| // Copyright (c) 2016, Compiler Explorer Authors |
| // All rights reserved. |
| // |
| // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
| // |
| // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
| // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| // |
| |
| 'use strict'; |
| var _ = require('underscore'); |
| var $ = require('jquery'); |
| var colour = require('../colour'); |
| var loadSaveLib = require('../load-save'); |
| var FontScale = require('../fontscale'); |
| var Components = require('../components'); |
| var monaco = require('monaco-editor'); |
| var options = require('../options'); |
| var Alert = require('../alert').Alert; |
| var ga = require('../analytics'); |
| var monacoVim = require('monaco-vim'); |
| var monacoConfig = require('../monaco-config'); |
| var TomSelect = require('tom-select'); |
| var Settings = require('../settings'); |
| var utils = require('../utils'); |
| require('../formatter-registry'); |
| require('../modes/_all'); |
| |
| var loadSave = new loadSaveLib.LoadSave(); |
| var languages = options.languages; |
| |
| // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements |
| function Editor(hub, state, container) { |
| this.id = state.id || hub.nextEditorId(); |
| this.container = container; |
| this.domRoot = container.getElement(); |
| this.domRoot.html($('#codeEditor').html()); |
| this.hub = hub; |
| this.eventHub = hub.createEventHub(); |
| // Should probably be its own function somewhere |
| this.settings = Settings.getStoredSettings(); |
| this.ourCompilers = {}; |
| this.ourExecutors = {}; |
| this.httpRoot = window.httpRoot; |
| this.widgetsByCompiler = {}; |
| this.asmByCompiler = {}; |
| this.defaultFileByCompiler = {}; |
| this.busyCompilers = {}; |
| this.colours = []; |
| this.treeCompilers = {}; |
| |
| this.decorations = {}; |
| this.prevDecorations = []; |
| this.extraDecorations = []; |
| |
| this.fadeTimeoutId = -1; |
| |
| this.editorSourceByLang = {}; |
| this.alertSystem = new Alert(); |
| this.alertSystem.prefixMessage = 'Editor #' + this.id + ': '; |
| |
| this.filename = state.filename || false; |
| |
| this.awaitingInitialResults = false; |
| this.selection = state.selection; |
| |
| this.revealJumpStack = []; |
| |
| this.langKeys = _.keys(languages); |
| this.initLanguage(state); |
| |
| var root = this.domRoot.find('.monaco-placeholder'); |
| var legacyReadOnly = state.options && !!state.options.readOnly; |
| this.editor = monaco.editor.create(root[0], monacoConfig.extendConfig({ |
| language: this.currentLanguage.monaco, |
| readOnly: !!options.readOnly || legacyReadOnly || |
| (window.compilerExplorerOptions && window.compilerExplorerOptions.mobileViewer), |
| glyphMargin: !options.embedded, |
| }, this.settings)); |
| this.editor.getModel().setEOL(monaco.editor.EndOfLineSequence.LF); |
| |
| if (state.source !== undefined) { |
| this.setSource(state.source); |
| } else { |
| this.updateEditorCode(); |
| } |
| |
| var startFolded = /^[/*#;]+\s*setup.*/; |
| if (state.source && state.source.match(startFolded)) { |
| // With reference to https://github.com/Microsoft/monaco-editor/issues/115 |
| // I tried that and it didn't work, but a delay of 500 seems to "be enough". |
| // FIXME: Currently not working - No folding is performed |
| setTimeout(_.bind(function () { |
| this.editor.setSelection(new monaco.Selection(1, 1, 1, 1)); |
| this.editor.focus(); |
| this.editor.getAction('editor.fold').run(); |
| //this.editor.clearSelection(); |
| }, this), 500); |
| } |
| |
| this.initEditorActions(); |
| this.initButtons(state); |
| this.initCallbacks(); |
| |
| if (this.settings.useVim) { |
| this.enableVim(); |
| } |
| |
| var usableLanguages = _.filter(languages, function (language) { |
| return hub.compilerService.compilersByLang[language.id]; |
| }); |
| |
| this.selectize = new TomSelect(this.languageBtn, { |
| sortField: 'name', |
| valueField: 'id', |
| labelField: 'name', |
| searchField: ['name'], |
| options: _.map(usableLanguages, _.identity), |
| items: [this.currentLanguage.id], |
| dropdownParent: 'body', |
| plugins: ['input_autogrow'], |
| onChange: _.bind(this.onLanguageChange, this), |
| }); |
| |
| |
| // We suppress posting changes until the user has stopped typing by: |
| // * Using _.debounce() to run emitChange on any key event or change |
| // only after a delay. |
| // * Only actually triggering a change if the document text has changed from |
| // the previous emitted. |
| this.lastChangeEmitted = null; |
| this.onSettingsChange(this.settings); |
| // this.editor.on("keydown", _.bind(function () { |
| // // Not strictly a change; but this suppresses changes until some time |
| // // after the last key down (be it an actual change or a just a cursor |
| // // movement etc). |
| // this.debouncedEmitChange(); |
| // }, this)); |
| |
| this.updateTitle(); |
| this.updateState(); |
| ga.proxy('send', { |
| hitType: 'event', |
| eventCategory: 'OpenViewPane', |
| eventAction: 'Editor', |
| }); |
| ga.proxy('send', { |
| hitType: 'event', |
| eventCategory: 'LanguageChange', |
| eventAction: this.currentLanguage.id, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onMotd = function (motd) { |
| this.extraDecorations = motd.decorations; |
| this.updateExtraDecorations(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.updateExtraDecorations = function () { |
| var decorationsDirty = false; |
| _.each(this.extraDecorations, _.bind(function (decoration) { |
| if (decoration.filter && decoration.filter.indexOf(this.currentLanguage.name.toLowerCase()) < 0) return; |
| var match = this.editor.getModel().findNextMatch(decoration.regex, { |
| column: 1, |
| lineNumber: 1, |
| }, true, true, null, false); |
| if (match !== this.decorations[decoration.name]) { |
| decorationsDirty = true; |
| this.decorations[decoration.name] = match ? [{range: match.range, options: decoration.decoration}] : null; |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| if (decorationsDirty) |
| this.updateDecorations(); |
| }; |
| |
| // If compilerId is undefined, every compiler will be pinged |
| Editor.prototype.maybeEmitChange = function (force, compilerId) { |
| var source = this.getSource(); |
