Adding a new site template

Site templates are configured in etc/config/site-templates.conf.

The configuration format is Template full link.

To create a site template:

  • Setup the template on
  • Export with a full link from the “Share” dropdown in the top-right corner of the page
  • Add to the config file

Screenshot generation

Below are instructions to generate site templates. Because it's a bit hacky feel free to not run the script, we can do so when a PR is made.

Site template screenshots are generated with a hacky script located at etc/scripts/generate_site_template_screenshots.js.

To run the script, cd to the etc/scripts/ directory and run

npm i puppeteer --no-save && node generate_site_template_screenshots.js

The script uses puppeteer and chrome to generate screenshots. The script will take a little while to run as it generates multiple screenshots per template and gives pages ample time to load.

Screenshots are located in views/resources/template_screenshots/. The script won't regenerate everything by default, to regenerate delete the screenshot images you want deleted.