1. adab0ca /noxms uses smaller allocation pools to use memory more efficiently by Mateusz Viste · 7 years ago
  2. cf5d7a5 dosmid doesn't need to know how much memory has been allocated by the memory backend by Mateusz Viste · 10 years ago
  3. 07a7cdc fixed XMS detection (situation when no XMS manager is present, to be exact) by Mateusz Viste · 10 years ago
  4. 0eeb611 reliable 'out of memory' detection by Mateusz Viste · 10 years ago
  5. 9ec9ebd sysex support by Mateusz Viste · 10 years ago
  6. a07de9e memory management is more generic - accepts allocation requests of variable sizes by Mateusz Viste · 10 years ago
  7. be2140e refactored pushevent() actions to use a common insertion mechanism avoiding pulling XMS block to update nextevent pointers (loading MIDI files is 10% faster) by Mateusz Viste · 10 years ago
  8. 8183ccc added MUS handling code (doesn't work yet) by Mateusz Viste · 10 years ago
  9. 05445ce documentation fixes before release by Mateusz Viste · 10 years ago
  10. a4a09cf moved development to trunk by Mateusz Viste · 10 years ago