| if (!force && source === this.lastChangeEmitted) return; |
| |
| this.updateExtraDecorations(); |
| |
| this.lastChangeEmitted = source; |
| this.eventHub.emit('editorChange', this.id, this.lastChangeEmitted, this.currentLanguage.id, compilerId); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.updateState = function () { |
| var state = { |
| id: this.id, |
| source: this.getSource(), |
| lang: this.currentLanguage.id, |
| selection: this.selection, |
| filename: this.filename, |
| }; |
| this.fontScale.addState(state); |
| this.container.setState(state); |
| |
| this.updateButtons(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.setSource = function (newSource) { |
| this.updateSource(newSource); |
| |
| if (window.compilerExplorerOptions.mobileViewer) { |
| $(this.domRoot.find('.monaco-placeholder textarea')).hide(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onNewSource = function (editorId, newSource) { |
| if (this.id === editorId) { |
| this.setSource(newSource); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.getSource = function () { |
| return this.editor.getModel().getValue(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.initLanguage = function (state) { |
| this.currentLanguage = languages[this.langKeys[0]]; |
| this.waitingForLanguage = state.source && !state.lang; |
| if (languages[this.settings.defaultLanguage]) { |
| this.currentLanguage = languages[this.settings.defaultLanguage]; |
| } |
| if (languages[state.lang]) { |
| this.currentLanguage = languages[state.lang]; |
| } else if (this.settings.newEditorLastLang && languages[this.hub.lastOpenedLangId]) { |
| this.currentLanguage = languages[this.hub.lastOpenedLangId]; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.initCallbacks = function () { |
| this.fontScale.on('change', _.bind(this.updateState, this)); |
| |
| this.container.on('resize', this.resize, this); |
| this.container.on('shown', this.resize, this); |
| this.container.on('open', _.bind(function () { |
| this.eventHub.emit('editorOpen', this.id, this); |
| }, this)); |
| this.container.on('destroy', this.close, this); |
| this.container.layoutManager.on('initialised', function () { |
| // Once initialized, let everyone know what text we have. |
| this.maybeEmitChange(); |
| // And maybe ask for a compilation (Will hit the cache most of the time) |
| this.requestCompilation(); |
| }, this); |
| |
| this.eventHub.on('treeCompilerEditorIncludeChange', this.onTreeCompilerEditorIncludeChange, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('treeCompilerEditorExcludeChange', this.onTreeCompilerEditorExcludeChange, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('coloursForEditor', this.onColoursForEditor, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('compilerOpen', this.onCompilerOpen, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('executorOpen', this.onExecutorOpen, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('compilerClose', this.onCompilerClose, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('compiling', this.onCompiling, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('compileResult', this.onCompileResponse, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('selectLine', this.onSelectLine, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('editorSetDecoration', this.onEditorSetDecoration, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('editorLinkLine', this.onEditorLinkLine, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('settingsChange', this.onSettingsChange, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('conformanceViewOpen', this.onConformanceViewOpen, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('conformanceViewClose', this.onConformanceViewClose, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('resize', this.resize, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('newSource', this.onNewSource, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('motd', this.onMotd, this); |
| this.eventHub.on('findEditors', this.sendEditor, this); |
| this.eventHub.emit('requestMotd'); |
| |
| this.editor.getModel().onDidChangeContent(_.bind(function () { |
| this.debouncedEmitChange(); |
| this.updateState(); |
| }, this)); |
| |
| this.mouseMoveThrottledFunction = _.throttle(_.bind(this.onMouseMove, this), 50); |
| |
| this.editor.onMouseMove(_.bind(function (e) { |
| this.mouseMoveThrottledFunction(e); |
| }, this)); |
| |
| if (window.compilerExplorerOptions.mobileViewer) { |
| // workaround for issue with contextmenu not going away when tapping somewhere else on the screen |
| this.editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(_.bind(function () { |
| var contextmenu = $('div.context-view.monaco-menu-container'); |
| if (contextmenu.css('display') !== 'none') { |
| contextmenu.hide(); |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| } |
| |
| this.cursorSelectionThrottledFunction = |
| _.throttle(_.bind(this.onDidChangeCursorSelection, this), 500); |
| this.editor.onDidChangeCursorSelection(_.bind(function (e) { |
| this.cursorSelectionThrottledFunction(e); |
| }, this)); |
| |
| this.editor.onDidFocusEditorText(_.bind(this.onDidFocusEditorText, this)); |
| this.editor.onDidBlurEditorText(_.bind(this.onDidBlurEditorText, this)); |
| this.editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition(_.bind(this.onDidChangeCursorPosition,this)); |
| |
| this.eventHub.on('initialised', this.maybeEmitChange, this); |
| |
| $(document).on('keyup.editable', _.bind(function (e) { |
| if (e.target === this.domRoot.find('.monaco-placeholder .inputarea')[0]) { |
| if (e.which === 27) { |
| this.onEscapeKey(e); |
| } else if (e.which === 45) { |
| this.onInsertKey(e); |
| } |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.sendEditor = function () { |
| this.eventHub.emit('editorOpen', this.id, this); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onMouseMove = function (e) { |
| if (e !== null && e.target !== null && this.settings.hoverShowSource && e.target.position !== null) { |
| var pos = e.target.position; |
| this.tryPanesLinkLine(pos.lineNumber, pos.column, false); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onDidChangeCursorSelection = function (e) { |
