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| <div class="template lang c">// Type your code here, or load an example. |
| int square(int num) { |
| return num * num; |
| } |
| </div> |
| <div class="template lang rust">// Type your code here, or load an example. |
| pub fn square(num: i32) -> i32 { |
| num * num |
| } |
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| <div class="template lang go">// Type your code here, or load an example. |
| // Your function name should start with a capital letter. |
| package main |
| |
| func Square(x int) int { |
| return x * x |
| } |
| |
| func main() {} |
| </div> |
| <div class="template lang d">// Type your code here, or load an example. |
| int square(int num) { |
| return num * num; |
| } |
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