blob: 40ef4ac12967448f5a23256a02f05963af2fa999 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
cd "$(
cd -- "$(dirname "$0")/../.." >/dev/null 2>&1
pwd -P
HASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
# Clear the output
rm -rf out/dist
mkdir -p out/dist
echo "${HASH}" >out/dist/git_hash
echo "${RELEASE_NAME}" >out/dist/release_build
# Create any autogenerated files.
python3 ./etc/scripts/util/
python3 ./etc/scripts/util/
# Set up and build and webpack everything
rm -rf node_modules
npm install --no-audit
npm run webpack
# Now install only the production dependencies
rm -rf node_modules
npm install --no-audit --production
# Output some magic for GH to set the branch name
echo "::set-output name=branch::${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}"
# Run to make sure we haven't just made something that won't work
node -r esm -r ts-node/register ./app.js --version --dist
rm -rf out/dist-bin
mkdir -p out/dist-bin
export XZ_OPT="-1 -T 0"
tar -Jcf "out/dist-bin/${RELEASE_FILE_NAME}.tar.xz" -T gh-dist-files.txt
tar -Jcf "out/dist-bin/${RELEASE_FILE_NAME}.static.tar.xz" --transform="s,^out/dist/static/,," out/dist/static/*
echo "${HASH}" >"out/dist-bin/${RELEASE_FILE_NAME}.txt"
du -ch out/**/*
# Create and set commits for a sentry release if and only if we have the secure token set
# External GitHub PRs etc won't have the variable set.
if [ -n "${SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN+x}" ]; then
npm run sentry -- releases new -p compiler-explorer "${RELEASE_NAME}"
npm run sentry -- releases set-commits --auto "${RELEASE_NAME}"
npm run sentry -- releases files "${RELEASE_NAME}" upload-sourcemaps out/dist/static