| if (this.awaitingInitialResults) { |
| this.selection = e.selection; |
| this.updateState(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onDidChangeCursorPosition = function (e) { |
| if (e.position) { |
| this.currentCursorPosition.text('(' + e.position.lineNumber + ', ' + e.position.column + ')'); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onDidFocusEditorText = function () { |
| this.currentCursorPosition.show(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onDidBlurEditorText = function () { |
| this.currentCursorPosition.hide(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onEscapeKey = function () { |
| if (this.editor.vimInUse) { |
| var currentState = monacoVim.VimMode.Vim.maybeInitVimState_(this.vimMode); |
| if (currentState.insertMode) { |
| monacoVim.VimMode.Vim.exitInsertMode(this.vimMode); |
| } else if (currentState.visualMode) { |
| monacoVim.VimMode.Vim.exitVisualMode(this.vimMode, false); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onInsertKey = function (event) { |
| if (this.editor.vimInUse) { |
| var currentState = monacoVim.VimMode.Vim.maybeInitVimState_(this.vimMode); |
| if (!currentState.insertMode) { |
| var insertEvent = { |
| preventDefault: event.preventDefault, |
| stopPropagation: event.stopPropagation, |
| browserEvent: { |
| key: 'i', |
| defaultPrevented: false, |
| }, |
| keyCode: 39, |
| }; |
| this.vimMode.handleKeyDown(insertEvent); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.enableVim = function () { |
| this.vimMode = monacoVim.initVimMode(this.editor, this.domRoot.find('#v-status')[0]); |
| this.vimFlag.prop('class', 'btn btn-info'); |
| this.editor.vimInUse = true; |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.disableVim = function () { |
| this.vimMode.dispose(); |
| this.domRoot.find('#v-status').html(''); |
| this.vimFlag.prop('class', 'btn btn-light'); |
| this.editor.vimInUse = false; |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.initButtons = function (state) { |
| this.fontScale = new FontScale(this.domRoot, state, this.editor); |
| this.languageBtn = this.domRoot.find('.change-language'); |
| // Ensure that the button is disabled if we don't have nothing to select |
| // Note that is might be disabled for other reasons beforehand |
| if (this.langKeys.length <= 1) { |
| this.languageBtn.prop('disabled', true); |
| } |
| this.topBar = this.domRoot.find('.top-bar'); |
| this.hideable = this.domRoot.find('.hideable'); |
| |
| this.loadSaveButton = this.domRoot.find('.load-save'); |
| var paneAdderDropdown = this.domRoot.find('.add-pane'); |
| var addCompilerButton = this.domRoot.find('.btn.add-compiler'); |
| var addExecutorButton = this.domRoot.find('.btn.add-executor'); |
| this.conformanceViewerButton = this.domRoot.find('.btn.conformance'); |
| var addEditorButton = this.domRoot.find('.btn.add-editor'); |
| var toggleVimButton = this.domRoot.find('#vim-flag'); |
| this.vimFlag = this.domRoot.find('#vim-flag'); |
| toggleVimButton.on('click', _.bind(function () { |
| if (this.editor.vimInUse) { |
| this.disableVim(); |
| } else { |
| this.enableVim(); |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| |
| // NB a new compilerConfig needs to be created every time; else the state is shared |
| // between all compilers created this way. That leads to some nasty-to-find state |
| // bugs e.g. https://github.com/compiler-explorer/compiler-explorer/issues/225 |
| var getCompilerConfig = _.bind(function () { |
| return Components.getCompiler(this.id, this.currentLanguage.id); |
| }, this); |
| |
| var getExecutorConfig = _.bind(function () { |
| return Components.getExecutor(this.id, this.currentLanguage.id); |
| }, this); |
| |
| var getConformanceConfig = _.bind(function () { |
| return Components.getConformanceView(this.id, this.getSource(), this.currentLanguage.id); |
| }, this); |
| |
| var getEditorConfig = _.bind(function () { |
| return Components.getEditor(); |
| }, this); |
| |
| var addPaneOpener = _.bind(function (dragSource, dragConfig) { |
| this.container.layoutManager |
| .createDragSource(dragSource, dragConfig) |
| ._dragListener.on('dragStart', function () { |
| paneAdderDropdown.dropdown('toggle'); |
| }); |
| |
| dragSource.on('click', _.bind(function () { |
| var insertPoint = this.hub.findParentRowOrColumn(this.container) || |
| this.container.layoutManager.root.contentItems[0]; |
| insertPoint.addChild(dragConfig); |
| }, this)); |
| }, this); |
| |
| addPaneOpener(addCompilerButton, getCompilerConfig); |
| addPaneOpener(addExecutorButton, getExecutorConfig); |
| addPaneOpener(this.conformanceViewerButton, getConformanceConfig); |
| addPaneOpener(addEditorButton, getEditorConfig); |
| |
| this.initLoadSaver(); |
| $(this.domRoot).on('keydown', _.bind(function (event) { |
| if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && String.fromCharCode(event.which).toLowerCase() === 's') { |
| event.preventDefault(); |
| if (this.settings.enableCtrlStree && this.hub.hasTree()) { |
| var trees = this.hub.trees; |
| // todo: change when multiple trees are used |
| if (trees && trees.length > 0) { |
| trees[0].multifileService.includeByEditorId(this.id).then(_.bind(function () { |
| trees[0].refresh(); |
| }, this)); |
| } |
| } else if (this.settings.enableCtrlS) { |
| loadSave.setMinimalOptions(this.getSource(), this.currentLanguage); |
| if (!loadSave.onSaveToFile(this.id)) { |
| this.showLoadSaver(); |
| } |
| } else { |
| this.eventHub.emit('displaySharingPopover'); |
| } |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| |
| this.cppInsightsButton = this.domRoot.find('.open-in-cppinsights'); |
| this.cppInsightsButton.on('mousedown', _.bind(function () { |
| this.updateOpenInCppInsights(); |
| }, this)); |
| |
| this.quickBenchButton = this.domRoot.find('.open-in-quickbench'); |
| this.quickBenchButton.on('mousedown', _.bind(function () { |
| this.updateOpenInQuickBench(); |
| }, this)); |
| |
| this.currentCursorPosition = this.domRoot.find('.currentCursorPosition'); |
| this.currentCursorPosition.hide(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.updateButtons = function () { |
