Adding a new formatter

  • Add a etc/config/ file

    • Add a new formatter under the formatters key
    • The new formatter can have the following keys: name, exe, styles, type, version (argument to get version info), versionRe (regex to filter out the right version info)
    • Add a lib/formatters/<formatter>.js file using the template below, replacing Type and type as appropriate
      import { BaseFormatter } from '../base-formatter';
      export class TypeFormatter extends BaseFormatter {
          static get key() { return 'type'; }
    • The value returned by key above corresponds to the type property you set in the compiler-explorer properties configuration file.
    • Tweak format(args, source), getDefaultArguments(), getStyleArguments(style) and isValidStyle(style) as necessary
  • Add your TypeFormatter to lib/formatters/_all.js in alphabetical order

  • You can check the output of http://localhost:10240/api/formats to be sure your formatter is there.

  • Make an installer in the infra repository. An example patch for adding an installer can be found here