoutStartSec=60 TimeoutStopSec=60 User={{run_as_this_user}} Group={{run_as_this_group}}
Replace the bracketed {{}}
placeholders with your system specifics.
Once the two above files are created Systemd needs to be made aware of the changes:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Now all that remains is to enable and start the new service:
sudo systemctl enable compiler-explorer.socket sudo systemctl start compiler-explorer.socket
If all goes well you can now open the web-interface.