| if (this.currentLanguage.id === 'c++') { |
| this.cppInsightsButton.show(); |
| this.quickBenchButton.show(); |
| } else { |
| this.cppInsightsButton.hide(); |
| this.quickBenchButton.hide(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.b64UTFEncode = function (str) { |
| return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function (match, v) { |
| return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(v, 16)); |
| })); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.asciiEncodeJsonText = function (json) { |
| return json.replace(/[\u007F-\uFFFF]/g, function (chr) { |
| // json unicode escapes must always be 4 characters long, so pad with leading zeros |
| return '\\u' + ('0000' + chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).substr(-4); |
| }); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.getCompilerStates = function () { |
| var states = []; |
| |
| _.each(this.ourCompilers, _.bind(function (val, compilerIdStr) { |
| var compilerId = parseInt(compilerIdStr); |
| |
| var glCompiler = _.find(this.container.layoutManager.root.getComponentsByName('compiler'), function (c) { |
| return c.id === compilerId; |
| }); |
| |
| if (glCompiler) { |
| var state = glCompiler.currentState(); |
| states.push(state); |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| |
| return states; |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.updateOpenInCppInsights = function () { |
| var cppStd = 'cpp2a'; |
| |
| var compilers = this.getCompilerStates(); |
| _.each(compilers, _.bind(function (compiler) { |
| if ((compiler.options.indexOf('-std=c++11') !== -1) || |
| (compiler.options.indexOf('-std=gnu++11') !== -1)) { |
| cppStd = 'cpp11'; |
| } else if ((compiler.options.indexOf('-std=c++14') !== -1) || |
| (compiler.options.indexOf('-std=gnu++14') !== -1)) { |
| cppStd = 'cpp14'; |
| } else if ((compiler.options.indexOf('-std=c++17') !== -1) || |
| (compiler.options.indexOf('-std=gnu++17') !== -1)) { |
| cppStd = 'cpp17'; |
| } else if ((compiler.options.indexOf('-std=c++2a') !== -1) || |
| (compiler.options.indexOf('-std=gnu++2a') !== -1)) { |
| cppStd = 'cpp2a'; |
| } else if (compiler.options.indexOf('-std=c++98') !== -1) { |
| cppStd = 'cpp98'; |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| |
| var link = 'https://cppinsights.io/lnk?code=' + this.b64UTFEncode(this.getSource()) + '&std=' + cppStd + '&rev=1.0'; |
| |
| this.domRoot.find('.open-in-cppinsights').attr('href', link); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.cleanupSemVer = function (semver) { |
| if (semver) { |
| var semverStr = semver.toString(); |
| if ((semverStr !== '') && (semverStr.indexOf('(') === -1)) { |
| var vercomps = semverStr.split('.'); |
| return vercomps[0] + '.' + (vercomps[1] ? vercomps[1] : '0'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.updateOpenInQuickBench = function () { |
| var quickBenchState = { |
| text: this.getSource(), |
| }; |
| |
| var compilers = this.getCompilerStates(); |
| |
| _.each(compilers, _.bind(function (compiler) { |
| var knownCompiler = false; |
| |
| var compilerExtInfo = this.hub.compilerService.findCompiler(this.currentLanguage.id, compiler.compiler); |
| var semver = this.cleanupSemVer(compilerExtInfo.semver); |
| var groupOrName = |
| compilerExtInfo.baseName ? compilerExtInfo.baseName : |
| compilerExtInfo.groupName ? compilerExtInfo.groupName : compilerExtInfo.name; |
| |
| if (semver && groupOrName) { |
| groupOrName = groupOrName.toLowerCase(); |
| if (groupOrName.indexOf('gcc') !== -1) { |
| quickBenchState.compiler = 'gcc-' + semver; |
| knownCompiler = true; |
| } else if (groupOrName.indexOf('clang') !== -1) { |
| quickBenchState.compiler = 'clang-' + semver; |
| knownCompiler = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (knownCompiler) { |
| var match = compiler.options.match(/-(O([0-3sg]|fast))/); |
| if (match !== null) { |
| if (match[2] === 'fast') { |
| quickBenchState.optim = 'F'; |
| } else { |
| quickBenchState.optim = match[2].toUpperCase(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if ((compiler.options.indexOf('-std=c++11') !== -1) || |
| (compiler.options.indexOf('-std=gnu++11') !== -1)) { |
| quickBenchState.cppVersion = '11'; |
| } else if ((compiler.options.indexOf('-std=c++14') !== -1) || |
| (compiler.options.indexOf('-std=gnu++14') !== -1)) { |
| quickBenchState.cppVersion = '14'; |
| } else if ((compiler.options.indexOf('-std=c++17') !== -1) || |
| (compiler.options.indexOf('-std=gnu++17') !== -1)) { |
| quickBenchState.cppVersion = '17'; |
| } else if ((compiler.options.indexOf('-std=c++2a') !== -1) || |
| (compiler.options.indexOf('-std=gnu++2a') !== -1)) { |
| quickBenchState.cppVersion = '20'; |
| } |
| |
| if ((compiler.options.indexOf('-stdlib=libc++') !== -1)) { |
| quickBenchState.lib = 'llvm'; |
| } |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| |
| var link = 'http://quick-bench.com/#' + btoa(this.asciiEncodeJsonText(JSON.stringify(quickBenchState))); |
| this.domRoot.find('.open-in-quickbench').attr('href', link); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.changeLanguage = function (newLang) { |
| if (newLang === 'cmake') { |
| this.selectize.addOption(languages.cmake); |
| } |
| this.selectize.setValue(newLang); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.clearLinkedLine = function () { |
| this.decorations.linkedCode = []; |
| this.updateDecorations(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.tryPanesLinkLine = function (thisLineNumber, column, reveal) { |
| var selectedToken = this.getTokenSpan(thisLineNumber, column); |
| _.each(this.asmByCompiler, _.bind(function (asms, compilerId) { |
| this.eventHub.emit('panesLinkLine', compilerId, thisLineNumber, |
| selectedToken.colBegin, selectedToken.colEnd, reveal, undefined, this.id); |
| }, this)); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.requestCompilation = function () { |
| this.eventHub.emit('requestCompilation', this.id); |
| |
| _.each(this.hub.trees, _.bind(function (tree) { |
| if (tree.multifileService.isEditorPartOfProject(this.id)) { |
| this.eventHub.emit('requestCompilation', this.id, tree.id); |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.initEditorActions = function () { |
