| #!/usr/bin/env node |
| |
| import fs from 'fs/promises'; |
| import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; |
| |
| const JVMS_SPECIFICATION = './vendor/jvms.html'; |
| '<n>': ['0', '1', '2', '3'], |
| '<d>': ['0', '1'], |
| '<f>': ['0, 1', '2'], |
| '<i>': ['m1', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'], |
| '<l>': ['0', '1'], |
| '<op>': ['g', 'l'], |
| '<cond>': ['eq', 'ne'], |
| }; |
| |
| // interface InstructionInfo { |
| // name: string |
| // anchor: string |
| // tooltip: string |
| // format: string[] |
| // stack: [string | null, string | null] |
| // description: string |
| // } |
| |
| // extract: (node: cheerio.Cheerio<Element>, $: cheerio.CheerioAPI) => InstructionInfo[] |
| const extract = (node, $) => { |
| const anchorElement = node.find('div.titlepage > div > div > h3.title > a[name*="jvms-6.5"]').first(); |
| const nameElement = anchorElement.parent().find('span.emphasis > em'); |
| const anchor = anchorElement.attr('name'); |
| const name = nameElement.text(); |
| |
| const [ |
| operationSection, |
| formatSection, |
| _formsSection, |
| operandStackSection, |
| descriptionSection, |
| ] = node.find('div.section').toArray().map(it => $(it)); |
| |
| const operation = operationSection.find('p.norm').first().text(); |
| const format = formatSection.find('div.literallayout > p > span.emphasis > em').toArray().map(it => $(it).text()); |
| const description = descriptionSection.find('p.norm-dynamic').first(); |
| // rewrite links to oracle.com |
| $(description).find('* > a[href*="jvms-"]').toArray().forEach((el) => { |
| $(el).attr('href', `https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se18/html/${$(el).attr('href')}`); |
| }); |
| |
| const [stackBefore, stackAfter] = operandStackSection.find('p.norm') |
| .toArray() |
| .map(it => $(it)); |
| |
| // InstructionInfo[] |
| const result = []; |
| const hasVariadicMapping = Object.keys(VARIADIC_MAPPINGS).some((pat) => name.endsWith(pat)); |
| if (hasVariadicMapping) { |
| for (const [pattern, mappings] of Object.entries(VARIADIC_MAPPINGS)) { |
| if (name.endsWith(pattern)) { |
| for (const mapping of mappings) { |
| result.push({ |
| name: name.replace(pattern, mapping).replace('<', '[').replace('>', ']'), |
| anchor: anchor, |
| description: description.html(), |
| tooltip: operation, |
| stack: [stackBefore?.html(), stackAfter?.html()], |
| format: format.map(x => x.replace('<', '[').replace('>', ']')), |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| result.push({ |
| name, |
| anchor: anchor, |
| description: description.html(), |
| tooltip: operation, |
| stack: [stackBefore?.html(), stackAfter?.html()], |
| format, |
| }); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }; |
| |
| const main = async () => { |
| const file = await fs.readFile(JVMS_SPECIFICATION, 'utf-8'); |
| const $ = cheerio.load(file); |
| const sections = $('div.section-execution'); |
| const instructions = sections.toArray() |
| .slice(1) // Drop 1 because the first is the "mne monic" |
| .map(it => extract($(it), $)) |
| .flat(); |
| console.log('import {AssemblyInstructionInfo} from \'../base\';'); |
| console.log(''); |
| console.log('export function getAsmOpcode(opcode: string | undefined): AssemblyInstructionInfo | undefined {'); |
| console.log(' if (!opcode) return;'); |
| console.log(' switch (opcode.toUpperCase()) {'); |
| for (const instruction of instructions) { |
| console.log(` case '${instruction.name.toUpperCase()}':`); |
| console.log(' return {'); |
| console.log(` url: \`https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se18/html/jvms-6.html#${instruction.anchor}\`,`); |
| const body = `<p>Instruction ${instruction.name}: ${instruction.tooltip}</p><p>Format: ${instruction.format.join(' ')}</p>${instruction.stack[0] && `<p>Operand Stack: ${instruction.stack[0]} ${instruction.stack[1]}</p>`}<p>${instruction.description}</p>`; |
| console.log(` html: \`${body.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ')}\`,`); |
| console.log(` tooltip: \`${instruction.tooltip.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ')}\`,`); |
| console.log(' };'); |
| } |
| console.log(' }'); |
| console.log('}'); |
| }; |
| |
| main().then(() =>{}).catch(e => console.exception("Caught error", e)); |