| this.editor.addAction({ |
| id: 'compile', |
| label: 'Compile', |
| keybindings: [monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.Enter], |
| keybindingContext: null, |
| contextMenuGroupId: 'navigation', |
| contextMenuOrder: 1.5, |
| run: _.bind(function () { |
| // This change request is mostly superfluous |
| this.maybeEmitChange(); |
| this.requestCompilation(); |
| }, this), |
| }); |
| |
| this.revealJumpStackHasElementsCtxKey = this.editor.createContextKey('hasRevealJumpStackElements', false); |
| |
| this.editor.addAction({ |
| id: 'returnfromreveal', |
| label: 'Return from reveal jump', |
| keybindings: [monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyMod.Shift | monaco.KeyCode.Enter], |
| contextMenuGroupId: 'navigation', |
| contextMenuOrder: 1.4, |
| precondition: 'hasRevealJumpStackElements', |
| run: _.bind(function () { |
| this.popAndRevealJump(); |
| }, this), |
| }); |
| |
| this.editor.addAction({ |
| id: 'toggleCompileOnChange', |
| label: 'Toggle compile on change', |
| keybindings: [monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyMod.Shift | monaco.KeyCode.Enter], |
| keybindingContext: null, |
| run: _.bind(function () { |
| this.eventHub.emit('modifySettings', { |
| compileOnChange: !this.settings.compileOnChange, |
| }); |
| this.alertSystem |
| .notify('Compile on change has been toggled ' + (this.settings.compileOnChange ? 'ON' : 'OFF'), { |
| group: 'togglecompile', |
| alertClass: this.settings.compileOnChange ? 'notification-on' : 'notification-off', |
| dismissTime: 3000, |
| }); |
| }, this), |
| }); |
| |
| this.editor.addAction({ |
| id: 'toggleColourisation', |
| label: 'Toggle colourisation', |
| keybindings: [monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyMod.Shift | monaco.KeyCode.F1], |
| keybindingContext: null, |
| run: _.bind(function () { |
| this.eventHub.emit('modifySettings', { |
| colouriseAsm: !this.settings.colouriseAsm, |
| }); |
| }, this), |
| }); |
| |
| this.editor.addAction({ |
| id: 'viewasm', |
| label: 'Reveal linked code', |
| keybindings: [monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.F10], |
| keybindingContext: null, |
| contextMenuGroupId: 'navigation', |
| contextMenuOrder: 1.5, |
| run: _.bind(function (ed) { |
| var pos = ed.getPosition(); |
| this.tryPanesLinkLine(pos.lineNumber, pos.column, true); |
| }, this), |
| }); |
| |
| this.isCpp = this.editor.createContextKey('isCpp', true); |
| this.isCpp.set(this.currentLanguage.id === 'c++'); |
| |
| this.editor.addAction({ |
| id: 'cpprefsearch', |
| label: 'Search on Cppreference', |
| keybindings: [monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.F8], |
| keybindingContext: null, |
| contextMenuGroupId: 'help', |
| contextMenuOrder: 1.5, |
| precondition: 'isCpp', |
| run: _.bind(this.searchOnCppreference, this), |
| }); |
| |
| this.editor.addCommand(monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.F9, _.bind(function () { |
| this.editor.getAction('editor.action.formatDocument').run(); |
| }, this)); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.searchOnCppreference = function (ed) { |
| var pos = ed.getPosition(); |
| var word = ed.getModel().getWordAtPosition(pos); |
| if (!word || !word.word) return; |
| var preferredLanguage = this.getPreferredLanguageTag(); |
| // This list comes from the footer of the page |
| var cpprefLangs = ['ar', 'cs', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'tr', 'zh']; |
| // If navigator.languages is supported, we could be a bit more clever and look for a match there too |
| var langTag = 'en'; |
| if (cpprefLangs.indexOf(preferredLanguage) !== -1) { |
| langTag = preferredLanguage; |
| } |
| var url = 'https://' + |
| langTag + |
| '.cppreference.com/mwiki/index.php?search=' + |
| encodeURIComponent(word.word); |
| window.open(url, '_blank', 'noopener'); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.getPreferredLanguageTag = function () { |
| var result = 'en'; |
| var lang = 'en'; |
| if (navigator) { |
| if (navigator.languages && navigator.languages.length) { |
| lang = navigator.languages[0]; |
| } else if (navigator.language) { |
| lang = navigator.language; |
| } |
| } |
| // navigator.language[s] is supposed to return strings, but hey, you never know |
| if (lang !== result && _.isString(lang)) { |
| var primaryLanguageSubtagIdx = lang.indexOf('-'); |
| result = lang.substr(0, primaryLanguageSubtagIdx).toLowerCase(); |
| } |
| return result; |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.doesMatchEditor = function (otherSource) { |
| return otherSource === this.getSource(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.confirmOverwrite = function (yes) { |
| this.alertSystem.ask('Changes were made to the code', |
| 'Changes were made to the code while it was being processed. Overwrite changes?', |
| {yes: yes, no: null}); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.updateSource = function (newSource) { |
| // Create something that looks like an edit operation for the whole text |
| var operation = { |
| range: this.editor.getModel().getFullModelRange(), |
| forceMoveMarkers: true, |
| text: newSource, |
| }; |
| var nullFn = function () { |
| return null; |
| }; |
| var viewState = this.editor.saveViewState(); |
| // Add a undo stop so we don't go back further than expected |
| this.editor.pushUndoStop(); |
| // Apply de edit. Note that we lose cursor position, but I've not found a better alternative yet |
| this.editor.getModel().pushEditOperations(viewState.cursorState, [operation], nullFn); |
| this.numberUsedLines(); |
| |
| if (!this.awaitingInitialResults) { |
| if (this.selection) { |
| /* |
| * this setTimeout is a really crap workaround to fix #2150 |
| * the TL;DR; is that we reach this point *before* GL has laid |
| * out the window, so we have no height |
| * |
| * If we revealLinesInCenter at this point the editor "does the right thing" |
| * and scrolls itself all the way to the line we requested. |
| * |
| * Unfortunately the editor thinks it is very small, so the "center" |
| * is the first line, and when the editor does resize eventually things are off. |
| * |
| * The workaround is to just delay things "long enough" |
| * |
| * This is bad and I feel bad. |
| */ |
| setTimeout(_.bind(function () { |
| this.editor.setSelection(this.selection); |
| this.editor.revealLinesInCenter(this.selection.startLineNumber, |
| this.selection.endLineNumber); |
| }, this), 500); |
| } |
| this.awaitingInitialResults = true; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.formatCurrentText = function () { |
| var previousSource = this.getSource(); |
| var lang = this.currentLanguage; |
| |
| if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(lang, 'formatter')) { |
| return this.alertSystem.notify('This language does not support in-editor formatting' , { |
| group: 'formatting', |
| alertClass: 'notification-error', |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| $.ajax({ |
| type: 'POST', |
| url: window.location.origin + this.httpRoot + 'api/format/' + lang.formatter, |
| dataType: 'json', // Expected |
| contentType: 'application/json', // Sent |
| data: JSON.stringify({ |
| source: previousSource, |
| base: this.settings.formatBase, |
| }), |
| success: _.bind(function (result) { |
| if (result.exit === 0) { |
| if (this.doesMatchEditor(previousSource)) { |
| this.updateSource(result.answer); |
| } else { |
| this.confirmOverwrite(_.bind(function () { |
| this.updateSource(result.answer); |
| }, this), null); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Ops, the formatter itself failed! |
| this.alertSystem.notify('We encountered an error formatting your code: ' + result.answer, { |
| group: 'formatting', |
| alertClass: 'notification-error', |
| }); |
| } |
| }, this), |
| error: _.bind(function (xhr, e_status, error) { |
| // Hopefully we have not exploded! |
| if (xhr.responseText) { |
| try { |
| var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); |
| error = res.answer || error; |
| } catch (e) { |
| // continue regardless of error |
| } |
| } |
| error = error || 'Unknown error'; |
| this.alertSystem.notify('We ran into some issues while formatting your code: ' + error, { |
| group: 'formatting', |
| alertClass: 'notification-error', |
| }); |
| }, this), |
| cache: true, |
| }); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.resize = function () { |
| var topBarHeight = utils.updateAndCalcTopBarHeight(this.domRoot, this.topBar, this.hideable); |
| |
| this.editor.layout({ |
| width: this.domRoot.width(), |
| height: this.domRoot.height() - topBarHeight, |
| }); |
| |
| // Only update the options if needed |
| if (this.settings.wordWrap) { |
| this.editor.updateOptions({ |
| wordWrapColumn: this.editor.getLayoutInfo().viewportColumn, |
| }); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onSettingsChange = function (newSettings) { |
| var before = this.settings; |
| var after = newSettings; |
| this.settings = _.clone(newSettings); |
| |
| this.editor.updateOptions({ |
| autoIndent: this.settings.autoIndent ? 'advanced' : 'none', |
| autoClosingBrackets: this.settings.autoCloseBrackets, |
| useVim: this.settings.useVim, |
| quickSuggestions: this.settings.showQuickSuggestions, |
| contextmenu: this.settings.useCustomContextMenu, |
| minimap: { |
| enabled: this.settings.showMinimap && !options.embedded, |
| }, |
| fontFamily: this.settings.editorsFFont, |
| fontLigatures: this.settings.editorsFLigatures, |
| wordWrap: this.settings.wordWrap ? 'bounded' : 'off', |
| wordWrapColumn: this.editor.getLayoutInfo().viewportColumn, // Ensure the column count is up to date |
| }); |
| |
| // Unconditionally send editor changes. The compiler only compiles when needed |
| this.debouncedEmitChange = _.debounce(_.bind(function () { |
| this.maybeEmitChange(); |
| }, this), after.delayAfterChange); |
| |
| if (before.hoverShowSource && !after.hoverShowSource) { |
| this.onEditorSetDecoration(this.id, -1, false); |
| } |
| |
| if (after.useVim && !before.useVim) { |
| this.enableVim(); |
| } else if (!after.useVim && before.useVim) { |
| this.disableVim(); |
| } |
| |
| if (this.editor.getModel()) { |
| this.editor.getModel().updateOptions({ |
| tabSize: this.settings.tabWidth, |
| insertSpaces: this.settings.useSpaces, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| this.numberUsedLines(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.numberUsedLines = function () { |
| if (_.any(this.busyCompilers)) return; |
| |
| if (!this.settings.colouriseAsm) { |
| this.updateColours([]); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (this.hub.hasTree()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var result = {}; |
| // First, note all lines used. |
| _.each(this.asmByCompiler, _.bind(function (asm, compilerId) { |
| _.each(asm, _.bind(function (asmLine) { |
| var foundInTrees = false; |
| |
| _.each(this.treeCompilers, _.bind(function (compilerIds, treeId) { |
| if (compilerIds[compilerId]) { |
| var tree = this.hub.getTreeById(Number(treeId)); |
| if (tree) { |
| var defaultFile = this.defaultFileByCompiler[compilerId]; |
| foundInTrees = true; |
| |
| if (asmLine.source && asmLine.source.line > 0) { |
| var sourcefilename = asmLine.source.file ? asmLine.source.file : defaultFile; |
| if (this.id === tree.multifileService.getEditorIdByFilename(sourcefilename)) { |
| result[asmLine.source.line - 1] = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| |
| if (!foundInTrees) { |
| if (asmLine.source && |
| (asmLine.source.file === null || asmLine.source.mainsource) && |
| asmLine.source.line > 0) { |
| result[asmLine.source.line - 1] = true; |
| } |
| } |
| }, this)); |
| }, this)); |
| // Now assign an ordinal to each used line. |
| var ordinal = 0; |
| _.each(result, function (v, k) { |
| result[k] = ordinal++; |
| }); |
| |
| this.updateColours(result); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.updateColours = function (colours) { |
| this.colours = colour.applyColours(this.editor, colours, this.settings.colourScheme, this.colours); |
| this.eventHub.emit('colours', this.id, colours, this.settings.colourScheme); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onCompilerOpen = function (compilerId, editorId, treeId) { |
| if (editorId === this.id) { |
| // On any compiler open, rebroadcast our state in case they need to know it. |
| if (this.waitingForLanguage) { |
| var glCompiler = _.find(this.container.layoutManager.root.getComponentsByName('compiler'), function (c) { |
| return c.id === compilerId; |
| }); |
| if (glCompiler) { |
| var selected = _.find(options.compilers, function (compiler) { |
| return compiler.id === glCompiler.originalCompilerId; |
| }); |
| if (selected) { |
| this.changeLanguage(selected.lang); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (treeId > 0) { |
| if (!this.treeCompilers[treeId]) { |
| this.treeCompilers[treeId] = {}; |
| } |
| this.treeCompilers[treeId][compilerId] = true; |
| } |
| this.ourCompilers[compilerId] = true; |
| |
| if (!treeId) { |
| this.maybeEmitChange(true, compilerId); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onTreeCompilerEditorIncludeChange = function (treeId, editorId, compilerId) { |
| if (this.id === editorId) { |
| this.onCompilerOpen(compilerId, editorId, treeId); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onTreeCompilerEditorExcludeChange = function (treeId, editorId, compilerId) { |
| if (this.id === editorId) { |
| this.onCompilerClose(compilerId); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onColoursForEditor = function (editorId, colours, scheme) { |
| if (this.id === editorId) { |
| this.colours = colour.applyColours(this.editor, colours, scheme, this.colours); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onExecutorOpen = function (executorId, editorId) { |
| if (editorId === this.id) { |
| this.maybeEmitChange(true); |
| this.ourExecutors[executorId] = true; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onCompilerClose = function (compilerId, unused, treeId) { |
| if (this.treeCompilers[treeId]) { |
| delete this.treeCompilers[treeId][compilerId]; |
| } |
| |
| if (this.ourCompilers[compilerId]) { |
| monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(this.editor.getModel(), compilerId, []); |
| delete this.widgetsByCompiler[compilerId]; |
| delete this.asmByCompiler[compilerId]; |
| delete this.busyCompilers[compilerId]; |
| delete this.ourCompilers[compilerId]; |
| delete this.defaultFileByCompiler[compilerId]; |
| this.numberUsedLines(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onExecutorClose = function (id) { |
| if (this.ourExecutors[id]) { |
| delete this.ourExecutors[id]; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onCompiling = function (compilerId) { |
| if (!this.ourCompilers[compilerId]) return; |
| this.busyCompilers[compilerId] = true; |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.getAllOutputAndErrors = function (result) { |
| var all = (result.stdout || []); |
| if (result.buildsteps) { |
| _.each(result.buildsteps, function (step) { |
| all = all.concat(step.stdout); |
| }); |
| |
| _.each(result.buildsteps, function (step) { |
| all = all.concat(step.stderr); |
| }); |
| } |
| all = all.concat(result.stderr || []); |
| |
| return all; |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onCompileResponse = function (compilerId, compiler, result) { |
| if (!this.ourCompilers[compilerId]) return; |
| |
| this.busyCompilers[compilerId] = false; |
| var output = this.getAllOutputAndErrors(result); |
| var widgets = _.compact(_.map(output, function (obj) { |
| if (!obj.tag) return; |
| |
| var trees = this.hub.trees; |
| if (trees && trees.length > 0) { |
| if (obj.tag.file) { |
| if (this.id !== trees[0].multifileService.getEditorIdByFilename(obj.tag.file)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (this.id !== trees[0].multifileService.getMainSourceEditorId()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| var severity = 3; // error |
| if (obj.tag.text.match(/^warning/)) severity = 2; |
| if (obj.tag.text.match(/^note/)) severity = 1; |
| var colBegin = 0; |
| var colEnd = Infinity; |
| if (obj.tag.column) { |
| var span = this.getTokenSpan(obj.tag.line, obj.tag.column); |
| colBegin = obj.tag.column; |
| if (span.colEnd === obj.tag.column) colEnd = -1; |
| else colEnd = span.colEnd + 1; |
| } |
| return { |
| severity: severity, |
| message: obj.tag.text, |
| source: compiler.name + ' #' + compilerId, |
| startLineNumber: obj.tag.line, |
| startColumn: colBegin, |
| endLineNumber: obj.tag.line, |
| endColumn: colEnd, |
| }; |
| }, this)); |
| monaco.editor.setModelMarkers(this.editor.getModel(), compilerId, widgets); |
| this.decorations.tags = _.map(widgets, function (tag) { |
| return { |
| range: new monaco.Range(tag.startLineNumber, tag.startColumn, tag.startLineNumber + 1, 1), |
| options: { |
| isWholeLine: false, |
| inlineClassName: 'error-code', |
| }, |
| }; |
| }, this); |
| this.updateDecorations(); |
| |
| if (result.result && result.result.asm) { |
| this.asmByCompiler[compilerId] = result.result.asm; |
| } else { |
| this.asmByCompiler[compilerId] = result.asm; |
| } |
| |
| if (result.inputFilename) { |
| this.defaultFileByCompiler[compilerId] = result.inputFilename; |
| } else { |
| this.defaultFileByCompiler[compilerId] = 'example' + this.currentLanguage.extensions[0]; |
| } |
| |
| this.numberUsedLines(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onSelectLine = function (id, lineNum) { |
| if (Number(id) === this.id) { |
| this.editor.setSelection({line: lineNum - 1, ch: 0}, {line: lineNum, ch: 0}); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Returns a half-segment [a, b) for the token on the line lineNum |
| // that spans across the column. |
| // a - colStart points to the first character of the token |
| // b - colEnd points to the character immediately following the token |
| // e.g.: "this->callableMethod ( x, y );" |
| // ^a ^column ^b |
| Editor.prototype.getTokenSpan = function (lineNum, column) { |
| var model = this.editor.getModel(); |
| if (lineNum <= model.getLineCount()) { |
| var line = model.getLineContent(lineNum); |
| if (0 < column && column < line.length) { |
| var tokens = monaco.editor.tokenize(line, model.getModeId()); |
| if (tokens.length > 0) { |
| var lastOffset = 0; |
| var lastWasString = false; |
| for (var i = 0; i < tokens[0].length; ++i) { |
| // Treat all the contiguous string tokens as one, |
| // For example "hello \" world" is treated as one token |
| // instead of 3 "string.cpp", "string.escape.cpp", "string.cpp" |
| if (tokens[0][i].type.startsWith('string')) { |
| if (lastWasString) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| lastWasString = true; |
| } else { |
| lastWasString = false; |
| } |
| var currentOffset = tokens[0][i].offset; |
| if (column <= currentOffset) { |
| return {colBegin: lastOffset, colEnd: currentOffset}; |
| } else { |
| lastOffset = currentOffset; |
| } |
| } |
| return {colBegin: lastOffset, colEnd: line.length}; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return {colBegin: column, colEnd: column + 1}; |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.pushRevealJump = function () { |
| this.revealJumpStack.push(this.editor.saveViewState()); |
| this.revealJumpStackHasElementsCtxKey.set(true); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.popAndRevealJump = function () { |
| if (this.revealJumpStack.length > 0) { |
| this.editor.restoreViewState(this.revealJumpStack.pop()); |
| this.revealJumpStackHasElementsCtxKey.set(this.revealJumpStack.length > 0); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onEditorLinkLine = function (editorId, lineNum, columnBegin, columnEnd, reveal) { |
| if (Number(editorId) === this.id) { |
| if (reveal && lineNum) { |
| this.pushRevealJump(); |
| this.editor.revealLineInCenter(lineNum); |
| } |
| this.decorations.linkedCode = lineNum === -1 || !lineNum ? [] : [{ |
| range: new monaco.Range(lineNum, 1, lineNum, 1), |
| options: { |
| isWholeLine: true, |
| linesDecorationsClassName: 'linked-code-decoration-margin', |
| className: 'linked-code-decoration-line', |
| }, |
| }]; |
| |
| if (lineNum > 0 && columnBegin !== -1) { |
| var lastTokenSpan = this.getTokenSpan(lineNum, columnEnd); |
| this.decorations.linkedCode.push({ |
| range: new monaco.Range(lineNum, columnBegin, lineNum, lastTokenSpan.colEnd + 1), |
| options: { |
| isWholeLine: false, |
| inlineClassName: 'linked-code-decoration-column', |
| }, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| if (this.fadeTimeoutId !== -1) { |
| clearTimeout(this.fadeTimeoutId); |
| } |
| this.fadeTimeoutId = setTimeout(_.bind(function () { |
| this.clearLinkedLine(); |
| this.fadeTimeoutId = -1; |
| }, this), 5000); |
| |
| this.updateDecorations(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onEditorSetDecoration = function (id, lineNum, reveal) { |
| if (Number(id) === this.id) { |
| if (reveal && lineNum) { |
| this.pushRevealJump(); |
| this.editor.revealLineInCenter(lineNum); |
| } |
| this.decorations.linkedCode = lineNum === -1 || !lineNum ? [] : [{ |
| range: new monaco.Range(lineNum, 1, lineNum, 1), |
| options: { |
| isWholeLine: true, |
| linesDecorationsClassName: 'linked-code-decoration-margin', |
| inlineClassName: 'linked-code-decoration-inline', |
| }, |
| }]; |
| this.updateDecorations(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.updateDecorations = function () { |
| this.prevDecorations = this.editor.deltaDecorations( |
| this.prevDecorations, |
| _.compact(_.flatten(_.values(this.decorations)))); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onConformanceViewOpen = function (editorId) { |
| if (editorId === this.id) { |
| this.conformanceViewerButton.attr('disabled', true); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onConformanceViewClose = function (editorId) { |
| if (editorId === this.id) { |
| this.conformanceViewerButton.attr('disabled', false); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.showLoadSaver = function () { |
| this.loadSaveButton.click(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.initLoadSaver = function () { |
| this.loadSaveButton |
| .off('click') |
| .click(_.bind(function () { |
| loadSave.run(_.bind(function (text, filename) { |
| this.setSource(text); |
| this.setFilename(filename); |
| this.updateState(); |
| this.maybeEmitChange(true); |
| this.requestCompilation(); |
| }, this), this.getSource(), this.currentLanguage); |
| }, this)); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.onLanguageChange = function (newLangId) { |
| if (languages[newLangId]) { |
| if (newLangId !== this.currentLanguage.id) { |
| var oldLangId = this.currentLanguage.id; |
| this.currentLanguage = languages[newLangId]; |
| if (!this.waitingForLanguage && !this.settings.keepSourcesOnLangChange && (newLangId !== 'cmake')) { |
| this.editorSourceByLang[oldLangId] = this.getSource(); |
| this.updateEditorCode(); |
| } |
| this.initLoadSaver(); |
| monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(this.editor.getModel(), this.currentLanguage.monaco); |
| this.isCpp.set(this.currentLanguage.id === 'c++'); |
| this.updateTitle(); |
| this.updateState(); |
| // Broadcast the change to other panels |
| this.eventHub.emit('languageChange', this.id, newLangId); |
| this.maybeEmitChange(true); |
| this.requestCompilation(); |
| ga.proxy('send', { |
| hitType: 'event', |
| eventCategory: 'LanguageChange', |
| eventAction: newLangId, |
| }); |
| } |
| this.waitingForLanguage = false; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.getPaneName = function () { |
| if (this.filename) { |
| return this.filename; |
| } else { |
| return this.currentLanguage.name + ' source #' + this.id; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.setFilename = function (name) { |
| this.filename = name; |
| this.updateTitle(); |
| this.updateState(); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.updateTitle = function () { |
| var name = this.getPaneName(); |
| if (name.endsWith('CMakeLists.txt')) { |
| this.changeLanguage('cmake'); |
| } |
| this.container.setTitle(name); |
| }; |
| |
| // Called every time we change language, so we get the relevant code |
| Editor.prototype.updateEditorCode = function () { |
| this.setSource(this.editorSourceByLang[this.currentLanguage.id] || languages[this.currentLanguage.id].example); |
| }; |
| |
| Editor.prototype.close = function () { |
| this.eventHub.unsubscribe(); |
| this.eventHub.emit('editorClose', this.id); |
| this.editor.dispose(); |
| this.hub.removeEditor(this.id); |
| }; |
| |
| module.exports = { |
| Editor: Editor, |
| }; |